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Decimal 是一種允許創建和集成基於最流行的IBC標準的去中心化應用程式智能合約token(包括NFT)的blockchain


Decimal 是一種加密貨幣的"構造者"。從新手博主到商業巨頭,任何企業家都可以發行自己的貨幣並在沒有專業技術技能的情況下進行管理。 → 閱讀更多...

Decimal區塊鏈驗證者: CANDY | CRYGAME | DecimalSchool | ELAMBO_UA | Investerium | LEGION | MONKEY CLUB PHUKET | PRIDE | PRIDE Games | Plexus | RRU.ONE | Winwin | X-profit  ● Full list | How to become a DecimalChain validator | Support and grants

Decimal網絡加密貨幣: DEL | DAR | DDAO | BIGBRO | CRYGBOOST | DCSCHOOL | LEGION DOCS | LEGION GAME | MONKEY CLUB | MUSLYMCOIN | POINTPSY | PRIMERY | RRUNION | ZARUBA  ● All Decimal blockchain coins | How to issue your own coin in DecimalChain

應用程式和機器人: Decimal Calculator | Decimal Wallet | Decimal Projects | Decimal Crabs | Decimal Monkeys | Decimal Whales | MintCandybot