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BIGBRO - токен образовательного проекта '''«BIGBRO school»'''
BIGBRO - is the token of the educational  '''BIGBRO school''' project
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[[File:Coins-image_2021-12-15_11_53_08.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]] [[File:Coins-image_2021-12-15_11_53_04.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]]  
'''BIGBRO school''' - школа трейдинга и инвестиций, с элементами геймификации и внутренней токен-экономикой.
'''BIGBRO school''' is a trading and investment school with gamification elements and an internal token economy.
<span id="sozdatel_bigbro_school"></span>
<span id="sozdatel_bigbro_school"></span>
=== Создатель “BIGBRO school” ===
=== Creator of “BIGBRO school" ===
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Создатель “BIGBRO school”, CEO, mentor of trading&amp;investments big_bb_brother:
Создатель “BIGBRO school”, CEO, mentor of trading&amp;investments big_bb_brother:
'''Александр Косолапов'''
"'Alexander Kosolapov'"
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Профессиональный трейдер с 2011 года
Professional trader since 2011
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Эксперт IPO, экс - Freedom Finance
IPO expert, ex - Freedom Finance
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Эксперт pre-IPO, партнёр Mindrock
Pre-IPO Expert, Mindrock Partner
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Управляющий инвестпортфелями
Investment Portfolio Manager
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Управляющий крипто-пулами
Managing Crypto Pools
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Адвайзер криптостартапов
Crypto Startup Adviser
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
co-Founder в 2 стартапах на крипте
co-Founder of 2 crypto startups
<span id="specializacija_bigbro_school"></span>
<span id="specializacija_bigbro_school"></span>
= Специализация BIGBRO school =
= Specialization of BIGBRO school =
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Специализация BIGBRO school - трейдинг: технический анализ и понимание рынка.
BIGBRO school specializes in trading: technical analysis and market understanding.
Обучение разделено на уровни, которые подтверждаются соответствующим NFT-Grade:
The training is divided into levels, which are confirmed by the corresponding NFT-Grade:
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Mentor - высшая квалификация создателя образовательных систем
Mentor - the highest qualification of the creator of educational systems
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Coach - квалификация преподавателя
Coach - teacher qualification
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Junior - пользователь в экосистеме
Junior - user in the ecosystem
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Special - уникальная квалификация в каждом направлении обучения. Пример: Trader - специализация трейдинг
Special is a unique qualification in each field of study. Example: Trader - trading specialization
В процессе обучения ученики зарабатывают токенизированные баллы BROTHER, которые необходимы для получения уровня квалификации.
In the course of training, students earn tokenized BROTHER points, which are necessary to obtain a qualification level.
Исходя из выбранного уровня, студенту доступны теоретические и практические блоки:
Based on the selected level, theoretical and practical blocks are available to the student:
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Junior: база теханализа - 2 недели(2 лекции, 2 ДЗ и тест)
Junior: technical analysis base - 2 weeks (2 lectures, 2 DZ and a test)
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Trader: Junior + понимание рынка, работа с сервисами, биржами, кошельками, риск-менеджмент - 4 недели(4 лекции, 4 ДЗ, 2 теста)
Trader: Junior + understanding the market, working with services, exchanges, wallets, risk management - 4 weeks (4 lectures, 4 DZ, 2 tests)
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Coach: Junior + Trader + практика реальной торговлей - 8 недель(4 лекции, 8 ДЗ, 2 теста, экзамен)
Coach: Junior + Trader + practice real trading - 8 weeks (4 lectures, 8 DZ, 2 tests, exam)
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Mentor: Junior + Trader + Coach + 3 месяца индивидуальной работы - 6 месяцев
Mentor: Junior + Trader + Coach + 3 months of individual work - 6 months
Полученные студентами BROTHER обмениваются на NFT-Grade:
The BROTHER received by the students are exchanged for NFT-Grade:
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Junior = 100 BROTHER
Junior = 100 BROTHER
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Trader(special) = 2500 BROTHER
Trader(special) = 2500 BROTHER
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Coach = 3500 BROTHER
Coach = 3500 BROTHER
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Mentor = 5000 BROTHER
Mentor = 5000 BROTHER
Студенты получают BROTHER за результаты ДЗ, выполнение тестов и сдачу экзаменов. Дополнительно оценивается активность и вовлеченность.
Students get a BROTHER for their homework, completing tests and passing exams. Additionally, activity and engagement are assessed.
Внешний пользователь, купивший и делегирующий свой стейк BROTHER, сможет получить NFT-Grade после прохождения соответствующего обучения.
An external user who has bought and delegated his BROTHER stake will be able to receive an NFT-Grade after passing the appropriate training.
Внутри экосистемы стейк BROTHER открывает доступ:
Inside the ecosystem, the BROTHER stake opens access:
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
100+ BROTHER доступ в канал BB school
100+ BROTHER - access to BB school channel
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
2500+ BROTHER доступ в закрытый чат трейдеров
2500+ BROTHER - access to a closed trader chat
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
3500+ BROTHER приглашение в команду(после обучения)
3500+ BROTHER - invitation to the team (after training)
<span id="parametry_brother"></span>
<span id="parametry_brother"></span>
= Параметры BROTHER =
= BROTHER Parameters =
<div class="level1">
<div class="level1">
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
начальная эмиссия 25000 BROTHER
initial issue 25000 BROTHER
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
максимальная эмиссия 100000 BROTHER
the maximum issue is 100,000 BROTHER
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
CRR 60%
CRR 60%
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
стейк команды - 25%
team stake - 25%
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
75% - органическое распределение в процессе эмиссии
75% - organic distribution during the issue process
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
доход от стейка команды направляется на выкуп BROTHER для распределения между студентами
The income from the team's stake is sent to the BROTHER buyout for distribution among students
<span id="aktualnost"></span>
<span id="aktualnost"></span>
= Актуальность =
= Relevance =
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<div class="level1">
[[File:Coins-image_2021-12-15_11_53_13.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]] [[File:Coins-image_2021-12-15_11_53_22.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]]  
[[File:Coins-image_2021-12-15_11_53_13.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]] [[File:Coins-image_2021-12-15_11_53_22.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]]  
Образование активно переходит в онлайн. Знания теперь используются иначе и потребность в них тоже изменилась. Современному человеку нет необходимости знать и помнить много, достаточно в нужный момент открыть Google.
Education is actively moving to the online format. Knowledge is now used differently and the need for it has also changed. A modern person does not need to know and remember a lot, it is enough to open Google at the right moment.
Технологии создали новые эффективные инструменты для получения информации - знаний. Сейчас человек способен создать свой уникальный набор знаний и умений, профессию и её применение.
Technologies have created new effective tools for obtaining information - knowledge. Now a person is able to create his own unique set of knowledge and skills, profession and its application.
Токенизация развивает и упрощает социально-экономическое взаимодействие пользователей школы.
Tokenization develops and simplifies the socio-economic interaction of school users.
Геймификация повышает эффективность: новые знания используются сразу и увеличивается вовлеченность в процесс обучения.
Gamification increases efficiency: new knowledge is used immediately and involvement in the learning process increases.
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  [[File:Coins-image_2021-12-15_11_53_08.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]] [[File:Coins-image_2021-12-15_11_53_04.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]]  
  [[File:Coins-image_2021-12-15_11_53_08.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]] [[File:Coins-image_2021-12-15_11_53_04.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]]  

Latest revision as of 19:22, 10 July 2022


BIGBRO - is the token of the educational BIGBRO school project

BIGBRO school is a trading and investment school with gamification elements and an internal token economy.

Creator of “BIGBRO school"

Создатель “BIGBRO school”, CEO, mentor of trading&investments big_bb_brother:

"'Alexander Kosolapov'"

  • Professional trader since 2011

  • IPO expert, ex - Freedom Finance

  • Pre-IPO Expert, Mindrock Partner

  • Investment Portfolio Manager

  • Managing Crypto Pools

  • Crypto Startup Adviser

  • co-Founder of 2 crypto startups

Specialization of BIGBRO school

BIGBRO school specializes in trading: technical analysis and market understanding.

The training is divided into levels, which are confirmed by the corresponding NFT-Grade:

  1. Mentor - the highest qualification of the creator of educational systems

  2. Coach - teacher qualification

  3. Junior - user in the ecosystem

  4. Special is a unique qualification in each field of study. Example: Trader - trading specialization

In the course of training, students earn tokenized BROTHER points, which are necessary to obtain a qualification level.

Based on the selected level, theoretical and practical blocks are available to the student:

  • Junior: technical analysis base - 2 weeks (2 lectures, 2 DZ and a test)

  • Trader: Junior + understanding the market, working with services, exchanges, wallets, risk management - 4 weeks (4 lectures, 4 DZ, 2 tests)

  • Coach: Junior + Trader + practice real trading - 8 weeks (4 lectures, 8 DZ, 2 tests, exam)

  • Mentor: Junior + Trader + Coach + 3 months of individual work - 6 months

The BROTHER received by the students are exchanged for NFT-Grade:

  1. Junior = 100 BROTHER

  2. Trader(special) = 2500 BROTHER

  3. Coach = 3500 BROTHER

  4. Mentor = 5000 BROTHER

Students get a BROTHER for their homework, completing tests and passing exams. Additionally, activity and engagement are assessed.

An external user who has bought and delegated his BROTHER stake will be able to receive an NFT-Grade after passing the appropriate training.

Inside the ecosystem, the BROTHER stake opens access:

  1. 100+ BROTHER - access to BB school channel

  2. 2500+ BROTHER - access to a closed trader chat

  3. 3500+ BROTHER - invitation to the team (after training)

BROTHER Parameters

  1. initial issue 25000 BROTHER

  2. the maximum issue is 100,000 BROTHER

  3. CRR 60%

  • team stake - 25%

  • 75% - organic distribution during the issue process

  • The income from the team's stake is sent to the BROTHER buyout for distribution among students


Education is actively moving to the online format. Knowledge is now used differently and the need for it has also changed. A modern person does not need to know and remember a lot, it is enough to open Google at the right moment.

Technologies have created new effective tools for obtaining information - knowledge. Now a person is able to create his own unique set of knowledge and skills, profession and its application.

Tokenization develops and simplifies the socio-economic interaction of school users.

Gamification increases efficiency: new knowledge is used immediately and involvement in the learning process increases.
