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<span id="dcschool"></span>
<span id="dcschool"></span>
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'''DCSCHOOL''' - токен образовательного проекта DecimalSchool.  
'''DCSCHOOL''' is a token of the DecimalSchool educational project.  
'''DecimalSchool''' - это токенизированный образовательный продукт , который совмещает в себе такие элементы как:
'''DecimalSchool''' is a tokenized educational product that combines elements such as:
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Образовательная платформа '''''' на базе конструктора онлайн школ GET COURSE
Educational platform "' "' based on the GET COURSE online school constructor
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Мобильное приложение Chatium для прохождения обучения на GET COURSE с мобильных устройств
Chatium mobile application for training on GET COURSE from mobile devices
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Собственный валидатор DecimalSchool
Own DecimalSchool validator
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Кастомный токен '''DCSCHOOL''' для делегирования и получения скидок
Custom token '''DCSCHOOL''' for delegating and receiving discounts
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Студенческие NFT карточки учеников
NFT Student Cards
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Выпускные NFT дипломы и NFT сертификаты слушателя
Final NFT diplomas and NFT certificates of the listener
В планы команды входит разработка собственной образовательной платформы (мобильного приложения) и создание NFT Маркетплейса в телеграмм боте для продажи студенческих билетов с партнерской программой.
The team's plans include the development of its own educational platform (mobile App) and the creation of an NFT Marketplace in telegram bot for the sale of student tickets with an affiliate program.
<span id="zadachi_tokena_dcschool"></span>
<span id="zadachi_tokena_dcschool"></span>
= Задачи токена DCSCHOOL =
= DCSCHOOL token tasks =
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'''Токен создан для нескольких целей:'''
'''The token was created for several purposes:'''
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Выплата вознаграждений за выполнение домашних заданий
Payment of rewards for homework
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Привлечение делегаторов в валидатор
Attracting delegators
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Cкидка при покупке NFT - студенческих
Discount when buying NFT - student cards
<span id="vyplata_voznagrazhdenija"></span>
<span id="vyplata_voznagrazhdenija"></span>
=== Выплата вознаграждения ===
=== Payment of rewards ===
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Монета DCSCHOOL даётся в виде вознаграждения за проделанную работу, если действующий или потенциальный клиент:
The DCSCHOOL coin is given as a reward for the work done if the current or potential client:
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Купил NFT карту «Профессионал», делегировал ее в валидатор и выполняет задания во время обучения на хорошо и отлично.
Bought an NFT "Professional" card, delegated it to the validator and performs home tasks during training well and perfectly.
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Принял участие в розыгрыше/викторине
Took part in a giveaway/quiz
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Оставил отзыв
Left a review
<span id="privlechenie_delegatorov"></span>
<span id="privlechenie_delegatorov"></span>
=== Привлечение делегаторов ===
=== Attracting delegators ===
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Токен DCSCHOOL создан с CRR 80% и позволяет увеличить цену делегирования за счёт спроса на токен DCSCHOOL.
The DCSCHOOL token was created with a CRR of 80% and allows you to increase the delegation price due to the demand for the DCSCHOOL token.
Если первые ученики купившие монету по дешевой цене разделегируют первые монеты и решат обменять их на DEL, то курс будет достаточно устойчив к падению.
If the first students who bought a coin at a cheap price split the first coins and decide to exchange them for DEL, then the course will be quite resistant to falling.
Команда будет выкупать монеты с прибыли от валидатора, поэтому покупатели токена школы, делегируя его в валидатор DecimalSchool, будут получать плавный рост цены самой монеты, а также рост цены делегирования монеты, что со временем позволит получать все больше монет DEL на свой делегированный стейк в DCSCHOOL.
The team will buy coins with the profit from the validator, so buyers of the school token, delegating it to the DecimalSchool validator, will receive a smooth increase in the price of the coin itself, as well as an increase in the price of delegating the coin. Over time, it will allow them to receive more and more DEL coins for their delegated stake in DCSCHOOL.
Целесообразность покупки токена обеспечивает применение токена DSCHOOL как скидку при покупке NFT студенческих. Полученные DCSCHOOL команда будет делегировать и убирать предложение с рынка.
The expediency of buying a token ensures the use of the DSCHOOL token as a discount when buying student NFT. The received DCSCHOOL will be delegated and removed from the market offer by the team.
<span id="programma_lojalnosti"></span>
<span id="programma_lojalnosti"></span>
= Программа лояльности =
= Loyalty Program =
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Еще одна ценность DCSCHOOL - в ее применении при продажах NFT студенческих билетов.
Another value of DCSCHOOL is in its application in the sale of NFT student tickets.
Рассмотрим условный пример изменений цен за год, при расчёте что мы проводим 3 потока в течение года.
Let's consider a conditional example of price changes for the year, assuming that we conduct 3 flows during the year.
Стоимость NFT студенческого Professional в первом потоке 700 DEL Cтоимость NFT студенческого Professional во втором потоке 1400 DEL Стоимость NFT студенческого Professional в третьем потоке 2800 DEL
The cost of Professional NFT student card in the first stream is 700 DEL. The cost of professional NFT student card in the second stream is 1400 DEL. The cost of Professional NFT student card in the third stream is 2800 DEL
Однако, любой желающий сможет проходить школу по цене прошлого потока. Для этого ему необходимо купить токен DCSCHOOL на сумму 20% от стоимости нового потока + стоимость предыдущего потока в DEL.
However, anyone will be able to attend school at the price of the last stream. To do this, he needs to buy a DCSCHOOL token in the amount of 20% of the cost of the new stream + the cost of the previous stream in DEL.
<span id="texnicheskie_xarakteristiki_dcschool"></span>
<span id="texnicheskie_xarakteristiki_dcschool"></span>
= Технические характеристики DCSCHOOL =
= DCSCHOOL Technical Specifications =
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'''при создании:'''
'''when creating:'''
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Название: DecimalSchool.
Name: DecimalSchool.
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Исходный выпуск —3 800.
The initial issue is 3,800.
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Исходный резерв — 1 000 DEL.
The initial reserve is 1,000 DEL.
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
1 DCSCHOOL= 0.329
1 DCSCHOOL= 0.329
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Максимальная эмиссия — не ограничена.
The maximum issue is not limited.
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Максимальная эмиссия без ограничений
Maximum issue without restrictions
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
CRR - 80%.
CRR - 80%.
'''на момент написания WP'''
'''at the time of writing WP'''
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Общее предложение — 90 614 DCSCHOOL
General offer — 90 614 DCSCHOOL
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Общий резерв — 52 694 (+5 169%)
Total reserve — 52,694 (+5,169%)
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
1 DCSCHOOL= 0.727 DEL (+120%)
1 DCSCHOOL= 0.727 DEL (+120%)
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Делегировано; 88 405 DCSCHOOL
Delegated; 88 405 DCSCHOOL
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Процент в делегировании: 97%
Percentage in delegation: 97%
<span id="vyvod"></span>
<span id="vyvod"></span>
=== Вывод ===
=== Conclusion ===
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Токен DCSCHOOL выгодно покупать как для делегирования так и для оплаты NFT студенческих с выгодной скидкой. C ростом количества делегированных монет будет расти заработок с комиссии валидатора, а значит все большее количество монет DCSCHOOL будет выкупаться командой школы, что обеспечит рост стоимости и цены делегирования DCSCHOOL.
The DCSCHOOL token is profitable to buy both for delegation and for payment of student NFT with a favorable discount. With an increase in the number of delegated coins, earnings from the validator's fee will grow, which means that an increasing number of DCSCHOOL coins will be bought up by the school team, which will ensure an increase in the cost and price of DCSCHOOL delegation.
<span id="validator_decimalschool"></span>
<span id="validator_decimalschool"></span>
= Валидатор DecimalSchool =
= DecimalSchool Validator =
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'''Для полноценной токенизации проекта DecimalSchool был развернут собственный валидатор для:'''  
"'For the full tokenization of the DecimalSchool project, a proprietary validator was deployed for:"'  
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
'''Учёта''' учеников, выпускников и сотрудников за счёт делегирования NFT студенческих и дипломов в валидатор
'''Accounting of"' students, graduates and employees by delegating NFT student and diplomas to the validator
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
'''Создания предложения''' делегирования кастомного токена DCSCHOOL
'''Creating a delegation offer"' of a custom DCSCHOOL token
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
'''Получения прибыли''' с комиссии валидатора в виде 6 % от генерации монет делегаторов
'''Profit''' from the validator's fee in the form of 6% of the generation of delegate coins
'''Для присвоения какого либо статуса в образовательном проекте необходимо:'''
'''To get any status in an educational project, it is necessary:'''
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Купить NFT студенческий
Buy NFT Student Card
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Делегировать NFT студенческий в валидатор DCSCHOOL
Delegate the student's NFT to the DCSCHOOL validator
Если NFT будет отозван из валидатора школа вправе прекратить взаимоотношения с владельцем NFT, так как делегирование или разделегирование карты - это условие начала или окончания взаимоотношения со школой.
If the NFT is withdrawn from the validator, the school has the right to terminate the relationship with the owner of the NFT, since delegating or dividing the card is a condition for the beginning or end of the relationship with the school.
<span id="infrastruktura_validatora"></span>
<span id="infrastruktura_validatora"></span>
=== Инфраструктура валидатора ===
=== Validator Infrastructure ===
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Для обеспечения надёжности валидатора мы используем мощные выделенные серверы в дата-центрах Финляндии и Германии, а также несколько серверов защиты от штрафов.
To ensure the reliability of the validator, we use powerful servers in data centers in Finland and Germany, as well as several penalty protection servers.
Наличие серверов защиты максимально снижает риск получения штрафов нашим валидатором. Как только наш сервер выключается, включается сервер защиты, а наш валидатор продолжает поддерживать сеть.
Protection servers reduces the risk of receiving fines by our validator as much as possible. As soon as our server shuts down, the protection server turns on, and our validator continues to support the network.
Наши серверы обслуживаются и обновляются техническими специалистами, что делает их работу максимально стабильной и комфортной для заработка, а также снижает риск получения штрафа в размере 1% от совокупного стейка.
Our servers are maintained and updated by technical specialists, which makes their work as stable and comfortable as possible for earnings, and also reduces the risk of receiving a fine of 1% of the total steak.
'''До конца исключить штраф невозможно, но мы делаем всё, чтобы делегирование к нам было максимально безопасным.'''
'''It is impossible to exclude a fine until the end, but we are doing everything to make delegation to us as safe as possible.'''
Обслуживанием валидатора DecimalSchool занимается команда DecimalPro. За все время работы с данной командой не было ни одного технического сбоя и нарекания.
The DecimalSchool validator is serviced by the DecimalPro team. Since the cooperation with the team began, there has been not a single technical failure and complaints.
Мы знаем, что DecimalPro безупречно обслуживает более 4-х валидаторов сети Decimal, поэтому доверяем этой команде.
We know that DecimalPro flawlessly serves more than 4 validators of the Decimal network, so we trust this team.
<span id="chto_takoe_decimalschool"></span>
<span id="chto_takoe_decimalschool"></span>
= Что такое DecimalSchool? =
= What is DecimalSchool? =
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'''DecimalSchool''' — это основы блокчейн индустрии и программное обеспечение для тех, кто хочет стартовать быстро и сразу применить знания на практике за достойное вознаграждение.  
"DecimalSchool" is the basics of the blockchain industry and software for those who want to start quickly and immediately put their knowledge into practice for a decent reward.  
'''О DecimalSchool'''
"'About DecimalSchool"'
''Сегодня в блокчейн-индустрии больше дилетантов, чем профессионалов. Именно благодаря этому кто-то зарабатывает баснословные деньги, а кто-то теряет последнее. То, что работало утром – после обеда уже работает против вас. Тренды и стратегии меняются быстрее, чем мы моргаем, а вчерашние иксы превращаются в «У» между двух известных всем букв. '''DecimalSchool''' – это онлайн-курсы для тех, кто хочет разобраться с фундаментом, а не с крышей, слетающей от дуновения твита Илона Маска. Для тех, кто хочет стартовать быстро и без рисков. Здесь ты получишь инструменты и навыки. Здесь все как в школе. Только труд. Зато так быстрее.''
"There are more amateurs than professionals in the blockchain industry today. It is thanks to this that someone earns fabulous money, and someone loses the latter. What worked for you in the morning, already works against you in the afternoon. Trends and strategies change faster than we blink, and yesterday's "X" turn into a "Y". "'DecimalSchool"' provides  an online course for those who want to master the market foundations, and not with the roof flying off because of Elon Musk's tweet. For those who want to start quickly and without risks. Here you will get tools and skills. It's like at school here. Only hard working. But it's faster this way."
<span id="chto_umejut_vypuskniki_decimalschool"></span>
<span id="chto_umejut_vypuskniki_decimalschool"></span>
= Что умеют выпускники DecimalSchool? =
= What skills do DecimalSchool graduates receive? =
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'''''Выпускники успешно закончившие школу:'''''
'''Graduates who have successfully graduated from school:'''
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
'''понимают''' основы технического устройства блокчейнов
'''understand''' the technical basics of blockchains
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
'''знают''' основы рынка криптовалют и трейдинга
'''know''' the basics of the cryptocurrency market and trading
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
'''уверенно пользуются''' всем функционалом блокчейн-платформы DecimalChain
'''confidently use''' all the features of the DecimalChain blockchain platform
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
'''умеют''' разворачивать собственные ноды в блокчейн сети
they are able to deploy their own nodes on the blockchain network
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
'''умеют''' создавать все виды токенов, в том числе NFT
'''know''' how to create all kinds of tokens, including NFT
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
'''умеют''' токенизировать бизнес и сопровождать предпринимателей от идеи до реализации.
"they are able to tokenize business and accompany entrepreneurs from idea to implementation.
<span id="komanda_decimalschool"></span>
<span id="komanda_decimalschool"></span>
= Команда DecimalSchool =
= DecimalSchool team =
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'''Рената Димова''' - организатор и идейных вдохновитель образовательного проекта. PR - менеджер DecimalChian, консультант по токенизации предприятий, спикер.
"Renata Dimova" is the organizer and ideological inspirer of the educational project. DecimalChian PR manager, tokenization consultant, speaker.
'''Константин Медведев''' - руководитель DecimalSchool, автор учебной программы DecimalSchool, консультант по токенизации предприятий, совладелец 3-х валидаторов сети DecimalChain, создатель пяти кастомных токенов на блокчейне DecimalChain, ведущий преподаватель DecimalSchool.
'''Konstantin Medvedev''' is the head of DecimalSchool, author of the DecimalSchool curriculum, consultant on tokenization of enterprises, co-owner of 3 validators of the DecimalChain network, creator of five custom tokens on the DecimalChain blockchain, leading teacher of DecimalSchool.
'''Максим Брюнеткин''' - организатор DecimalSchool, PR - менедже DecimalChain, лидер мнений блокчейн-комьюнити, IT-проповедник, совладелец валидатора DecimalSchool, создатель кастомного токена на блокчейне DecimalChain, спикер, преподаватель DecimalSchool.
'''Maxim Brunetkin''' - one of DecimalSchool founders, PR manager of DecimalChain, opinion leader of the blockchain community, IT preacher, co-owner of the DecimalSchool validator, creator of a custom token on the DecimalChain blockchain, speaker, teacher of DecimalSchool.
'''Олег Андержанов''' - технический руководитель DecimalSchool, ответственный за работу YouTube канала, техническое сопровождение и проведение вебинаров в ZOOM, ответственный за загрузку записей на образовательную платформу.
'''Oleg Anderzhanov"' is the technical head of DecimalSchool, responsible for the operation of the YouTube channel, technical support and webinars on ZOOM, responsible for uploading recordings to the educational platform.
'''Константин Пономарев''' - руководитель отдела видеоконтента, специалист по созданию инструкций и сопроводительных материалов школы, специалист по направлениям работы школы, создатель кастомного токена на блокчейне DecimalChain, администратор и технический специалист «Spacebot академии».
'''Konstantin Ponomarev"' is the head of the video content department, a specialist in creating instructions and accompanying materials of the school, a specialist in the school's areas of work, the creator of a custom token on the DecimalChain blockchain, an administrator and a technical specialist of the Spacebot Academy.
<span id="cennosti_decimalschool"></span>
<span id="cennosti_decimalschool"></span>
= Ценности DecimalSchool =
= DecimalSchool Values =
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'''Простота и доступность.'''
'''Simplicity and accessibility.'''
Продукт должен быть простым, но не быть поверхностным, при этом он должен быть доступным как финансово, так и интеллектуально.
The product should be simple, but not superficial, while it should be accessible both financially and intellectually.
Информация должна быть наглядной. Каждый слайд в уроках наполнен схемами, метафорами и рисунками, что позволяет сделать слайды запоминающимися и простыми для восприятия.
The information should be visual. Each slide in the lessons is filled with diagrams, metaphors and drawings, which makes the slides memorable and easy to understand.
Продукт должен приносить пользу как ресурсную (давать знания и уверенность), так и финансовую (повышать компетенции и стоимость на рынке труда). Выпускники выходят из стен онлайн школы с собственными презентациями, видеоинструкциями по каждой функции блокчейна и концептом токенизированного проекта.
The product should bring both resource benefits (give knowledge and confidence) and financial benefits (increase competencies and value in the labor market). Graduates come out of the online school with their own presentations, video instructions on each function of the blockchain and the full concept of a tokenized project.
'''Личное сопровождение.'''
"'Personal tutor."'
Ученик на соответствующих статусах (профессионал) покупает не курс, а результат, который будет достигаться благодаря работе наставника. Если уроков не хватает для достижения результата, то наставник контактирует лично и добивается понимания материала любым доступным для себя способом.
A student with the appropriate statuses (professional) does not buy a course, but a result that will be achieved thanks to the work of a mentor. If there are not enough lessons to achieve a result, then the mentor contacts personally and seeks to understand the material in any way available to himself.
'''Оплата труда.'''
'''Remuneration of labor.'''
Абсолютно каждый, кто вносит вклад в развитие школы должен получать за это вознаграждение, которое будет закладываться в бюджет каждого потока.
Absolutely everyone who contributes to the development of the school should receive remuneration for this, which will be included in the budget of each stream.
Для создания лояльности необходимо строго следовать всем принципам, описаным выше. Таким образом мы получим профессиональных, а значит - благодарных учеников, которые будут с удовольствием рекомендовать обучение в нашей школе.
To create loyalty, it is necessary to strictly follow all the principles described above. This way we will get professional, and therefore grateful students who will be happy to recommend studying at our school.
<span id="format_i_programma_obuchenija"></span>
<span id="format_i_programma_obuchenija"></span>
= Формат и программа обучения =
= Training form and program =
<div class="level1">
<div class="level1">
Обучение проходит потоками и предусмотренному в нескольких вариациях:
The training takes place in streams and is provided in several variations:
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Плановый набор в DecimalSchool
Planned enrollment in DecimalSchool
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Корпоративный заказ
Corporate order
<span id="planovyj_nabor_v_decimalschool"></span>
<span id="planovyj_nabor_v_decimalschool"></span>
=== Плановый набор в DecimalSchool ===
=== Scheduled enrollment in DecimalSchool ===
<div class="level3">
<div class="level3">
Базовый формат обучения, в котором набирается группа на утверждённую программу. Определяется количество мест в потоке, создаются NFT карты и происходит запуск продаж.
The basic training format in which a group is recruited for an approved program. The number of places in the flow is determined, NFT maps are created and sales are launched.
Один поток рассчитан примерно на 3 месяца обучения от зачисления до выпуска
One stream lasts for about 3 months of study from enrollment to graduation
Максимальное количество потоков в год: 3
Maximum number of streams per year: 3
<span id="korporativnyj_zakaz"></span>
<span id="korporativnyj_zakaz"></span>
=== Корпоративный заказ ===
=== Corporate order ===
<div class="level3">
<div class="level3">
Дополнительный формат обучения, который позволяет собрать программу под нужды заказчика.
An additional training format that allows you to assemble a program for the needs of the customer.
Сроков для программ нет, так как каждая программа составляется индивидуально Цена определяется индивидуально в зависимости от нагрузки.
There are no deadlines for programs, since each program is compiled individually, the price is determined individually depending on the load.
Максимальное количество потоков в год: 6-12
Maximum number of streams per year: 6-12
<span id="roli_v_decimalschool"></span>
<span id="roli_v_decimalschool"></span>
= Роли в DecimalSchool =
= Roles in DecimalSchool =
<div class="level1">
<div class="level1">
В школе существует 6 статусов, которые могут быть присвоены через NFT токен
There are 6 statuses in the school that can be assigned via an NFT token
'''Blockchain Teacher (преподаватель)'''
'''Blockchain Teacher'''
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Член команды DecimalSchool в обязанности которого входит проведение вебинаров и приём заданий.
A member of the DecimalSchool team whose responsibilities include conducting webinars and accepting assignments.
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Получение данного статуса возможно после прохождения стажировки в команде DecimalSchool
Obtaining this status is possible after completing an internship in the DecimalSchool team
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Для активации статуса необходимо делегировать NFT валидатор школы
To activate the status, you must delegate the school's NFT validator
'''Specialist (Специалист)'''
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Член команды DecimalSchool в обязанности которого входит выполнение задач по направлениям.
A member of the DecimalSchool team whose responsibilities include performing tasks in the following areas.
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Получение данного статуса возможно после прохождения стажировки в команде DecimalSchool
Obtaining this status is possible after completing an internship in the DecimalSchool team
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Для активации статуса необходимо делегировать NFT в валидатор школы
To activate the status, you must delegate the NFT to the school validator
'''Improver (Стажёр)'''
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Член команды DecimalSchool в обязанности которого входит выполнение разного рода операционных задач.
A member of the DecimalSchool team whose responsibilities include performing various operational tasks.
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Получение данного статуса возможно после получения диплома об окончании школы
Obtaining this status is possible after receiving a graduation diploma
'''Professional (Профессионал)'''
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Студент школы на личном сопровождении.
A student of the school has a mentor.
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Благодаря наличию NFT токена в делегировании имеет право посещать плановые занятия, воркшопы и смотреть записи занятий
Due to the presence of the NFT token in delegation, he has the right to attend scheduled classes, workshops and watch recordings of classes
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Для профессионалов предусмотрено вознаграждение в виде кастомных токенов DSCHOOL за оценки 4 и 5, а также за выполнение дополнительных заданий
For professionals, there is a reward in the form of custom DSCHOOL tokens for grades 4 and 5, as well as for completing additional tasks
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Профессионалы могут стать стажерами после сдачи итоговых экзаменов
Professionals can become interns after passing the final exams
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Статус присваивается после покупки NFT карты «Профессионал» и делегирования ее в валидатор DecimalSchool, после чего студент зачисляется в учебную группу
The status is assigned after the purchase of the "Professional" NFT card and delegating it to the DecimalSchool validator, after which the student is enrolled in the study group
'''Researcher (Исследователь)'''
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Студент школы,который имеет право выполнять 1 задание к каждому занятию и получать обратную связь 1 раз
A student of the school who has the right to complete 1 task for each lesson and receive feedback 1 time
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Благодаря наличию NFT токена в делегировании имеет право посещать плановые занятия и смотреть записи занятий
Due to the presence of the NFT token in delegation , he has the right to attend scheduled classes and watch recordings of classes
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Исследователи имеют право получить сертификат о посещении занятий при условии, что были выполнены все задания в школе
Researchers have the right to receive a certificate of attendance, provided that all tasks at the school have been completed
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Статус присваивается после покупки NFT карты «Исследователь» и делегирования ее в валидатор DecimalSchool, после чего студент зачисляется в учебную группу
The status is assigned after the purchase of the "Researcher" NFT card and delegating it to the DecimalSchool validator, after which the student is enrolled in the study group
'''Beginner (Новичок)'''
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Студент школы с NFT-студенческим билетом делегированным в валидатор DecimalSchool имеет право посещать плановые занятия и смотреть записи занятий
A student of a school with an NFT student card delegated to the DecimalSchool validator has the right to attend scheduled classes and watch class recordings
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Статус присваивается после покупки NFT карты «Новичок» и делегирования ее в валидатор DecimalSchool, после чего студент зачисляется в учебную группу
The status is assigned after the purchase of the "Novice" NFT card and delegating it to the DecimalSchool validator, after which the student is enrolled in the study group
'''Observer (Наблюдатель)'''
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Любой человек может смотреть занятий на YouTube канале без возможности задавать вопросы
Anyone can watch classes on the YouTube channel without the opportunity to ask questions
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Записи доступны в течение суток на YouTube канале DecimalSchool
Recordings are available during the day on the DecimalSchool YouTube channel
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
NFT студенческий '''''не предусмотрен'''''
NFT student card '''not provided'''
<span id="ehkzamen_i_attestacionnye_trebovanija"></span>
<span id="ehkzamen_i_attestacionnye_trebovanija"></span>
= Экзамен и аттестационные требования =
= Examination and certification requirements =
<div class="level1">
<div class="level1">
Для учеников школы в статусе «Профессионал» предусмотрен аттестационный экзамен из трёх ступеней:
For students of the school with the status of "Professional", a certification exam of three stages is provided:
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
'''Сдача всех заданий и выполнение итогового письменного задания'''
'''Passing all assignments and completing the final written assignment'''
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
'''Проведение презентации по технической части школы''' (блокчейн) '''и демонстрация выполнения упражнения''' (пользование функционалом)
'''Conducting a presentation on the technical part of the school ''' (blockchain) ''' and demonstrating the exercise''' (using the functionality)
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
'''Защита концепта токенизированного проекта (в группах)'''
"'Protection of the tokenized project concept (in groups)"'
Защита презентации проходит в определённые дни и каждый студент проводит презентацию на 10-15 минут
Presentation defense takes place on certain days and each student conducts a presentation for 10-15 minutes
Защита токенизированного проекта проходит в определённые дни в группах
The protection of a tokenized project takes place on certain days in groups
Возможность сдать экзамен даётся 2 раза: первый раз в оплаченном потоке и второй раз в следующем.
The opportunity to pass the exam is given 2 times: the first time in the paid stream and the second time in the next.
Если студент «Профессионал» сдаёт все задания, но не сдаёт презентацию или не справляется с защитой проекта токенизации, то он получает сертификат участника потока вместо диплома об окончании школы.
If a "Professional" student passes all the tasks, but does not pass the presentation or does not cope with the protection of the tokenization project, then he receives a certificate of a stream participant instead of a graduation diploma.
После завершения двух потоков (ориентировочно 6 месяцев) обратная связь по заданиям и возможность сдачи экзамена для студента закрывается и откроется только в случае, оплаты 50% стоимости нового потока (студент зачисляется в новую группу).
After the completion of two streams (approximately 6 months), feedback on assignments and the possibility of passing the exam for the student is closed and will open only if 50% of the cost of the new stream is paid (the student is enrolled in a new group).
<span id="dokumenty_ob_okonchanii_shkoly"></span>
<span id="dokumenty_ob_okonchanii_shkoly"></span>
= Документы об окончании школы =
= Graduation papers =
<div class="level1">
<div class="level1">
Для выпускников школы предусмотрены два типа документов, которые мы выдаём в виде NFT токена: [[File:Coins-image_2021-11-21_13_18_03.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]] [[File:Coins-image_2021-11-21_13_18_06.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]]  
There are two types of documents provided for school graduates, which we issue in the form of an NFT token:
[[File:Coins-image_2021-11-21_13_18_03.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]] [[File:Coins-image_2021-11-21_13_18_06.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]]  
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Диплом об окончании курсов
Diploma on the completion of the course
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Сертификат об участии
Certificate of participation
Выдача документов предусмотрена только для '''«Профессионалов»''' и '''«Исследователей»''' . Ученики в статусе '''«Новичок»''' не получают документов о посещении/окончании школы.
The issuance of documents is provided only for "'"Professionals""' and "'"Researchers""' . Students with the status of "'"Beginner""' do not receive documents about attending /graduating from school.
<span id="partnerskaja_programma"></span>
<span id="partnerskaja_programma"></span>
= Партнерская программа =
= Affiliate Program =
<div class="level1">
<div class="level1">
В DS предусмотрена возможность получать партнёрские вознаграждения с продаж NFT карт.
DS provides an opportunity to receive partner rewards from sales of NFT cards.
Мы знаем силу партнёрских программ и хотим создать финансовую мотивацию рекомендовать наш продукт.
We know the power of affiliate programs and want to create financial motivation to recommend our product.
'''Партнёрские выплаты в размере 10 % от стоимости NFT студенческих.'''
'''Affiliate payments in the amount of 10% of the cost of NFT student.'''
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
1 уровень - 6%
Level 1 - 6%
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
2 уровень - 3%
Level 2 - 3%
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Награда разработчикам DS MARKET - 1%
DS MARKET Developers Award - 1%
Во следующем потоке планируется продажа студенческих через маркетплейс BIT TEAM. Далее мы планируем продавать NFT студенческие через собственный NFT-маркет в телеграмм.
In the next stream, it is planned to sell student loans through the BIT TEAM marketplace. Next, we want to sell student NFT through our own NFT market in Telegram.
<span id="oficialnye_resursy"></span>
<span id="oficialnye_resursy"></span>
= Официальные ресурсы =
= Official resources =
<div class="level1">
<div class="level1">
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Сайт школы - в разработке
The school's website is under development
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Ютуб канал -
Youtube channel -
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Официальный канал в телеграмм -
The official channel in telegram -
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Образовательная площадка - в разработке
Educational platform - in development
<span id="ehkonomika_proekta"></span>
<span id="ehkonomika_proekta"></span>
= Экономика проекта =
= Project Economics =
<div class="level1">
<div class="level1">
Проект получился полностью самоокупаемый за счёт успешного старта продаж NFT студенческих на лояльное комьюнити и механики делегирования в блокчейне DecimalChain.
The project turned out to be completely self-supporting due to the successful start of sales of NFT student loans to a loyal community and delegation mechanics in the DecimalChain blockchain.
<span id="pribyl_proekta_v_pervom_potoke"></span>
<span id="pribyl_proekta_v_pervom_potoke"></span>
=== Прибыль проекта в первом потоке ===
=== Project profit in the first stream ===
<div class="level3">
<div class="level3">
'''Было продано:'''
33 NFT студенческих '''«профессионал»''' по '''700 DEL''' (минус 100 DEL резерв студенческого NFT билет на кошелёк студента и минус 100 DEL резерв на диплом/сертификат выпускнику. Итого чистая прибыль - 500 DEL с продажи одного студенческого)
33 NFT student "'"professional""' by "'700 DEL"' (minus 100 DEL reserve student NFT ticket to the student's wallet and minus 100 DEL reserve diploma / certificate graduate. Total net profit - 500 DEL from the sale of one student)
10 NFT студенческих '''«исследователь»''' по '''500 DEL''' (минус 100 DEL резерв студенческого NFT билет на кошелёк студента и минус 100 DEL резерв на диплом/сертификат выпускнику. Итого чистая прибыль - 300 DEL с продажи одного студенческого)
10 NFT student "'"researcher""' by "'500 DEL"' (minus 100 DEL reserve student NFT ticket to the student's wallet and minus 100 DEL reserve for diploma/certificate graduate. Total net profit - 300 DEL from the sale of one student)
51 NFT студенческих новичок по '''200 DEL''' (минус 100 DEL резерв студенческого NFT билет на кошелёк студента)
51 NFT student newcomers by "'200 DEL"' (minus 100 DEL reserve student NFT ticket to student wallet)
<span id="itogovaja_pribyl"></span>
<span id="itogovaja_pribyl"></span>
=== Итоговая прибыль ===
=== Total profit ===
<div class="level3">
<div class="level3">
'''«Профессионалы» 1 поток''' - 32х500 = 16 000 DEL
'''Professionals" 1 stream''' - 32x500 = 16,000 DEL
'''«Исследователи» 1 поток''' - 10х300 = 3 000 DEL
'''Researchers" 1 stream''' - 10x300 = 3,000 DEL
'''«Новички» 1 поток:''' 51х100 = 5 100 DEL
'''Beginners" 1 stream:''' 51x100 = 5,100 DEL
'''Итоговый баланс на кошельке после продаж составил: 28 400 DEL'''
'''The final balance on the wallet after sales was: 28,400 DEL'''
<span id="rasxody"></span>
<span id="rasxody"></span>
=== Расходы ===
=== Expenses ===
<div class="level3">
<div class="level3">
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Оплата дизайна NFT карт и уроков на GETCOURSE от Станислава Дасюкевича 2230 DEL
Payment for the design of NFT cards and lessons on GETCOURSE by Stanislav Dasyukevich 2230 DEL
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Выпуск токена DCSCHOOL: 1 100 DEL
DCSCHOOL Token Issue: 1 100 DEL
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Поднятие Валидатора (1 000 долларов)
Raising the Validator ($1,000)
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Оплата домена и 3 месяца работы GET COURSЕ
Domain payment and 3 months of GET COURSEWORK
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Выкуп токена DCSCHOOL: 1 900 DEL
DCSCHOOL Token Redemption: 1,900 DEL
<span id="itogo"></span>
<span id="itogo"></span>
=== ИТОГО ===
=== TOTAL ===
<div class="level3">
<div class="level3">
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Доход - 28 400 DEL
Income - 28,400 DEL
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Расход - 5 230 DEL
Expenses - 5,230 DEL
<span id="raspredelenie_pribyli"></span>
<span id="raspredelenie_pribyli"></span>
= Распределение прибыли =
= Profit distribution =
<div class="level1">
<div class="level1">
Прибыль с продаж студенческих (вместе с монетами на резерв дипломов и сертификатов) за вычетом расходов была делегирована в валидатор Monkey Club Phuket в виде токенов Monkey Club в размере: 23 120 DEL
The profit from student sales (together with coins for the reserve of diplomas and certificates), minus expenses, was delegated to the Monkey Club Phuket validator in the form of Monkey Club tokens in the amount of: 23,120 DEL
Также была делегирована первая эмиссия токена DCSCHOOL в валидатор DecimalSchool в размере: 3800 DCSCHOOL (1000 DEL) + был делегирован первый «баунти» бюджет в размере 3 352 DCSCHOOL (1800 DEL)
The first issue of the DCSCHOOL token was also delegated to the DecimalSchool validator in the amount of: 3800 DCSCHOOL (1000 DEL) + the first "bounty" budget in the amount of 3,352 DCSCHOOL (1800 DEL) was delegated
Так как стоимость DCSCHOOL выросла более чем в два раза мы получили дополнительную прибыль в делегировании кастомных токенов.
Since the cost of DCSCHOOL has more than doubled, we have gained additional profit in delegating custom tokens.
За 1 месяц работы валидатора мы заработали 259 DEL с комиссии и делегировали их валидатор DCSCHOOL
For 1 month of the validator's work, we earned 259 DEL from the fee and delegated them to the DCSCHOOL validator
<span id="poluchenie_dopolnitelnoj_pribyli"></span>
<span id="poluchenie_dopolnitelnoj_pribyli"></span>
= Получение дополнительной прибыли =
= Getting additional profit =
<div class="level1">
<div class="level1">
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Благодаря механике делегирования в первый месяц мы заработали 2 227 DEL
Thanks to the delegation mechanics, we earned 2,227 DEL in the first month
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Благодаря выпуску и пиару кастомного токена, за счёт его выкупа и делегирования в валидатор школы мы смогли полностью покрыть расходы на запуск школы (дизайн + геткурс) и оплатить второй месяц работы валидатора в размере 1 144 DEL
Thanks to the release and PR of a custom token, due to its redemption and delegation to the school validator, we were able to fully cover the costs of launching the school (design + getcourse) and pay for the second month of the validator's work in the amount of 1,144 DEL
<span id="stati_postojannogo_rasxoda_v_proekte"></span>
<span id="stati_postojannogo_rasxoda_v_proekte"></span>
= Статьи постоянного расхода в проекте =
= Constant expense items in the project =
<div class="level1">
<div class="level1">
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Оплата валидатора 300$
Validator payment 300$
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Услуги специалистов (Дизайнер/программисты(Сайты и т.д))
Specialist services (Designer/programmers (Websites, etc.))
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Оплата преподавателям (Постоянные/приглашённые/стажеры)
Payment to teachers (Permanent/Invited/interns)
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Оплата площадки GETCOURSE (Доступ по абонентской плате)
Payment for the GETCOURSE platform (Access by subscription fee)
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Выплата вознаграждения за задания группе профессионалов: расчет по факту выполнения заданий (общий бюджет на первый поток: 1900 DEL)
Payment of remuneration for tasks to a group of professionals: calculation upon completion of tasks (total budget for the first stream: 1900 DEL)
<span id="ozhidaemye_rasxody_na_razvitie_proekta"></span>
<span id="ozhidaemye_rasxody_na_razvitie_proekta"></span>
= Ожидаемые расходы на развитие проекта =
= Expected project development costs =
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NFT маркет в телеграмм «DS MARKET» - 5500 $ на стадии MVP
NFT market on telegram "DS MARKET" - $5500 at the MVP stage
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<li><div class="li">
Создание вебкалькулятора DSCalc - 120$/час
Creating a DSCalc webcalculator - $120/hour
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Создание дизайна сайта DecimalSchool - бюджет неизвестен
Creating a DecimalSchool website design - budget unknown
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Создание макета для верстки сайта DecimalSchool - от 1500 до 10 000 рублей
Creating a layout of the DecimalSchool website - from 1500 to 10,000 rubles
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<li><div class="li">
Верстка сайта DecimalSchool и интеграция DSCalc сайт школы - 120$/Час
Layout of the DecimalSchool website and integration of the DSCalc school website - $120/Hour
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<li><div class="li">
Мобильное приложение школы - от 50 до 150 000 рублей
The school's mobile app - from 50 to 150,000 rubles
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<li><div class="li">
Зарплата привлеченным специалистам/преподавателям/стажерам/отделу продаж и т.д - бюджет неизвестен
Salary of the involved specialists/teachers/trainees/sales department, etc. - budget unknown
<span id="raspredelenie_pribyli_ot_sledujuschix_potokov"></span>
<span id="raspredelenie_pribyli_ot_sledujuschix_potokov"></span>
= Распределение прибыли от следующих потоков =
= Distribution of profits from the following flows =
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Все собранные средства делегируются в валидатор DCSCHOOL и с них команда DecimalSchool получает ежедневный доход. Все монеты, полученные с продаж NFT студенческих не идут в рынок и являются активом, который даёт возможность команде зарабатывать ежедневно.
All the collected funds are delegated to the DCSCHOOL validator and the DecimalSchool team receives daily income from them. All coins received from the sales of NFT student's do not go to the market and are an asset that allows the team to earn daily.
Средства вырученные с комиссий валидатора DecimalSchool будут делиться 50/50 (до 50% комиссий тратится на выкуп токена школы, который будет делегироваться в валидатор школы. Остальные монеты будут распределяться по факту между членами команды)
The profit from the fees of the DecimalSchool validator will be divided 50/50 (up to 50% of the fees are spent on the buying up the school token, which will be delegated to the school validator. The remaining coins will be distributed in fact among the team members)
<span id="otkaz_ot_ispolnenija_objazatelstv"></span>
<span id="otkaz_ot_ispolnenija_objazatelstv"></span>
= Отказ от исполнения обязательств =
= Refusal to fulfill obligations =
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Взаимодействие с учениками и членами команды DecimalSchool происходит согласно условиям, заявленным при продаже карты
Interaction with students and members of the DecimalSchool team takes place according to the conditions stated when selling the card
Если условия взаимодействия в будущем меняются, то об этом будет сообщено заранее.
If the terms of interaction change in the future, this will be notified in advance.
'''Школа имеет право мгновенно отменить свои обязательства перед учеником или членом команды в одностороннем порядке в случае если:'''
'''The school has the right to immediately cancel its obligations to a student or a team member unilaterally if:'''
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Ученик проявляет агрессию, обесценивает или совершает другие попытки манипуляции членами команды DS или студентами
The student shows aggression, devalues or makes other attempts to manipulate members of the DS team or students
<li><div class="li">
<li><div class="li">
Ученик или член команды в личных сообщениях или чатах, рекрутирует в какой-либо проект прямо или косвенно
A student or a team member in private messages or chats, recruits into a project directly or indirectly
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<li><div class="li">
Ученик или член команды разделегировал NFT подтверждающий его статус в школе
A student or a team member has shared an NFT confirming his status at the school
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Стажер или преподаватель неоднократно не справился с выполненными задачами, в результате чего школа понесла финансовый или репутационный ущерб
The trainee or teacher repeatedly failed to complete the tasks, and as a result, the school suffered financial or reputational damage
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<li><div class="li">
Ученик рассылает ссылки на вход в закрытый зум (из закрытых чатов) без уведомления об этом преподавателя
The student sends out links to the entrance to the closed zoom (from closed chats) without notifying the teacher about it
При расторжении обязательств (одностороннем или обоюдном) все условия в карте перестают действовать даже если NFT карта делегирована в валидатор.
Upon termination of obligations (unilateral or mutual), all conditions in the card cease to apply even if the NFT card is delegated to the validator.
ред. [[commoninfo:renatadimova|Рената Димова]]
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[[File:Coins-image_2021-11-21_13_18_03.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]] [[File:Coins-image_2021-11-21_13_18_06.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]]

Latest revision as of 19:26, 10 July 2022


DCSCHOOL is a token of the DecimalSchool educational project.

DecimalSchool is a tokenized educational product that combines elements such as:

  1. Educational platform "' "' based on the GET COURSE online school constructor

  2. Chatium mobile application for training on GET COURSE from mobile devices

  3. Own DecimalSchool validator

  4. Custom token DCSCHOOL for delegating and receiving discounts

  5. NFT Student Cards

  6. Final NFT diplomas and NFT certificates of the listener

The team's plans include the development of its own educational platform (mobile App) and the creation of an NFT Marketplace in telegram bot for the sale of student tickets with an affiliate program.

DCSCHOOL token tasks

The token was created for several purposes:

  • Payment of rewards for homework

  • Attracting delegators

  • Discount when buying NFT - student cards

Payment of rewards

The DCSCHOOL coin is given as a reward for the work done if the current or potential client:

  1. Bought an NFT "Professional" card, delegated it to the validator and performs home tasks during training well and perfectly.

  2. Took part in a giveaway/quiz

  3. Left a review

Attracting delegators

The DCSCHOOL token was created with a CRR of 80% and allows you to increase the delegation price due to the demand for the DCSCHOOL token.

If the first students who bought a coin at a cheap price split the first coins and decide to exchange them for DEL, then the course will be quite resistant to falling.

The team will buy coins with the profit from the validator, so buyers of the school token, delegating it to the DecimalSchool validator, will receive a smooth increase in the price of the coin itself, as well as an increase in the price of delegating the coin. Over time, it will allow them to receive more and more DEL coins for their delegated stake in DCSCHOOL.

The expediency of buying a token ensures the use of the DSCHOOL token as a discount when buying student NFT. The received DCSCHOOL will be delegated and removed from the market offer by the team.

Loyalty Program

Another value of DCSCHOOL is in its application in the sale of NFT student tickets.

Let's consider a conditional example of price changes for the year, assuming that we conduct 3 flows during the year.

The cost of Professional NFT student card in the first stream is 700 DEL. The cost of professional NFT student card in the second stream is 1400 DEL. The cost of Professional NFT student card in the third stream is 2800 DEL

However, anyone will be able to attend school at the price of the last stream. To do this, he needs to buy a DCSCHOOL token in the amount of 20% of the cost of the new stream + the cost of the previous stream in DEL.

DCSCHOOL Technical Specifications

when creating:

  • Name: DecimalSchool.

  • Ticker: DCSCHOOL.

  • The initial issue is 3,800.

  • The initial reserve is 1,000 DEL.

  • 1 DCSCHOOL= 0.329

  • The maximum issue is not limited.

  • Maximum issue without restrictions

  • CRR - 80%.

at the time of writing WP

  • General offer — 90 614 DCSCHOOL

  • Total reserve — 52,694 (+5,169%)

  • 1 DCSCHOOL= 0.727 DEL (+120%)

  • Delegated; 88 405 DCSCHOOL

  • Percentage in delegation: 97%


The DCSCHOOL token is profitable to buy both for delegation and for payment of student NFT with a favorable discount. With an increase in the number of delegated coins, earnings from the validator's fee will grow, which means that an increasing number of DCSCHOOL coins will be bought up by the school team, which will ensure an increase in the cost and price of DCSCHOOL delegation.

DecimalSchool Validator

"'For the full tokenization of the DecimalSchool project, a proprietary validator was deployed for:"'

  • Accounting of"' students, graduates and employees by delegating NFT student and diplomas to the validator

  • Creating a delegation offer"' of a custom DCSCHOOL token

  • Profit from the validator's fee in the form of 6% of the generation of delegate coins

To get any status in an educational project, it is necessary:

  • Buy NFT Student Card

  • Delegate the student's NFT to the DCSCHOOL validator

If the NFT is withdrawn from the validator, the school has the right to terminate the relationship with the owner of the NFT, since delegating or dividing the card is a condition for the beginning or end of the relationship with the school.

Validator Infrastructure

To ensure the reliability of the validator, we use powerful servers in data centers in Finland and Germany, as well as several penalty protection servers.

Protection servers reduces the risk of receiving fines by our validator as much as possible. As soon as our server shuts down, the protection server turns on, and our validator continues to support the network.

Our servers are maintained and updated by technical specialists, which makes their work as stable and comfortable as possible for earnings, and also reduces the risk of receiving a fine of 1% of the total steak.

It is impossible to exclude a fine until the end, but we are doing everything to make delegation to us as safe as possible.

The DecimalSchool validator is serviced by the DecimalPro team. Since the cooperation with the team began, there has been not a single technical failure and complaints.

We know that DecimalPro flawlessly serves more than 4 validators of the Decimal network, so we trust this team.

What is DecimalSchool?

"DecimalSchool" is the basics of the blockchain industry and software for those who want to start quickly and immediately put their knowledge into practice for a decent reward.

"'About DecimalSchool"'

"There are more amateurs than professionals in the blockchain industry today. It is thanks to this that someone earns fabulous money, and someone loses the latter. What worked for you in the morning, already works against you in the afternoon. Trends and strategies change faster than we blink, and yesterday's "X" turn into a "Y". "'DecimalSchool"' provides an online course for those who want to master the market foundations, and not with the roof flying off because of Elon Musk's tweet. For those who want to start quickly and without risks. Here you will get tools and skills. It's like at school here. Only hard working. But it's faster this way."

What skills do DecimalSchool graduates receive?

Graduates who have successfully graduated from school:

  • understand the technical basics of blockchains

  • know the basics of the cryptocurrency market and trading

  • confidently use all the features of the DecimalChain blockchain platform

  • they are able to deploy their own nodes on the blockchain network

  • know how to create all kinds of tokens, including NFT

  • "they are able to tokenize business and accompany entrepreneurs from idea to implementation.

DecimalSchool team

"Renata Dimova" is the organizer and ideological inspirer of the educational project. DecimalChian PR manager, tokenization consultant, speaker.

Konstantin Medvedev is the head of DecimalSchool, author of the DecimalSchool curriculum, consultant on tokenization of enterprises, co-owner of 3 validators of the DecimalChain network, creator of five custom tokens on the DecimalChain blockchain, leading teacher of DecimalSchool.

Maxim Brunetkin - one of DecimalSchool founders, PR manager of DecimalChain, opinion leader of the blockchain community, IT preacher, co-owner of the DecimalSchool validator, creator of a custom token on the DecimalChain blockchain, speaker, teacher of DecimalSchool.

Oleg Anderzhanov"' is the technical head of DecimalSchool, responsible for the operation of the YouTube channel, technical support and webinars on ZOOM, responsible for uploading recordings to the educational platform.

Konstantin Ponomarev"' is the head of the video content department, a specialist in creating instructions and accompanying materials of the school, a specialist in the school's areas of work, the creator of a custom token on the DecimalChain blockchain, an administrator and a technical specialist of the Spacebot Academy.

DecimalSchool Values

Simplicity and accessibility.

The product should be simple, but not superficial, while it should be accessible both financially and intellectually.


The information should be visual. Each slide in the lessons is filled with diagrams, metaphors and drawings, which makes the slides memorable and easy to understand.


The product should bring both resource benefits (give knowledge and confidence) and financial benefits (increase competencies and value in the labor market). Graduates come out of the online school with their own presentations, video instructions on each function of the blockchain and the full concept of a tokenized project.

"'Personal tutor."'

A student with the appropriate statuses (professional) does not buy a course, but a result that will be achieved thanks to the work of a mentor. If there are not enough lessons to achieve a result, then the mentor contacts personally and seeks to understand the material in any way available to himself.

Remuneration of labor.

Absolutely everyone who contributes to the development of the school should receive remuneration for this, which will be included in the budget of each stream.


To create loyalty, it is necessary to strictly follow all the principles described above. This way we will get professional, and therefore grateful students who will be happy to recommend studying at our school.

Training form and program

The training takes place in streams and is provided in several variations:

  1. Planned enrollment in DecimalSchool

  2. Corporate order

Scheduled enrollment in DecimalSchool

The basic training format in which a group is recruited for an approved program. The number of places in the flow is determined, NFT maps are created and sales are launched.

One stream lasts for about 3 months of study from enrollment to graduation

Maximum number of streams per year: 3

Corporate order

An additional training format that allows you to assemble a program for the needs of the customer.

There are no deadlines for programs, since each program is compiled individually, the price is determined individually depending on the load.

Maximum number of streams per year: 6-12

Roles in DecimalSchool

There are 6 statuses in the school that can be assigned via an NFT token

Blockchain Teacher

  • A member of the DecimalSchool team whose responsibilities include conducting webinars and accepting assignments.

  • Obtaining this status is possible after completing an internship in the DecimalSchool team

  • To activate the status, you must delegate the school's NFT validator


  • A member of the DecimalSchool team whose responsibilities include performing tasks in the following areas.

  • Obtaining this status is possible after completing an internship in the DecimalSchool team

  • To activate the status, you must delegate the NFT to the school validator


  • A member of the DecimalSchool team whose responsibilities include performing various operational tasks.

  • Obtaining this status is possible after receiving a graduation diploma


  • A student of the school has a mentor.

  • Due to the presence of the NFT token in delegation, he has the right to attend scheduled classes, workshops and watch recordings of classes

  • For professionals, there is a reward in the form of custom DSCHOOL tokens for grades 4 and 5, as well as for completing additional tasks

  • Professionals can become interns after passing the final exams

  • The status is assigned after the purchase of the "Professional" NFT card and delegating it to the DecimalSchool validator, after which the student is enrolled in the study group


  • A student of the school who has the right to complete 1 task for each lesson and receive feedback 1 time

  • Due to the presence of the NFT token in delegation , he has the right to attend scheduled classes and watch recordings of classes

  • Researchers have the right to receive a certificate of attendance, provided that all tasks at the school have been completed

  • The status is assigned after the purchase of the "Researcher" NFT card and delegating it to the DecimalSchool validator, after which the student is enrolled in the study group


  • A student of a school with an NFT student card delegated to the DecimalSchool validator has the right to attend scheduled classes and watch class recordings

  • The status is assigned after the purchase of the "Novice" NFT card and delegating it to the DecimalSchool validator, after which the student is enrolled in the study group


  • Anyone can watch classes on the YouTube channel without the opportunity to ask questions

  • Recordings are available during the day on the DecimalSchool YouTube channel

  • NFT student card not provided

Examination and certification requirements

For students of the school with the status of "Professional", a certification exam of three stages is provided:

  1. Passing all assignments and completing the final written assignment

  2. Conducting a presentation on the technical part of the school (blockchain) and demonstrating the exercise (using the functionality)

  3. "'Protection of the tokenized project concept (in groups)"'

Presentation defense takes place on certain days and each student conducts a presentation for 10-15 minutes

The protection of a tokenized project takes place on certain days in groups

The opportunity to pass the exam is given 2 times: the first time in the paid stream and the second time in the next.

If a "Professional" student passes all the tasks, but does not pass the presentation or does not cope with the protection of the tokenization project, then he receives a certificate of a stream participant instead of a graduation diploma.

After the completion of two streams (approximately 6 months), feedback on assignments and the possibility of passing the exam for the student is closed and will open only if 50% of the cost of the new stream is paid (the student is enrolled in a new group).

Graduation papers

There are two types of documents provided for school graduates, which we issue in the form of an NFT token:

  1. Diploma on the completion of the course

  2. Certificate of participation

The issuance of documents is provided only for "'"Professionals""' and "'"Researchers""' . Students with the status of "'"Beginner""' do not receive documents about attending /graduating from school.

Affiliate Program

DS provides an opportunity to receive partner rewards from sales of NFT cards.

We know the power of affiliate programs and want to create financial motivation to recommend our product.

Affiliate payments in the amount of 10% of the cost of NFT student.

  • Level 1 - 6%

  • Level 2 - 3%

  • DS MARKET Developers Award - 1%

In the next stream, it is planned to sell student loans through the BIT TEAM marketplace. Next, we want to sell student NFT through our own NFT market in Telegram.

Official resources

Project Economics

The project turned out to be completely self-supporting due to the successful start of sales of NFT student loans to a loyal community and delegation mechanics in the DecimalChain blockchain.

Project profit in the first stream


33 NFT student "'"professional""' by "'700 DEL"' (minus 100 DEL reserve student NFT ticket to the student's wallet and minus 100 DEL reserve diploma / certificate graduate. Total net profit - 500 DEL from the sale of one student)

10 NFT student "'"researcher""' by "'500 DEL"' (minus 100 DEL reserve student NFT ticket to the student's wallet and minus 100 DEL reserve for diploma/certificate graduate. Total net profit - 300 DEL from the sale of one student)

51 NFT student newcomers by "'200 DEL"' (minus 100 DEL reserve student NFT ticket to student wallet)

Total profit

Professionals" 1 stream - 32x500 = 16,000 DEL

Researchers" 1 stream - 10x300 = 3,000 DEL

Beginners" 1 stream: 51x100 = 5,100 DEL

The final balance on the wallet after sales was: 28,400 DEL


  • Payment for the design of NFT cards and lessons on GETCOURSE by Stanislav Dasyukevich 2230 DEL

  • DCSCHOOL Token Issue: 1 100 DEL

  • Raising the Validator ($1,000)

  • Domain payment and 3 months of GET COURSEWORK

  • DCSCHOOL Token Redemption: 1,900 DEL


  • Income - 28,400 DEL

  • Expenses - 5,230 DEL

Profit distribution

The profit from student sales (together with coins for the reserve of diplomas and certificates), minus expenses, was delegated to the Monkey Club Phuket validator in the form of Monkey Club tokens in the amount of: 23,120 DEL

The first issue of the DCSCHOOL token was also delegated to the DecimalSchool validator in the amount of: 3800 DCSCHOOL (1000 DEL) + the first "bounty" budget in the amount of 3,352 DCSCHOOL (1800 DEL) was delegated

Since the cost of DCSCHOOL has more than doubled, we have gained additional profit in delegating custom tokens.

For 1 month of the validator's work, we earned 259 DEL from the fee and delegated them to the DCSCHOOL validator

Getting additional profit

  • Thanks to the delegation mechanics, we earned 2,227 DEL in the first month

  • Thanks to the release and PR of a custom token, due to its redemption and delegation to the school validator, we were able to fully cover the costs of launching the school (design + getcourse) and pay for the second month of the validator's work in the amount of 1,144 DEL

Constant expense items in the project

  • Validator payment 300$

  • Specialist services (Designer/programmers (Websites, etc.))

  • Payment to teachers (Permanent/Invited/interns)

  • Payment for the GETCOURSE platform (Access by subscription fee)

  • Payment of remuneration for tasks to a group of professionals: calculation upon completion of tasks (total budget for the first stream: 1900 DEL)

Expected project development costs

  • NFT market on telegram "DS MARKET" - $5500 at the MVP stage

  • Creating a DSCalc webcalculator - $120/hour

  • Creating a DecimalSchool website design - budget unknown

  • Creating a layout of the DecimalSchool website - from 1500 to 10,000 rubles

  • Layout of the DecimalSchool website and integration of the DSCalc school website - $120/Hour

  • The school's mobile app - from 50 to 150,000 rubles

  • Salary of the involved specialists/teachers/trainees/sales department, etc. - budget unknown

Distribution of profits from the following flows

All the collected funds are delegated to the DCSCHOOL validator and the DecimalSchool team receives daily income from them. All coins received from the sales of NFT student's do not go to the market and are an asset that allows the team to earn daily.

The profit from the fees of the DecimalSchool validator will be divided 50/50 (up to 50% of the fees are spent on the buying up the school token, which will be delegated to the school validator. The remaining coins will be distributed in fact among the team members)

Refusal to fulfill obligations

Interaction with students and members of the DecimalSchool team takes place according to the conditions stated when selling the card

If the terms of interaction change in the future, this will be notified in advance.

The school has the right to immediately cancel its obligations to a student or a team member unilaterally if:

  • The student shows aggression, devalues or makes other attempts to manipulate members of the DS team or students

  • A student or a team member in private messages or chats, recruits into a project directly or indirectly

  • A student or a team member has shared an NFT confirming his status at the school

  • The trainee or teacher repeatedly failed to complete the tasks, and as a result, the school suffered financial or reputational damage

  • The student sends out links to the entrance to the closed zoom (from closed chats) without notifying the teacher about it

Upon termination of obligations (unilateral or mutual), all conditions in the card cease to apply even if the NFT card is delegated to the validator.
