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'''ZARUBA''' is an internal unit of 'ZARUBA' company
'''ZARUBA''' - это внутренняя единица компании '''ЗАРУБА'''
"ZARUBA" is a company actively developing in the field of NFT games. ZARUBA issues unique cards of real fighters digitized into NFT tokens by purchasing which you get the RIGHT to receive a reward in tokens for all the fights of your fighter.
'''ЗАРУБА''' - это компания активно развивающаяся в сфере NFT-игр. ЗАРУБА выпускает уникальные карточки реальных бойцов оцифрованные в NFT-токены приобретая которые вы получаете ПРАВО на получение вознаграждения в токенах за все бои вашего бойца.
'''Presentation of the company'''
'''Презентация компании'''
Information channel in telegram - [ @go_zaruba]
Информационный канал в телеграм - [ @go_zaruba]
<span id="ehkonomicheskaja_sostavljajuschaja_v_tokene_zaruba"></span>
<span id="ehkonomicheskaja_sostavljajuschaja_v_tokene_zaruba"></span>
= Экономическая составляющая в токене ZARUBA =
= The economic component in the ZARUBA token =
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'''Название токена''' - ZARUBA (6 символов)
'''Token name''' - ZARUBA (6 characters)
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'''Дата создания''' - 21 октября 2021 год
'''Date of creation''' - October 21, 2021
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'''Начальная эмиссия токена''' - 1000 ZARUBA
'''Initial token issue''' - 1000 ZARUBA
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'''Конечная эмиссия токена''' - 50 000 ZARUBA
'''The final issue of the token''' is 50,000 ZARUBA
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'''Начальный резерв токена''' - 1000 DEL
'''Initial token reserve''' - 1000 DEL
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'''Параметр CRR''' - 85% (подкрепление токена монетой DEL)
'''CRR parameter''' - 85% (token reinforcement with DEL coin)
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'''Начальная цена 1 токена ZARUBA''' - 1.1 DEL
'''Initial price of 1 ZARUBA token''' - 1.1 DEL
'''Дополнительный выпуск токенов:''' возможен.
'''Additional token issue:''' is possible.
<span id="mexanizm_vypuska_dopolnitelnoj_ehmissii"></span>
<span id="mexanizm_vypuska_dopolnitelnoj_ehmissii"></span>
= Механизм выпуска дополнительной эмиссии =
= Mechanism for additional issues =
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'''Механизм выпуска доп. эмиссии следующий:'''
'''The mechanism of the additional issue as follows:'''
1. После того как вся эмиссия токенов будет выпущена произойдёт оповещение в телеграм канале '''[ @go_zaruba]'''
1. After the entire token issue is produced, a notification will be sent to the telegram channel "'[ @go_zaruba]"'
2. Далее будет проведено голосование в телеграм канале с целью узнать мнение аудитории. Существует два варианта голосования: '''выпуск дополнительной эмиссии''' или '''отложить на 30 дней''' . Для утверждения голосования необходимо собрать 60% голосов. Длительность голосования 7 дней.
2. Next, a vote will be held in the telegram channel in order to find out the opinion of the audience. There are two voting options: "'issue of additional issue'" or "'postpone for 30 days'". To approve the vote, 60% of the votes must be collected. The voting duration is 7 days.
3. Дополнительный выпуск всегда идёт в количестве '''10 000 ZARUB'''
3. An additional issue always comes in the amount of '''10,000 ZARUBAs'''
4. Нельзя делать доп выпуск чаще чем '''раз в 30 дней.'''
4. You can not do an additional issue more often than '''once every 30 days.'''
<span id="rost_tokena_zaruba"></span>
<span id="rost_tokena_zaruba"></span>
= Рост токена ZARUBA =
= ZARUBA token Growth =
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'''Благодаря чему токен ZARUBA растет в цене?'''
'''Why is the ZARUBA token growing in price?'''
1. За счёт реализации уникальных карточек бойцов (NFT-токенов) происходит аккумулирование актива DEL, который используются на откуп токена ZARUBA.
1. Due to the implementation of unique cards of fighters (NFT tokens), the DEL asset is accumulated, which are used to pay off the ZARUBA token.
2. Полученные токены ZARUBA отправляются в «валидатор» на пожизненное делегирование. Данный механизм навсегда изымает токены ZARUBA из рынка, тем самым фиксируя цену. Чем больше продано NFT, тем больше откуп ZARUBA и в следствии выше цена за токен.
2. The issued ZARUBA tokens are sent to the "validator" for lifetime delegation. This mechanism permanently removes ZARUBA tokens from the market, thereby fixing the price. The more NFT is sold, the more ZARUBA is paid off and, as a result, the higher the price for the token.
3. Токены ZARUBA находятся в «валидаторе» и ежедневно приносят прибыль в монетах DEL. Полученные DEL обменивается на токены ZARUBA. Что способствует постоянному откупу токенов и стабильному росту.
3. ZARUBA tokens are located in the "validator" and generate daily profit in DEL coins. The received funds are exchanged for ZARUBA tokens. Which contributes to the constant purchase of tokens and stable growth.
<span id="kak_izvlech_vygodu_iz_tokena_zaruba"></span>
<span id="kak_izvlech_vygodu_iz_tokena_zaruba"></span>
= Как извлечь выгоду из токена ZARUBA? =
= How to benefit from the ZARUBA token? =
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Участники проекта ЗАРУБА после проведения боев получают вознаграждения в токенах ZARUBA.
The participants of the ZARUBA project receive rewards in ZARUBA tokens after the fights.
Любой желающий может приобрести ZARUBA с помощью конвертации в кошельке DecimalWallet или Decimal console по ссылке
Anyone can purchase ZARUBA by converting in a DecimalWallet or Decimal console wallet by following the link
1. Токены можно хранить на кошельке ожидая роста цены с последующей продажей.
1. Tokens can be stored on a wallet waiting for the price to rise with subsequent sale.
2. Отправить в валидатор и получать ежесуточные начисления в монете DEL.
2. Send to the validator and receive daily accruals in the DEL coin.
3. Начать спекулировать на цене токена в самом блокчейн Decimalchain через раздел «конвертация»
3. Start speculating on the price of the token in the Decimalchain blockchain itself through the "conversion" section
Максим купил 1000 токенов ZARUBA за 1300 DEL и отправил (делегировал) в валидатор. Средняя цена покупки вышла 1.3 DEL за 1 ZARUBA.
Maxim bought 1000 ZARUBA tokens for 1300 DEL and sent (delegated) to the validator. The average purchase price came out 1.3 DEL for 1 ZARUBA.
Раз токены ZARUBA подкреплены (резерв) 1300 DEL, то начисление будет идти от этой суммы DEL.
Once the ZARUBA tokens are backed up (reserve) by 1300 DEL, then the accrual will go from this amount of DEL.
Представим, что спустя месяц цена токена выросла до 1.7 DEL за 1 ZARUBA Кол-во ZARUBA в валидатор осталось прежним, а вот их подкрепление(резерв) уже 1700 DEL и начисление будет идти уже от этой суммы, и доходность будет выше.
Imagine that a month later the price of the token increased to 1.7 DEL for 1 ZARUBA, the number of ZARUBA in the validator remained the same, but their reinforcement (reserve) is already 1700 DEL and the accrual will go from this amount, and the yield will be higher.
<span id="statistika_tokena_zaruba_za_21_den"></span>
<span id="statistika_tokena_zaruba_za_21_den"></span>
= Статистика токена ZARUBA за 21 день =
= ZARUBA token statistics for 21 days =
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Latest revision as of 05:54, 11 July 2022


ZARUBA is an internal unit of 'ZARUBA' company

"ZARUBA" is a company actively developing in the field of NFT games. ZARUBA issues unique cards of real fighters digitized into NFT tokens by purchasing which you get the RIGHT to receive a reward in tokens for all the fights of your fighter.

Presentation of the company

Information channel in telegram - @go_zaruba

The economic component in the ZARUBA token

  • Token name - ZARUBA (6 characters)

  • Date of creation - October 21, 2021

  • Initial token issue - 1000 ZARUBA

  • The final issue of the token is 50,000 ZARUBA

  • Initial token reserve - 1000 DEL

  • CRR parameter - 85% (token reinforcement with DEL coin)

  • Initial price of 1 ZARUBA token - 1.1 DEL

Additional token issue: is possible.

Mechanism for additional issues

The mechanism of the additional issue as follows:

1. After the entire token issue is produced, a notification will be sent to the telegram channel "'@go_zaruba"'

2. Next, a vote will be held in the telegram channel in order to find out the opinion of the audience. There are two voting options: "'issue of additional issue'" or "'postpone for 30 days'". To approve the vote, 60% of the votes must be collected. The voting duration is 7 days.

3. An additional issue always comes in the amount of 10,000 ZARUBAs

4. You can not do an additional issue more often than once every 30 days.

ZARUBA token Growth

Why is the ZARUBA token growing in price?

1. Due to the implementation of unique cards of fighters (NFT tokens), the DEL asset is accumulated, which are used to pay off the ZARUBA token.

2. The issued ZARUBA tokens are sent to the "validator" for lifetime delegation. This mechanism permanently removes ZARUBA tokens from the market, thereby fixing the price. The more NFT is sold, the more ZARUBA is paid off and, as a result, the higher the price for the token.

3. ZARUBA tokens are located in the "validator" and generate daily profit in DEL coins. The received funds are exchanged for ZARUBA tokens. Which contributes to the constant purchase of tokens and stable growth.

How to benefit from the ZARUBA token?

The participants of the ZARUBA project receive rewards in ZARUBA tokens after the fights.

Anyone can purchase ZARUBA by converting in a DecimalWallet or Decimal console wallet by following the link

1. Tokens can be stored on a wallet waiting for the price to rise with subsequent sale.

2. Send to the validator and receive daily accruals in the DEL coin.

3. Start speculating on the price of the token in the Decimalchain blockchain itself through the "conversion" section


Maxim bought 1000 ZARUBA tokens for 1300 DEL and sent (delegated) to the validator. The average purchase price came out 1.3 DEL for 1 ZARUBA.

Once the ZARUBA tokens are backed up (reserve) by 1300 DEL, then the accrual will go from this amount of DEL.

Imagine that a month later the price of the token increased to 1.7 DEL for 1 ZARUBA, the number of ZARUBA in the validator remained the same, but their reinforcement (reserve) is already 1700 DEL and the accrual will go from this amount, and the yield will be higher.

ZARUBA token statistics for 21 days
