Instruction:How to connect Decimal in ETH

How to connect Decimal in ETH

1. Go to the Decimal console by following the link and click on the Dashboard section.
2. Click on the MetaMask button:

3. On the page, click on the Import on Existing Wallet button:

4. Choose to accept or decline usage data collection:

5. Select I have a 24-word phrase from the drop-down menu:

6. Enter the seed phrase of your Decimal wallet through which you wish to carry out cross-chain transactions:

7. Confirm the recovery phrase:

8. Create a password for your MetaMask wallet.

a. Enter the password twice that you will use to access your MetaMask wallet.
b. Check on the box that you understand that the password cannot be recovered.
c. Click Import my wallet.

9. Wallet created. Click on Got it!:

10. MetaMask automatically connects to the Ethereum Mainnet network:

11. Check that the address of the Ethereum contract in MetaMask coincides with the address of the contract in Decimal. For this - look at the wallet address in MetaMask:

And in the Decimal console, go to the Cross-chain swap section, select the ETH blockchain, and check against the Binance wallet address in Decimal:

If the contract addresses match, then your wallet is ready for cross-chain transactions.
Top up the Decimal wallet with DEL and the MetaMask wallet with ETH to complete the transaction, as the fee is deducted from both blockchains at once.

If the wallet address does not match, then you used different seed phrases in Decimal and in Metamask. Start using the instructions from step 1.