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Валидатор ELAMBO_UA сети DecimalChain создан как дополнение программы лояльности для бизнеса. Идея создания валидатора для использования в собственном бизнесе пришла летом 2021 года, после знакомства с блокчейном DecimalChain.  
The ELAMBO_UA validator of the DecimalChain network was created as an addition to the loyalty program for business. The idea of creating a validator for use in your own business came in the summer of 2021, after getting acquainted with the DecimalChain blockchain.  
Наш бизнес занимается сдачей в краткосрочную аренду электротранспорта (электросамокатов, сигвеев, электроскутеров, электрокартингов и детских электромашинок. За счет небольшого оборота и легкости в пользовании сетью, наш валидатор стал базой для начала знакомства с блокчейном, а так же для популяризации сети DecimalChain.
Our business is engaged in the short-term rental of electric vehicles (electric scooters, segways, electric scooters, electric carts and children's electric cars. Due to the small turnover and ease of using the network, our validator has become the basis for getting acquainted with the blockchain, as well as for popularizing the DecimalChain network.
Вместе с тем, использование валидатора в качестве дополнения к программе лояльности возможно в любой сфере (магазины, HORECA, сфера услуг, крафтовый маленький бизнес и другое). СВЕДЕНИЯ О ВАЛИДАТОРЕ
At the same time, the use of the validator as an addition to the loyalty program is possible in any field (shops, HORECA, services, small craft business, etc.). VALIDATOR`S DATA
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Название: ELAMBO_UA
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Адрес: dxvaloper1xzq595hf5mcrrv0es9c72tg0zyj6dx6xnzgdzm
Address: dxvaloper1xzq595hf5mcrrv0es9c72tg0zyj6dx6xnzgdzm
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Стэйк: 4,287,249 DEL
Stake: 4,287,249 DEL
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Комиссия: 6%.
Fee: 6%.
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Ссылка на наш проект в инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/elambo_ua/
Instagram link to our project: https://www.instagram.com/elambo_ua/
Валидатор ELAMBO_UA был создан 15 августа 2021 года. В процессе разработки идеи и первого месяца ее отработки нами было привлечено около 100 человек, который установили кошельки Decimal Wallet и получили наши монеты в качестве баллов лояльности. На сегодня количество таких клиентов около 300 человек.
The ELAMBO_UA validator was created on August 15, 2021. During the development of the idea and the first month of its development, we attracted about 100 people who installed Decimal Wallet wallets and received our coins as loyalty points. Today, the number of such clients is about 300 people.
<span id="infrastruktura_i_obsluzhivanie_validatora"></span>
<span id="infrastruktura_i_obsluzhivanie_validatora"></span>
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Команда валидатора ELAMBO_UA использовала услуги команды DecimalPro для запуска, настройки и технического обслуживания валидатора.
The ELAMBO_UA validator team used the services of the DecimalPro team to launch, configure, and maintain the validator.
Наша инфраструктура состоит из основного сервера валидатора, резервного сервера и 4 серверов защиты, которые находятся в Германии, Финляндии и США
Our infrastructure consists of a main validator server, a backup server and 4 protection servers located in Germany, Finland and the USA
Такая инфраструктура позволяет валидатору стабильно работать и выдерживать нагрузку
This infrastructure allows the validator to work stably and withstand the load
<span id="process_raboty"></span>
<span id="process_raboty"></span>
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'''Мы используем универсальную методику, которая позволит максимально просто для бизнеса реализовать ее, а потребителю разобраться, стать постоянным пользователем и увеличить свою лояльность к бренду. Оно состоит из следующих этапов:'''
'''We use a universal methodology that will make it as easy as possible for business to implement it, and for the consumer to understand, become a regular user and increase their loyalty to the brand. It consists of the following stages:'''
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В вашем бизнесе есть постоянный клиент, который хочет стать участником программы лояльности. Он совершает у вас покупку товара или услуги.
There is a regular customer in your business who wants to become a member of the loyalty program. He makes a purchase of a product or service from you.
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Представитель бизнеса предлагает клиенту установить на свой смартфон приложение Decimal Wallet, где нужно зарегистрироваться и создать собственный кошелек (счет) для накопления баллов (монет).
A business representative offers the client to install the Decimal Wallet application on his smartphone, where you need to register and create your own wallet (account) to accumulate points (coins).
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Клиент в кошельке нажимает кнопку «получить», показывает QR-код представителю бизнеса, который сканирует его и переводит баллы клиенту.
The client clicks the "get" button in the wallet, shows the QR code to the business representative, who scans it and transfers the points to the client.
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Клиент получает баллы на свой счет и может использовать их не только в данном бизнесе, но и у партнеров программы лояльности. Количество баллов на счету можно проверить в любой момент в приложении Decimal Wallet или в обозревателе.
The client receives points to his account and can use them not only in this business, but also with the partners of the loyalty program. The number of points on the account can be checked at any time in the Decimal Wallet application or in the browser.
В нашем случае система была адаптирована к бизнесу по сдачи в аренде электротранспорта. То есть при получении баллов клиентами им было известно, что один балл = 1 UAH (гривна). Вы можете придумать собственный курс, или же начислять разное количество баллов в зависимости от вида товаров или услуг.
In our case, the system has been adapted to the business of renting out electric vehicles. That is, when clients received points, they knew that one point = 1 UAH. You can come up with your own course, or accrue a different number of points depending on the type of goods or services.
Обычно отправкой баллов занимается человек, который обслуживает клиента. Но можно использовать и другой метод, на случай если кто-то из персонала занят.
Usually, the person who serves the client is responsible for sending the points. But you can use another method, in case someone from the staff is busy.
Для примера ответственный за программу лояльности человек будет совершать отправку баллов в определённое время каждый день за следующей методикой:
For example, the person responsible for the loyalty program will send points at a certain time every day using the following method:
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В телеграм чат, сотрудники пишут данные заказа, где указывают сумму покупки.
In the telegram chat, employees write the order data, where they indicate the purchase amount.
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Если клиент согласился установить и предоставить кошелек, тогда под данными заказа, моношрифтом пишем кошелек клиента.
If the client has agreed to install and provide a wallet, then under the order data, we write the client's wallet with a monoshift.
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Ответственный за программу лояльности персонал рассылает балы мультисендом в конце дня.
The staff responsible for the loyalty program sends out multisend balls at the end of the day.
<span id="raspredelenie_ballov_mezhdu_biznesami"></span>
<span id="raspredelenie_ballov_mezhdu_biznesami"></span>
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Всю эмиссию созданной монеты, мы перечисляем на кошелек с мультиподписью, тоесть отправка монет из такого кошелька, возможна только тогда, когда транзакцию подписало несколько человек (количество людей будет меняться со временем подключения новых бизнесов в программу).
We transfer the entire issue of the created coin to a multi-signature wallet, that is, sending coins from such a wallet is possible only when several people have signed the transaction (the number of people will change with the time of connecting new businesses to the program).
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На кошельки бизнеса, мы отправляем определенное количество монет из кошелька с мультиподписью, в зависимости от потребности.
To business wallets, we send a certain number of coins from a multi-signature wallet, depending on the need.
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После этого, за монеты на кошельке бизнеса и их оборот отвечает собственник бизнеса.
After that, the owner of the business is responsible for the coins on the wallet of the business and their turnover.
<span id="otkuda_berutsja_bally"></span>
<span id="otkuda_berutsja_bally"></span>
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Для начисления баллов команда валидатора создала собственную монету, к которой существуют определенные характеристики, чтобы ее нельзя было продать или купить, а можно будет только передавать.
To earn points, the validator team has created its own coin, to which there are certain characteristics so that it cannot be sold or bought, but can only be transferred.
В нашем проекте, для начисления баллов, нами была создана монета со следующими характеристиками:
In our project, to earn points, we created a coin with the following characteristics:
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Название: ELAMBOUA
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CRR 100%
CRR 100%
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Резерв: 1000 DEL (минимальный)
Reserve: 1000 DEL (minimum)
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Первичный выпуск: 10 000 000 000 ELAMBOUA
Initial issue: 10,000,000,000 ELAMBOUA
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Максимальная эмиссия: 10 000 000 000 ELAMBOUA
Maximum issue: 10 000 000 000 ELAMBOUA
<span id="kak_ispolzovat_poluchennye_bally"></span>
<span id="kak_ispolzovat_poluchennye_bally"></span>
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Когда клиент накопил нужное ему количество баллов, и принимает решение их использовать, он может сделать это следующим образом:
When the client has accumulated the required number of points and decides to use them, he can do it as follows:
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Открыть кошелек Decimal Wallet на своем смартфоне и нажать кнопку «отправить».
Open the Decimal Wallet wallet on your smartphone and click the "send" button.
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Указать в качестве получателя - кошелек бизнеса в котором он хочет потратить баллы.
Specify as the recipient - the wallet of the business in which he wants to spend points.
<span id="process_delegirovanija"></span>
<span id="process_delegirovanija"></span>
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Делегирование являет собой процесс передачи ваших монет валидатору и заморозки их в сети, что дает возможность получать прибыль от валидации. Делегировать свои монеты может любой пользователь. Прибыль от делегирования будет начисляться пропорционально количеству делегированных монет (вашему стейку).
Delegation is the process of transferring your coins to the validator and freezing them on the network, which makes it possible to profit from validation. Any user can delegate their coins. The profit from delegation will be accrued in proportion to the number of delegated coins (your steak).
'''Для примера, делегировав в валидатор ELAMBO_UA вы получите:'''
"'For example, by delegating to the validator ELAMBO_UA you will get:"'
Реварды (вознаграждение за делегирование) начисляются каждые 10 минут. Монеты можно отозвать в любой момент, и спустя 30 дней вы получите все ваши делегированные монеты обратно.
Rewards (delegation fees) are awarded every 10 minutes. Coins can be withdrawn at any time, and after 30 days you will receive all your delegated coins back.
Кроме того, будете иметь прибыль в виде ревардов, которые начислялись в течении всего времени делегирования.
In addition, you will have a profit in the form of rewards, which were accrued during the entire time of delegation.
Пользователи сети могут использовать валидатор ELAMBO_UA в качестве мастерноды для делегирования собственных монет и получения ревардов.
Network users can use the ELAMBO_UA validator as a masternode to delegate their own coins and receive rewards.
Процесс делегирования состоит из следующих этапов:
The delegation process consists of the following steps:
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Зайти в консоль блокчейна на сайте https://console.decimalchain.com/
Log in to the blockchain console on the website https://console.decimalchain.com/
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Выбрать раздел «Делегирование»
Select the "Delegation" section
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Указать адрес валидатора (dxvaloper1xzq595hf5mcrrv0es9c72tg0zyj6dx6xnzgdzm), название монеты, которую будете делегировать и количество монет.
Specify the validator address (dxvaloper1xzq595hf5mcrrv0es9c72tg0zyj6dx6xnzgdzm), the name of the coin you will delegate and the number of coins.
<span id="strategija_razvitija_validatora"></span>
<span id="strategija_razvitija_validatora"></span>
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Валидатор ELAMBO_UA имеет собственный стратегический план развития до 2025 года.
The validator ELAMBO_UA has its own strategic development plan until 2025.
'''Глобальная цель валидатора''' – создание партнерской сети мелких и средних предпринимателей с универсальной программой лояльности, которая даст возможность клиентам использовать их баллы в любом кафе, магазине или сервисе.
"The 'global goal of the validator' is to create a partner network of small and medium–sized entrepreneurs with a universal loyalty program that will enable customers to use their points in any cafe, store or service.
'''Миссия валидатора''' - полная автоматизация и запуск универсальной программы лояльности на блокчейне DecimalChain.
'''The mission of the validator''' is full automation and launch of a universal loyalty program on the DecimalChain blockchain.
'''Наши ценности''' : эффективность, универсальность, инновационность, поддержка, доверие.
'''Our values''' : efficiency, versatility, innovation, support, trust.
Валидатор ELAMBO_UA планирует развиваться и запустить собственную маркетинговую кампанию, цель которой:
The validator ELAMBO_UA plans to develop and launch its own marketing campaign, the purpose of which is:
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привлечь 5000 уникальных пользователей в блокчейн DecimalChain в качестве пользователей программы лояльности в течении 36 месяцев;
attract 5,000 unique users to the DecimalChain blockchain as users of the loyalty program for 36 months;
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популяризировать блокчейн DecimalChain и привлечь как можно большее количество бизнесов как партнеров нашей программы лояльности в течении 36 месяцев;
to popularize the DecimalChain blockchain and attract as many businesses as possible as partners of our loyalty program within 36 months;
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начислить более 2000 долларов в качестве бонусов в программе лояльности.
earn more than $2,000 as bonuses in the loyalty program.
'''Наша целевая аудитория – это''' :
'''Our target audience is''':
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'''клиенты малого и среднего бизнеса''' .
'''clients of small and medium-sized businesses''' .
Люди, которые часто покупают товары и услуги в одном и том же месте, любят получать бонусы и скидки, экономные
People who often buy goods and services in the same place like to receive bonuses and discounts, economical
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'''владельцы малого и среднего бизнеса''' .
'''owners of small and medium-sized businesses''' .
Люди, которые желают развивать свой бизнес, но не имеют безлимитного количества средств для этого. Ценят своих клиентов, прилагают усилия чтобы надавать качественный сервис. Инноваторы, любят совершенствовать процессы, всегда пробуют что-то новое.
People who want to develop their business, but do not have an unlimited amount of funds for this. They value their customers, make efforts to provide high-quality service. Innovators, like to improve processes, always try something new.
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'''юридические лица''' .
'''legal entities''' .
Имеют сеть заведений, которые продают товары или услуги. Хотят запустить новую программу лояльности, так как видят преимущества в коллаборации с другими бизнесами. Получают большую узнаваемость и бесплатный маркетинг.
They have a network of establishments that sell goods or services. They want to launch a new loyalty program, as they see advantages in collaboration with other businesses. They get more recognition and free marketing.
В качестве ресурсов для проведения маркетинговой кампании будут использованы средства, которые зарабатывает ELAMBO_UA в качестве наград за валидирование. Под маркетинг командой заложена реинвестиция в размере 50% от чистого дохода валидатора.
The funds that ELAMBO_UA earns as validation rewards will be used as resources for conducting a marketing campaign. The marketing team has a reinvestment of 50% of the validator's net income.
'''Этапы маркетинговой кампании:'''
'''Stages of the marketing campaign:'''
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Создание осведомленности об услуге, привлечение первых пользователей.
Creating awareness about the service, attracting the first users.
Первые 24 месяца с момента запуска маркетинговой кампании команда валидатора eLambo будет развивать и совершенствовать сервис на собственном примере, рассказывать о нем и привлекать первых пользователей. Цель этапа – 1000 пользователей сервиса.
For the first 24 months since the launch of the marketing campaign, the eLambo validator team will develop and improve the service by its own example, talk about it and attract the first users. The goal of the stage is 1000 users of the service.
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Следующие 24 месяца команда валидатора будет привлекать партнеров и масштабироваться. Цель этапа – 5000 пользователей сервиса, 5 партнерских бизнесов, которые запустили сервис у себя. География маркетинговой кампании: страны СНГ.
The validator team will attract partners and scale over the next 24 months. The goal of the stage is 5,000 users of the service, 5 partner businesses that have launched the service at home. Geography of the marketing campaign: CIS countries.
<span id="pr-menedzhment"></span>
<span id="pr-menedzhment"></span>
=== PR-менеджмент ===
=== PR management ===
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- обеспечить узнаваемость бренда у целевой аудитории; - привлечь запланированное количество партнеров программы лояльности.
- ensure brand awareness among the target audience; - attract the planned number of loyalty program partners.
'''Способ реализации:'''
'''Implementation method:'''
распространение информации о валидаторе и программе лояльности через профильные и бизнес-СМИ, лидеров мнений, таргетированную рекламу, рекламой «из уст в уста». активное ведение социальных сетей, генерация инфоповодов не реже 2 в месяц, распространение инфоповодов.
dissemination of information about the validator and the loyalty program through specialized and business media, opinion leaders, targeted advertising, word of mouth advertising. active maintenance of social networks, generation of infopods at least 2 per month, distribution of infopods.
<span id="reklama"></span>
<span id="reklama"></span>
=== Реклама ===
=== Advertising ===
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привлечение уникальных пользователей в блокчейн DecimalChain в качестве пользователей программы лояльности.
attracting unique users to the DecimalChain blockchain as users of the loyalty program.
'''Способ реализации''' :
'''Implementation method'''' :
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создание мерча с логотипом ELAMBO_UA+DecimalChain для самых активных клиентов;
creating a merch with the ELAMBO_UA+DecimalChain logo for the most active customers;
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создание наклеек с QR кодами установки кошельков DecimalChain и размещение их на нашем электротранспорте;
creating stickers with QR codes for installing DecimalChain wallets and placing them on our electric transport;
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создание наклеек с логотипом DecimalChain и размещение их на нашем электротранспорте.
creating stickers with the DecimalChain logo and placing them on our electric vehicle.
С учетом стратегических целей, видения и миссии нами был сформирован SWOT-анализ деятельности валидатора ELAMBO_UA, где были проанализированы сильные и слабые стороны процессов, возможности и угрозы развития.
Taking into account the strategic goals, vision and mission, we formed a SWOT analysis of the activity of the validator ELAMBO_UA, where the strengths and weaknesses of the processes, opportunities and threats of development were analyzed.
'''Сильные стороны''' – это внутренние возможности и ресурс деятельности валидатора ELAMBO_UA, которые могут сформировать их конкурентные преимущества. Слабые стороны – это виды деятельности валидатора ELAMBO_UA, ресурсы, которые используются неэффективно. Возможности – это возможности, которые можно использовать для достижения поставленных целей развития валидатора ELAMBO_UA. Угрозы – это процессы или явления, препятствующие достижению поставленных целей развития валидатора ELAMBO_UA.
'''Strengths''' are the internal capabilities and activity resource of the validator ELAMBO_UA, which can form their competitive advantages. Weaknesses are the activities of the validator ELAMBO_UA, resources that are used inefficiently. Opportunities are opportunities that can be used to achieve the goals of the development of the validator ELAMBO_UA. Threats are processes or phenomena that hinder the achievement of the goals set for the development of the validator ELAMBO_UA.
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'''Богдан Поремчук''' - работник ответственный за сдачу в прокат электротранспорта. https://t.me/bogdasik_5 https://www.instagram.com/bog_dan_x88/
"Bogdan Poremchuk" is an employee responsible for the rental of electric vehicles. https://t.me/bogdasik_5 https://www.instagram.com/bog_dan_x88/
'''Александр Жумык''' - работник ответственный за сдачу в прокат электротранспорта.
"Alexander Zhumyk" is an employee responsible for the rental of electric vehicles.
'''Виталий Мельничук''' - старший работник, ответственный за объяснение клиентам программы лояльности и помощь в установке кошельков.
"Vitaliy Melnichuk" is a senior employee responsible for explaining the loyalty program to customers and helping them install wallets.
'''Александра Остапенко''' - контент менеджер, пишет посты, работает с маркетингом и мерч-продукцией.
"Alexandra Ostapenko is a content manager, writes posts, works with marketing and merch products.
https://t.me/alekssashkaa17 https://www.instagram.com/alekssashkaa17/
https://t.me/alekssashkaa17 https://www.instagram.com/alekssashkaa17/
'''Андрей Ковальчук''' - управленец, распределяет баллы лояльности, набирает и обучает персонал, договаривается о партнерствах, контролирует процессы.
"Andrey Kovalchuk is a manager, distributes loyalty points, recruits and trains staff, negotiates partnerships, controls processes.
https://t.me/nick73600 https://www.instagram.com/andriikovalchuk_/
https://t.me/nick73600 https://www.instagram.com/andriikovalchuk_/
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Revision as of 06:05, 11 July 2022


The ELAMBO_UA validator of the DecimalChain network was created as an addition to the loyalty program for business. The idea of creating a validator for use in your own business came in the summer of 2021, after getting acquainted with the DecimalChain blockchain.

Our business is engaged in the short-term rental of electric vehicles (electric scooters, segways, electric scooters, electric carts and children's electric cars. Due to the small turnover and ease of using the network, our validator has become the basis for getting acquainted with the blockchain, as well as for popularizing the DecimalChain network.

At the same time, the use of the validator as an addition to the loyalty program is possible in any field (shops, HORECA, services, small craft business, etc.). VALIDATOR`S DATA

The ELAMBO_UA validator was created on August 15, 2021. During the development of the idea and the first month of its development, we attracted about 100 people who installed Decimal Wallet wallets and received our coins as loyalty points. Today, the number of such clients is about 300 people.


The ELAMBO_UA validator team used the services of the DecimalPro team to launch, configure, and maintain the validator.

Our infrastructure consists of a main validator server, a backup server and 4 protection servers located in Germany, Finland and the USA

This infrastructure allows the validator to work stably and withstand the load


We use a universal methodology that will make it as easy as possible for business to implement it, and for the consumer to understand, become a regular user and increase their loyalty to the brand. It consists of the following stages:

  1. There is a regular customer in your business who wants to become a member of the loyalty program. He makes a purchase of a product or service from you.

  2. A business representative offers the client to install the Decimal Wallet application on his smartphone, where you need to register and create your own wallet (account) to accumulate points (coins).

  3. The client clicks the "get" button in the wallet, shows the QR code to the business representative, who scans it and transfers the points to the client.

  4. The client receives points to his account and can use them not only in this business, but also with the partners of the loyalty program. The number of points on the account can be checked at any time in the Decimal Wallet application or in the browser.

In our case, the system has been adapted to the business of renting out electric vehicles. That is, when clients received points, they knew that one point = 1 UAH. You can come up with your own course, or accrue a different number of points depending on the type of goods or services.

Usually, the person who serves the client is responsible for sending the points. But you can use another method, in case someone from the staff is busy.

For example, the person responsible for the loyalty program will send points at a certain time every day using the following method:

  1. In the telegram chat, employees write the order data, where they indicate the purchase amount.

  2. If the client has agreed to install and provide a wallet, then under the order data, we write the client's wallet with a monoshift.

  3. The staff responsible for the loyalty program sends out multisend balls at the end of the day.


  1. We transfer the entire issue of the created coin to a multi-signature wallet, that is, sending coins from such a wallet is possible only when several people have signed the transaction (the number of people will change with the time of connecting new businesses to the program).

  2. To business wallets, we send a certain number of coins from a multi-signature wallet, depending on the need.

  3. After that, the owner of the business is responsible for the coins on the wallet of the business and their turnover.


To earn points, the validator team has created its own coin, to which there are certain characteristics so that it cannot be sold or bought, but can only be transferred.

In our project, to earn points, we created a coin with the following characteristics:

  • Name: ELAMBOUA

  • CRR 100%

  • Reserve: 1000 DEL (minimum)

  • Initial issue: 10,000,000,000 ELAMBOUA

  • Maximum issue: 10 000 000 000 ELAMBOUA


When the client has accumulated the required number of points and decides to use them, he can do it as follows:

  1. Open the Decimal Wallet wallet on your smartphone and click the "send" button.

  2. Specify as the recipient - the wallet of the business in which he wants to spend points.


Delegation is the process of transferring your coins to the validator and freezing them on the network, which makes it possible to profit from validation. Any user can delegate their coins. The profit from delegation will be accrued in proportion to the number of delegated coins (your steak).

"'For example, by delegating to the validator ELAMBO_UA you will get:"'

Rewards (delegation fees) are awarded every 10 minutes. Coins can be withdrawn at any time, and after 30 days you will receive all your delegated coins back.

In addition, you will have a profit in the form of rewards, which were accrued during the entire time of delegation.

Network users can use the ELAMBO_UA validator as a masternode to delegate their own coins and receive rewards.

The delegation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Log in to the blockchain console on the website https://console.decimalchain.com/

  2. Select the "Delegation" section

  3. Specify the validator address (dxvaloper1xzq595hf5mcrrv0es9c72tg0zyj6dx6xnzgdzm), the name of the coin you will delegate and the number of coins.


The validator ELAMBO_UA has its own strategic development plan until 2025.

"The 'global goal of the validator' is to create a partner network of small and medium–sized entrepreneurs with a universal loyalty program that will enable customers to use their points in any cafe, store or service.

The mission of the validator is full automation and launch of a universal loyalty program on the DecimalChain blockchain.

Our values : efficiency, versatility, innovation, support, trust.

The validator ELAMBO_UA plans to develop and launch its own marketing campaign, the purpose of which is:

  • attract 5,000 unique users to the DecimalChain blockchain as users of the loyalty program for 36 months;

  • to popularize the DecimalChain blockchain and attract as many businesses as possible as partners of our loyalty program within 36 months;

  • earn more than $2,000 as bonuses in the loyalty program.

Our target audience is:

  • clients of small and medium-sized businesses .

People who often buy goods and services in the same place like to receive bonuses and discounts, economical

  • owners of small and medium-sized businesses .

People who want to develop their business, but do not have an unlimited amount of funds for this. They value their customers, make efforts to provide high-quality service. Innovators, like to improve processes, always try something new.

  • legal entities .

They have a network of establishments that sell goods or services. They want to launch a new loyalty program, as they see advantages in collaboration with other businesses. They get more recognition and free marketing.

The funds that ELAMBO_UA earns as validation rewards will be used as resources for conducting a marketing campaign. The marketing team has a reinvestment of 50% of the validator's net income.

Stages of the marketing campaign:

  • Creating awareness about the service, attracting the first users.

For the first 24 months since the launch of the marketing campaign, the eLambo validator team will develop and improve the service by its own example, talk about it and attract the first users. The goal of the stage is 1000 users of the service.

  • Scaling.

The validator team will attract partners and scale over the next 24 months. The goal of the stage is 5,000 users of the service, 5 partner businesses that have launched the service at home. Geography of the marketing campaign: CIS countries.

PR management

- ensure brand awareness among the target audience; - attract the planned number of loyalty program partners.

Implementation method:

dissemination of information about the validator and the loyalty program through specialized and business media, opinion leaders, targeted advertising, word of mouth advertising. active maintenance of social networks, generation of infopods at least 2 per month, distribution of infopods.


  • attracting unique users to the DecimalChain blockchain as users of the loyalty program.

Implementation method' :

  1. creating a merch with the ELAMBO_UA+DecimalChain logo for the most active customers;

  2. creating stickers with QR codes for installing DecimalChain wallets and placing them on our electric transport;

  3. creating stickers with the DecimalChain logo and placing them on our electric vehicle.

Taking into account the strategic goals, vision and mission, we formed a SWOT analysis of the activity of the validator ELAMBO_UA, where the strengths and weaknesses of the processes, opportunities and threats of development were analyzed.

Strengths are the internal capabilities and activity resource of the validator ELAMBO_UA, which can form their competitive advantages. Weaknesses are the activities of the validator ELAMBO_UA, resources that are used inefficiently. Opportunities are opportunities that can be used to achieve the goals of the development of the validator ELAMBO_UA. Threats are processes or phenomena that hinder the achievement of the goals set for the development of the validator ELAMBO_UA.


"Bogdan Poremchuk" is an employee responsible for the rental of electric vehicles. https://t.me/bogdasik_5 https://www.instagram.com/bog_dan_x88/

"Alexander Zhumyk" is an employee responsible for the rental of electric vehicles.


"Vitaliy Melnichuk" is a senior employee responsible for explaining the loyalty program to customers and helping them install wallets.


"Alexandra Ostapenko is a content manager, writes posts, works with marketing and merch products.

https://t.me/alekssashkaa17 https://www.instagram.com/alekssashkaa17/

"Andrey Kovalchuk is a manager, distributes loyalty points, recruits and trains staff, negotiates partnerships, controls processes.

https://t.me/nick73600 https://www.instagram.com/andriikovalchuk_/
