
Investerium Validator was created to support and decentralize the Decimal blockchain.

Validator logo in the Decimal network
Validator logo in the Decimal network
Validator logo in the Decimal network
Net address:
Address of the Validator in the Decimal network d0valoper120ksjt5nqqmlx40k368us455vswjce9mn50nxr

9,189,752 DEL

Voting power:

Web address

Telegram +Mzv3zBJtuLc0NmQ6
Investerium Validator was created to support the project aggregator. The goal of the project aggregator is to help anyone launch their projects.

We have developed a convenient free service for monitoring the statistics of all validator participants and other validators of the Decimal blockchain —

On this service, you can view the following statistics:

  • The price of DEL token based on data from the rating agency
  • Profitability in % for the past day (calculated based on the rewards received by delegators for a full day). Based on this statistics, you can estimate the approximate monthly income.
  • Information on the delegated tokens of all participants, the profitability of each participant for the entire staking period, the overall profitability of the validator, and other statistics.
  • Other validators in the network have a statistics section with block misses.
Hint: The service's functionality will be constantly expanding. If you have ideas and suggestions for improving the service, write to our Telegram Telegram +Mzv3zBJtuLc0NmQ6. We are always open to new ideas and suggestions.

All statistics are collected based on the API provided by the blockchain developers.

The goal of the service is convenience and ease of use for users and additional statistics for blockchain validators.

Technical component

To ensure the stable and uninterrupted operation of the validator, we tested several data centers (TimeWeb, Contabo,, MacCloud, Hetzner) and chose the proven Hetzner data center in Nuremberg. There, we deployed the validator's software.

Blockchain developers offer special DecimalGuard software to protect validators from penalties. We use multiple protection servers located at TimeWeb.

Development plans

We are constantly working on improving the infrastructure of our validator and creating new ecosystem services that help popularize the Decimal blockchain.

Financial component

The rewards received by the validator from delegators' stakes are used for:

  • Maintenance of validator servers and security
  • Development of a service for convenient monitoring of delegator statistics and other validators of the blockchain
  • Advertising to promote the blockchain.

About us


Our team has extensive experience in web development of various complexity. You can visit our team's website, where only a small part of our projects is showcased. The majority of projects were done under NDA contracts, and we are not allowed to disclose information about those projects.

We entered the crypto sphere in 2019 and decided to stay here forever. Currently, we are actively exploring blockchain development, combining our own growth with the promotion of cryptocurrency among businesses and ordinary users.

We provide support for other blockchains, setting up validators in test networks, participating in closed and open tests of new blockchains and services.

We are confident that blockchain technology has a great and bright future, and we make every effort to contribute to its development worldwide.

DecimalChain caught our interest due to its ease of use and the openness of the development team (which is quite rare among blockchains). We were also attracted by the active Russian-speaking community.

Given the events taking place today (03.03.2022) in the world, we are confident that DecimalChain will become a strong foundation for Russian developers in the cryptocurrency field.

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