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·MONKEY СLUB PHUKET ·The Monkey Club Phuket Validator and its function ·Statuses in Monkey Club

o §1. Co-Founders of Monkey Club

§2. Monkey Club partner companies and freelancers

§3. Club member

·Benefits of statuses in Monkey Club

·How does it work?

·What will happen when the club scales up?

·MONKEY CLUB Business Model

·Development strategy

·Strategy #1 o §USER STORY #1 §USER STORY #2 §USER STORY #3 §USER STORY #4 §USER STORY #5 §Results

·Strategy #2 ·Strategy #3 ·Strategy #4

·Monkey Club Referral Program

·The Monkey Club Team

·Validator Infrastructure

·Generating coins in the validator

·Validator Maintenance

·Official Validator Resources


This version (2021/07/06 11:05) has been verified by renata user.The previous verified version is available (2021/07/06 10:06).


The Monkey Club project is a combination of the Monkey Club coin and the Monkey validator, so some of the information in the White Paper (WP) of the Monkey Club Phuket validator can be partially or completely repeated in the WP of the Monkey Club token.

In this WP, the reader can find out in detail what the Monkey Club is, what the validator was created for, its technical characteristics and how the development of our community will affect the development of the DecimalChain network. The project began with the launch of a custom Monkey Club token and a Monkey Club validator on Phuket Island. In the case of opening a Monkey Club in various countries and regions, it is assumed that partner validators will be opened with a prefix at the place of opening validators.

For example: Monkey Club Pattaya, Monkey Club Bali, Monkey Club Phu Quoc, Monkey Miami, Monkey Dominikana, etc Thus, as Monkey Club develops, partner representative offices in the regions will receive a model of doing international business according to a ready-made scheme, and the decimal network will scale

We hope that this document and the implementation of our project will have a positive effect on the development of the DecimalChain network and inspire the reader to become part of the Monkey Club community.

Monkey Club — the world's best resorts in DEL - this is the motto we have chosen for our white paper since we want the tokenization of business to be carried out not only in words about the technological future, but not in deeds right now! Monkey Club is a project from Monkey Car Phuket, created with the consulting support of the Legion Group team, and the technical support of the DecimalPro team.

The project is an international club of resort business owners and their clients, membership in which gives the right to receive discounts and privileges in service.

The project is created to connect entrepreneurs and customers, creating a closed, but the public system for everyone to be in it with his personal benefit but also for the introduction and use custom tokens Monkey Club in the business of friends and partners who provide high-quality services and have reputation in the most popular resorts in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Bali and Vietnam) and other regions of the globe. In other words, Monkey Club is a platform through which a client of one company receives a recommendation to use the services of partner companies, and the partner company receives a client who came to him on the advice of another company.

A recommendation is the best advertisement, so club members get high-quality advice from business owners, and business owners will get a satisfied customer who came to eat, and found out where they make high-quality excursions or cool cars for rent, used a proven service with a discount and was satisfied The Monkey Club project absorbed the idea of DeciamalChain about combining projects on the blockchain platform and around the DEL token, only monkey club unites businesses and customers around the Monkey Club token.

The Monkey Club Phuket Validator and its function The Mokey Club Phuket validator is used to activate membership in the Monkey Club. Also, part of the profit from the fees received by the Validator when his total delegated stake exceeds 2 million DEL, will be spent by the club on the creation of the Monkey Club application and on the development of the club.

Statuses in Monkey Club

To understand the goals and objectives of a custom token in the Monkey Club project, it is necessary to first understand what statuses exist in the community.

1. Co-Founders of Monkey Club

Director of the car rental company “Monkey Car”, with an impeccable reputation in Phuket - Oleg Oleynik Director of Development of the Legion Group company (cryptocurrency trading training) - Konstantin Medvedev Technical Director of the Monkey Sag infrastructure with 19 years of experience in server equipment maintenance - Kirill Nesterenko. The co-founders of Monkey Club are the guarantor of providing high-quality services for club members, as they cooperate with the owners of the recommended business and are themselves their clients. At the start of the project, the owners will recommend purchasing Monkey Club membership in their loyal communities, as they have an impeccable reputation in them.

The earnings of the Monkey Club owners are based on the commissions of the Monkey validator and the sale of Monkey Club membership cards.

2. Monkey Club partner companies and freelancers

The partner company and freelancer Monkey Club are trusted people who provide their services to guests and residents of resort towns. Only those companies and freelancers who are ready to be recommended by the owners of Monkey Club can become a partner company and freelancers of Monkey Club. It is the trusted friends and partners of the co-founders who will become the basis of the Monkey Club, since the trust and personal experience of the co-founders forms the basis of the recommendation. Partners' earnings are based on sales of membership cards for their clients, and, as the project develops, they will have the opportunity to earn from paying for orders that their registered clients make when they visit other partners' establishments. Each partner receives consultations from the LEGION validator, the purpose of which is to form a tokenization strategy for his company and implement it. If an entrepreneur decides to tokenize, the Legion team will participate in the development and implementation of interesting and new cases for Decimal on the example of a real business (creation and implementation of a token / validator / token+ validator)

3. Club member

Any person who buys a membership in the Monkey Club can become a member of the club, receives a custom token on his balance and delegates it to the Monkey validator. There can be three levels of membership for the delegated balance in the validator, which give different conditions for obtaining privileges.

Accordingly, the higher the membership level, the more benefits there are in each business of friends of partners. NOTE: The levels for club members and their cost will be indicated on the website when we coordinate them with the club's partners

For clients who came from partner companies and freelancers who are part of the community, the token will be purchased for fiat currencies (ruble, baht, dollar, etc.) For the DecimalChain community, it is possible to obtain a token in the console, through the exchange of any network token for a token of our community, followed by delegation to the Monkey validator.

Benefits of statuses in Monkey Club

In addition to the earnings of co-founders, partners and members of Monkey Club, each status has a number of benefits, which we also decided to indicate in this document

1. Benefits for Co-founders:

Uniting entrepreneurs into a community, which makes it likely that one of them will be interested in creating a token or opening a validator. Thus, the founders of Monkey Club can become part of the team of new Validators. Attracting investments in your own validator from both customers and friends, and from the DecimalChain community (anyone can delegate to our validator)

The presence of a validator will allow you to create an investment offer, thanks to the moderate commission of the validator and reliable infrastructure. Bonding to their own validator, the co-founders do not pay a commission to another validator, but take it for themselves.

2. Benefits of companies and freelancers

Free advertising platform for business. Each partner recommends other Monkey Club partners for their clients. Thus, a client who is already loyal to him from someone else's business comes to the partner. Free consultations on creating projects on Decimalchain (coin/validator/ coin + Validator) from scratch on a turnkey basis. In this way, you can get a service from developing an idea to implementing it in life and increase profits. Business owners and freelancers can immediately get feedback from customers and improve the quality of service. Since we have a chat for clients and partners, clients can give feedback to entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurs can collect feedback or contact the client and clarify details. Business owners can create joint projects and promotions with each other and with their clients.

3. Benefits of club members

Proven and clear service from reliable companies. A person who has come to the resort is faced with a huge selection of goods and services. Monkey club introduces guests and residents of resorts with high-quality service that can be recommended. Monkey Club allows you to find high-quality services for every taste and color, from food to housing, from parties to photo shoots, from renting transport to renting a yacht or villa, from fitness training to yoga training and so on. On the company's website, you will be able to see a map of Monkey Club entrepreneurs. When the mobile application appears, it will be possible to get the coordinates and drive through the built-in navigator to the place where the business is located.

The community provides an opportunity to meet and communicate with entrepreneurs. Such an association makes it possible to receive the best service and make useful acquaintances in resort towns. What is especially valuable here is that a person gets into a community of entrepreneurs and can improve the quality of his life by getting into a strong environment. In addition, you can get acquainted with the members of the club, arriving from vacation not only with useful contacts of entrepreneurs, but also make friends with people from different cities.

How does it work?

In order to receive recommendations and service privileges from partner companies at resorts, it is necessary to have a delegated balance of the Monkey Club token in the Monkey validator. The number of tokens in delegation and the amount of privileges for delegation is determined by the tariffs on the official website (website in development)

·Step 1: A person who wants to become a member of the Monkey Club selects the desired level of membership in the club on the company's website and submits an application for membership in the club

·Step 2: The manager contacts the client and helps download the DecimalWallet wallet, after which the client sends the wallet address and his data (Photo, full name) to the manager

·Step 3: The Monkey Club tokens are sent to the client and the data about the client is indicated in the attached message. and the link to the transaction is sewn into a QR code

·Step 4: The company creates a personalized card (Something like a pass or a driver's license) with a photo, data about the membership package and a QR code with a link to the transaction

·Step 5: The client receives a card in digital or printed format, after which he can receive the services of dozens of companies with discounts by simply presenting it to the Monkey Club partner companies.

Transaction of the Monkey Club token to the client's wallet - confirmation of membership in the Monkey Club Delegation of the token to the validator - activation of membership, The QR code of the card and the blockchain allows you to verify the authenticity of the club card and membership activity (you can see the presence of a delegated balance from the transaction)

What will happen when the club scales up?

If a client in Phuket bought a membership and delegated Monkey Club to the Monkey Phuket validator, but at the same time Monkey Club has a representative office and validator in Bali, then being in Bali, there is no need to buy membership there.

The membership card (the account of the future application) is considered active if the Monkey Club coins are delegated to any of the Monkey validators. Thus, we can already say that the members (delegates) of the Monkey Club always receive a proven service on special conditions in any city or region of the country of presence of the Monkey Club.

By becoming a member of the Monkey Club in Bali, club members will be able to use a proven service in Phuket or the Philippines from our friends and partners on special conditions, since the token is recognized in companies in different states and regions. The membership card is considered active if MonkeyClub coins are delegated to any of the Monkey Validators. When the software is created, it will automatically distribute the club members to the Monkey Club validators.

MONKEY CLUB Business Model

Company earnings

Revenue from token growth: None.

This is due to the 100% CRR coefficient embedded in the coin, which makes it stable to the DEL rate

Revenue from sales of membership cards: 50%

50% of the membership card payment is taken by the company, and 50% is given to the client in Monkey Club tokens. If a club member is not a client of the partner company from which he learned about Monkey Club, but is part of the DecimalChain community, then he needs to leave a request on the website, and when contacting the manager, inform him that he is from the DecimalChain community.

Income from delegates

To activate membership in the club, you need to delegate coins to our validator. Thus, the validator earns a commission from the delegated coins that a person receives for the purchase of membership. For the DecimalChain community, the validator's commission is attractive enough to mine coins with us. If a club member wants to buy coins and delegate them to our validator, then we will start earning more.

Development strategy

For the development of our community, we must attract the attention of guests and residents of resort towns to the benefits of participating in the Monkey Club, as we earn from the sale of membership cards. To put it in simpler terms, we get income from income people who trust (delegate) we need our own coins to generate new coins, while storing them not on our wallet, but freezing them on our own. The more coins people delegate, the more we earn together, since we have no income without people, and people have no income without us. Thus, as a validator, we are obliged to provide a highly profitable, reliable, interesting and understandable service, ensuring the maximum security of user balances, while increasing people's involvement in the process of cooperation with us.

Based on these ideas, the company will develop by combining four strategies:

1.Advertising through business friends

2.Advertising through the largest information channels and chats of resort cities (for example, chat “Phuket” with 6 000 subscribers)

3.Advertising on the Internet

4.Advertising on social networks

Strategy #1

Advertising through business friends (Monkey Club Partners) Our friends inform their customers through all possible channels that they are now partners of the Monkey Club, where you can receive service privileges for joining the Monkey Club. Also, some partners will receive serious discounts in the rental of transport in Phuket in exchange for reviews and the announcement of Monkey Club for their audience. Specialized signs, stickers and a map will be installed in the offices of friends, on which the coordinates of the Monkey Club partners will be marked with dots. Thus, “Money Maps” and Monkey Club outdoor advertising will be created at the partners' places of work.


A tourist from Moscow with his wife comes to Phuket on a package tour. After checking into the hotel, he decides that he needs to rent a car to go around all the best places together in 2 weeks. He enters “Sag rent” in Google and sees a company with a huge number of reviews - Monkey Car. By visiting the website, or by calling, he learns that it is possible not only to rent a car with a discount or privilege, but also to receive club service from Monkey Club partners. He leaves a request on the website, pays for the package, gets into the community and gets a proven and understandable service for the whole vacation in Phuket.


A tourist from Barnaul with his wife and two children comes to Phuket on a package tour. After checking into the hotel, he decides that he needs to book excursions, but he does not order them from the tour operator. To begin with, he wants to eat, walks down the street and sees the tour operator “Marusya Travel” with a Russian sign, at the entrance he sees a sticker “Monkey Club” and Monkey MAPS, which indicates the places where he can get a discount service. He may not pay attention to this, but when he orders excursions, he will find out that you can buy excursions with discounts or enjoy privileges not only in tours, but also from each Monkey club partner. He leaves a request on the website, pays for the package, gets into the community and gets a proven and understandable service for the whole vacation in Phuket.


It is not the first time a tourist from Yekaterinburg comes to Phuket on a package tour. He leaves the hotel and goes to have lunch at the already proven Chekhov restaurant, as it is delicious and inexpensive there. At the entrance, he sees a sticker “Monkey Club” and Monkey MAPs, which shows the places where he can get discounted service, from renting transport to photo shoots. He may not pay attention to it, but when a waiter approaches him, he learns that if he were a member of the Monkey Club, he could be constantly served with privileges in the partner business network. He leaves a request on the website, pays for the package, gets into the community and gets a proven and understandable service for the whole vacation in Phuket.


Julia lives in Phuket and rents a custom motorcycle from Custom Garage Phuket. She is in the Custom Garage chat and sees a message that she can rent vehicles cheaper and receive a number of bonuses if she becomes a member of the Monkey Club. She goes to the website, makes an order and pays for the package, gets into the community and uses various proven services throughout Phuket. The channel of receiving information is not so important. A call, an email newsletter, Instagram, telegram, and so on are just channels. It is important not where, but how the current client receives information about the club.


Clients of a fitness instructor or yoga instructor who study with him during the tourist season receive information that a discount and privileges with their favorite trainer and the opportunity to use a proven service in Phuket are provided for Monkey Club members. However, they have not been vaccinated, and they cannot come to Phuket, or they do not see the point in joining the club, since they are in Russia and are not going to Phuket yet (or there may be another reason for not being able to come). Then why should they be members of the Monkey Club? Their fitness instructor informs that by becoming a member of the Monkey Club, they will extract liquid cryptocurrency to their balance, since they delegated coins to the validator. In this case, even with a small amount, they will earn, and perhaps, having understood the technology, they will become delegates, because they liked the idea. This user story is the benefit of being a member of the club, even without coming to Phuket. While they are solving their business, they have an income.


There may be many such variations of the user story, but the whole point of them boils down to one thing: people will learn about the club, thanks to the fact that the business is working. Club members are potential or current clients of a business that operates in tourist cities. 90% of the club members are clients of partners, on whom the calculation is made at the start of the project. With the release of the mobile application, registration and payment of membership in the club will take place in the mobile application and we will see statistics on who customers come from and how many of them come.

Strategy #2

Advertising through the largest information channels and chats of resort towns. This strategy allows us to attract attention to the club through chat rooms and channels formed over the years in Southeast Asia


1.Chat Phuket: 6000 subscribers

2.Phuket ads: 8,000 subscribers

3.Thai Chat: 1985 subscribers

4.CIS - Phuket: 10,394 subscribers

These channels and chats unite people who once were or live in Phuket, which allows you to reach a huge number of people. Among the partners and co-founders of Monkey Club are administrators of the largest channels in Phuket, and we also have personal acquaintances and partnerships with the owners of the largest channels in Phuket. VK and FaceBook communities.

Strategy #3

Advertising on the Internet Each partner has communication channels in one way or another. It can be a company website, social networks, YouTube, etc. If an entrepreneur develops his information resource, he advertises it on the Internet. A link to the Monkey Club website will be embedded on the website or another channel, by clicking on which you can place an order for a membership package.

Strategy #4

Advertising in social media Working on this strategy involves creating a business account that will be similar to the company's website, only in social networks.

Monkey Club Referral Program

The system of remuneration for the work done Today we can afford to give up to 10% from the sale of the membership package. To buy a membership package, you will need to leave a request on the company's website (the site is under development) When the mobile application is released, it will be possible to register club members, create orders and receive referral rewards directly in the mobile application, as it will be possible to establish a referral link. In addition, the mobile application will allow you to mine the DEL cryptocurrency inside the mobile application, and an instant reward will be paid from each delegation of the club member's connection.

The Monkey Club Team

·First and last name: Konstantin Medvedev

·Position: Director of Development, Co-founder

·Telegram:: @medvedev_legiongroup

·Instagram: @medvedev_legiongroup

·First and last name: Oleg Oleynik

·Position: SEO, Co-founder

·Contact in telegram: @O1egaz

·Instagram: @Olegmonkeycar

·First and last name: Kirill Nesterenko

·Position: Technical Director, Co-founder

·Contact in telegram: @simplemice

Validator Infrastructure

Infrastructure is the hardware on which the software is installed to maintain the Decimal network.

Being a validator is a very responsible thing, since it is about the trust of delegates and the preservation of their balances. That is why, to ensure the reliability of the validator, we use powerful dedicated servers in data centers in Finland and Germany and several penalty protection servers. The presence of protection servers reduces the risk of receiving fines by our validator as much as possible. As soon as our server shuts down, the protection server turns on, and our validator continues to support the network. Our servers are maintained and updated by technical specialists, which makes our work as stable and comfortable as possible for earnings, and also reduces the risk of receiving a fine of 1% of the balance. It will not be possible to eliminate the fine until the end, but we are doing everything to make delegation to us as safe as possible.

Generating coins in the validator

Our validator takes a fee of 6% for the work done. This means that our validator withholds 6% of the issue that the delegate receives. The validator team earns only on fees from coin mining. The more you delegate, the more you start to receive, because thanks to the increase in the delegation balance, your balance and your share in our validator are growing.

Validator Maintenance

The service is handled by the DecimalPro team, which at the time of writing the “white paper” had never received fines and already had experience as a validator in the MINTER network. We know the Decimalpro team personally and for all the time we have been working with this team there has not been a single technical failure and complaints.

We know that Decimal pro flawlessly serves the following validators

1.Decimalpro. 2.Legion 3.Zod 4.ACE Therefore, all Monkey Club validators will be entrusted to this team of professionals. Also, all validators of friends, if they want to open them, will be entrusted to this particular team.

Official Validator Resources Validator's website: Monkey Club Chat is currently in development:

Summing up

We have created the first edition of the white paper, which is designed to help the reader form an idea of who we are and what tasks we solve with the help of a validator.

This document will be supplemented by our experience so that everyone who reads can repeat our case and improve the efficiency of their business or build their business with us.

The validator gives us the opportunity to connect our company's products and develop it both from the point of view of the audience and from the point of view of making money on fees.

Our team accepts suggestions for editing and supplementing the first version of the “white paper” so that every line is clear. If you want to make a suggestion, create a partnership with us or just ask a question, you can contact us through official resources or any member of the team.