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= PRIDE Games =
= PRIDE Games =
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Данный документ представляет собой перечень идей и проектов валидатора '''PRIDE Games''' , основанных на возможностях сети '''DecimalChain''' . Он не является дорожной картой и составлен исключительно в информационных целях. Актуальная информация по реализации перечисленных проектов, отражена в официальном канале валидатора:  
This document is a list of concepts and projects of the "PRIDE Games" validator based on the capabilities of the "DecimalChain" network. It is not a roadmap and is compiled solely for informational purposes. Up-to-date information on the implementation of the listed projects is reflected in the official channel of the validator:  
<span id="texnicheskaja_sostavljajuschaja_validatora"></span>
<span id="texnicheskaja_sostavljajuschaja_validatora"></span>
= Техническая составляющая валидатора =
= Technical component of the validator =
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Серверы арендованы исключительно у зарубежных поставщиков услуг
Servers are leased exclusively from foreign service providers
Используются 3 сервера для нод (один основной и два резервных) и 1 сервер мониторинга. При непредвиденных обстоятельствах и выходе из строя основного сервера в кратчайшие сроки запускается валидатор на одном из резервных серверов. Третий сервер необходим для страховки первого, резервного, чтобы практически полностью исключить вариант отсутствия функционирующих серверов для нашего валидатора.
3 node servers are used (one main and two backup) and 1 monitoring server. In case of unforeseen circumstances and failure of the main server, the validator is launched on one of the backup servers as soon as possible. The third server is necessary to insure the first, backup, in order to almost completely eliminate the possibility of the absence of functioning servers for our validator.
'''Сервер мониторинга предназначен для своевременного определения неисправностей.'''
'''The monitoring server is designed to detect malfunctions in a timely manner.'''
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Серверы расположены в разных дата-центрах, что исключает вариант одновременного их отключения при аварии
The servers are located in different data centers, which eliminates the option of simultaneously disabling them in case of an accident
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Арендованные мощности в разы превосходят требования сети для стабильной работы мастерноды, а также они не используются ни для каких целей, кроме поддержки сети '''DecimalChain''' . Это означает, что наше оборудование работает стабильно и еще очень долго не будет нуждаться в модернизации.
The leased capacities are several times higher than the network requirements for stable operation of the masternode, and they are also not used for any purpose other than supporting the "DecimalChain" network. This means that our equipment is stable and will not need to be upgraded for a very long time.
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Для защиты валидатора от штрафов разработчики создали специальное ПО, которое позволяет своевременно отключить валидатор от сети и избежать санкций в размере 1% от всего стейка монет '''Decimal Guard''' . Мы установили данное ПО на все 4 сервера.
To protect the validator from fines, the developers have created special software that allows you to disconnect the validator from the network in a timely manner and avoid sanctions in the amount of 1% of the entire "Decimal Guard" coin stake. We have installed this software on all 4 servers.
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Для своевременного обнаружения неисправностей серверного оборудования и ненадлежащей работы валидатора мы используем различные программы мониторинга. Они помогают нам оперативно реагировать на любую внештатную ситуацию с оборудованием.
For timely detection of server hardware malfunctions and improper operation of the validator, we use various monitoring programs. They help us to respond promptly to any emergency situation with the equipment.
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Валидатор обслуживает команда профессионалов, имеющих опыт работы в IT-сфере более 20 лет. Наш IT-отдел работает 24 часа в сутки, 7 дней в неделю, своевременно выполняя задачи по обслуживанию валидатора и обновлению ПО нод.
The validator is served by a team of professionals with more than 20 years of experience in the IT field. Our IT department works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, timely performing tasks for validator maintenance and updating the node software.
<span id="cel_sozdanija_validatora"></span>
<span id="cel_sozdanija_validatora"></span>
= Цель создания валидатора =
= Purpose of creating a validator =
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Проанализировав '''GameFi рынок''' , мы - команда валидатора '''PRIDE''' - решили запустить отдельный валидатор для этого перспективного направления. Он был запущен как валидатор поддержки игровых проектов от команды PRIDE. Основная его задача – реализация механизма финансового обеспечения разработанных игр и создание дополнительных бонусных программ для пользователей PRIDE Games.
After analyzing the "GameFi market", we, the "PRIDE" validator team, decided to launch a separate validator for this promising direction. It was launched as a validator for supporting game projects from the PRIDE team. Its main task is the implementation of the mechanism of financial support for the developed games and the creation of additional bonus programs for PRIDE Games users.
В первую очередь валидатор будет использоваться для делегирования средств, полученных от реализации игровых проектов. Так как игровыми средствами будут являться токены, созданные на платформе Decimal Chain, делегирование в PRIDE Games создаст низкую их волатильность и обеспечит финансовый приток для реализации бонусных программ, рекламных кампаний, дальнейших апгрейдов игровых проектов и последующих запусков MVP запланированных игр.
First of all, the validator will be used to delegate funds received from the implementation of game projects. Since the game funds will be tokens created on the Decimal Chain platform, delegation to PRIDE Games will create low volatility and provide financial inflow for the implementation of bonus programs, advertising campaigns, further upgrades of game projects and subsequent launches of MVP planned games.
Также делегирование в валидатор PRIDE Games будет интересным и для пользователей Decimal Chain. Предусмотрены различные бонусные программы для пользователей игр от PRIDE Games, делегировавших средства в данный валидатор, а комиссия в 6% (средняя по сети) позволит получать достойные реварды. В разработке находится идея по делегированию игровых средств и получению ревардов внутри игр, а также получению процентов на остаток по игровому счету. Идея будет тестироваться на первой игре валидатора PRIDE Fight (
Delegation to the PRIDE Games validator will also be interesting for Decimal Chain users. Various bonus programs are provided for users of games from PRIDE Games who have delegated funds to this validator, and a commission of 6% (average on the network) will allow you to receive decent rewards. The idea of delegating gaming funds and receiving rewards inside games, as well as receiving interest on the balance of the gaming account, is under development. The idea will be tested on the first game of the PRIDE Fight validator ( ).
<span id="komanda_validatora"></span>
<span id="komanda_validatora"></span>
= Команда валидатора =
= Validator`s team =
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Антипов Антон '''@AntonAntipoff (Telegram)''' .
Anton Antipov '''@AntonAntipoff (Telegram)''' .
Бизнес-интеграции, продвижение.
Business integration, promotion.
Имеет огромный опыт работы с людьми, построения сетевых структур (более 7000 человек), был топ-лидером в нескольких сетевых проектах. «Поставил на ноги» множество стартапов, основная масса которых далее была продана как готовый бизнес. Также занимал должность коммерческого директора в строительных организациях.
He has extensive experience working with people, building network structures (more than 7000 people), was a top leader in several network projects. He "put on his feet" a lot of startups, the bulk of which were then sold as a ready-made business. He also held the position of commercial director in construction organizations.
Мазиков Илья '''@Ipmazikov (Telegram)''' .
Ilya Mazikov '''@Ipmazikov (Telegram)''' .
Работа с клиентами, контроль качества.
Work with clients, quality control.
Бывший военный. Участвовал во множестве сетевых проектов и традиционных стартапов. Владеет небольшой фирмой, имеет опыт работы в рекламе.
Ex-military. Participated in many network projects and traditional startups. Owns a small company, has experience in advertising.
Капустин Владимир '''@MrCabbge1 (Telegram)''' .
Vladimir Kapustin '''@MrCabbge1 (Telegram)''' .
Управление, реклама, бизнес-процессы.
Management, advertising, business processes.
Поменял огромное множество работ по найму. Запустил массу стартапов, большая часть которых имела успех. Развивался в разных сетевых проектах, где и получил огромный опыт в интернет-маркетинге и рекламе.
I have changed a huge number of jobs for hire. He launched a lot of startups, most of which were successful. He developed in various network projects, where he gained extensive experience in Internet marketing and advertising.
Ивакин Фёдор '''@Ivakinfn (Telegram)''' .
Ivakin Fedor '''@Ivakinfn (Telegram)''' .
Тех. отдел, администрирование.
Those. department, administration.
Высшее образование, СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ», инженер по специальности «электронно-вычислительные машины, системы, комплексы и сети». Имеет опыт работы на крупных предприятиях. Общий стаж в IT-сфере более 20 лет.
Higher education, SPbGETU "LETI", engineer in the specialty "electronic computing machines, systems, complexes and networks". Has experience working at large enterprises. The total experience in the IT field is more than 20 years.
<span id="logotip"></span>
<span id="logotip"></span>
= Логотип =
= Logo =
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На логотипе мы изобразили ноды блокчейна связанные друг с другом, которые подписывают блок с транзакциями. Логотип выполнен в кибер стиле, что соответствует тематике деятельности валидатора.  
On the logo, we depicted blockchain nodes connected to each other, which sign a block with transactions. The logo is made in cyber style, which corresponds to the subject of the validator's activity.  
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Revision as of 19:17, 13 July 2022


This document is a list of concepts and projects of the "PRIDE Games" validator based on the capabilities of the "DecimalChain" network. It is not a roadmap and is compiled solely for informational purposes. Up-to-date information on the implementation of the listed projects is reflected in the official channel of the validator:

Technical component of the validator

Servers are leased exclusively from foreign service providers

3 node servers are used (one main and two backup) and 1 monitoring server. In case of unforeseen circumstances and failure of the main server, the validator is launched on one of the backup servers as soon as possible. The third server is necessary to insure the first, backup, in order to almost completely eliminate the possibility of the absence of functioning servers for our validator.

The monitoring server is designed to detect malfunctions in a timely manner.

  • The servers are located in different data centers, which eliminates the option of simultaneously disabling them in case of an accident

  • The leased capacities are several times higher than the network requirements for stable operation of the masternode, and they are also not used for any purpose other than supporting the "DecimalChain" network. This means that our equipment is stable and will not need to be upgraded for a very long time.

  • To protect the validator from fines, the developers have created special software that allows you to disconnect the validator from the network in a timely manner and avoid sanctions in the amount of 1% of the entire "Decimal Guard" coin stake. We have installed this software on all 4 servers.

  • For timely detection of server hardware malfunctions and improper operation of the validator, we use various monitoring programs. They help us to respond promptly to any emergency situation with the equipment.

  • The validator is served by a team of professionals with more than 20 years of experience in the IT field. Our IT department works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, timely performing tasks for validator maintenance and updating the node software.

Purpose of creating a validator

After analyzing the "GameFi market", we, the "PRIDE" validator team, decided to launch a separate validator for this promising direction. It was launched as a validator for supporting game projects from the PRIDE team. Its main task is the implementation of the mechanism of financial support for the developed games and the creation of additional bonus programs for PRIDE Games users.

First of all, the validator will be used to delegate funds received from the implementation of game projects. Since the game funds will be tokens created on the Decimal Chain platform, delegation to PRIDE Games will create low volatility and provide financial inflow for the implementation of bonus programs, advertising campaigns, further upgrades of game projects and subsequent launches of MVP planned games.

Delegation to the PRIDE Games validator will also be interesting for Decimal Chain users. Various bonus programs are provided for users of games from PRIDE Games who have delegated funds to this validator, and a commission of 6% (average on the network) will allow you to receive decent rewards. The idea of delegating gaming funds and receiving rewards inside games, as well as receiving interest on the balance of the gaming account, is under development. The idea will be tested on the first game of the PRIDE Fight validator ( ).

Validator`s team

Anton Antipov @AntonAntipoff (Telegram) .

Business integration, promotion.

He has extensive experience working with people, building network structures (more than 7000 people), was a top leader in several network projects. He "put on his feet" a lot of startups, the bulk of which were then sold as a ready-made business. He also held the position of commercial director in construction organizations.

Ilya Mazikov @Ipmazikov (Telegram) .

Work with clients, quality control.

Ex-military. Participated in many network projects and traditional startups. Owns a small company, has experience in advertising.

Vladimir Kapustin @MrCabbge1 (Telegram) .

Management, advertising, business processes.

I have changed a huge number of jobs for hire. He launched a lot of startups, most of which were successful. He developed in various network projects, where he gained extensive experience in Internet marketing and advertising.

Ivakin Fedor @Ivakinfn (Telegram) .

Those. department, administration.

Higher education, SPbGETU "LETI", engineer in the specialty "electronic computing machines, systems, complexes and networks". Has experience working at large enterprises. The total experience in the IT field is more than 20 years.

On the logo, we depicted blockchain nodes connected to each other, which sign a block with transactions. The logo is made in cyber style, which corresponds to the subject of the validator's activity.
