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About the validator

The Plexus validator was created by a programmer and, concurrently, a system administrator who, in addition to extensive experience in the field of administration and server support, already has experience and experience in creating new services to simplify and more comfortable working with validators in the DecimalChain blockchain.

Plexus differs from other validators in that we invest our resources and time to create a free infrastructure that is freely available to all network users. We guarantee both the reliability of our services and the sustainable operation of the validator. This approach is our own contribution to the development and popularization of the DecimalChain blockchain.


There are 2 well-known validators of the project: DC Validator Notifications and Decimal Coins.

"'DC Validator Notifications"' ( ) Telegram bot is one of the indispensable services for owners and administrators of DecimalChain blockchain validators. Its function is to make instant notifications when DecimalChain validators are disabled or enabled. Such a service helps all validator owners to respond promptly to malfunctions that relate to stopping the signature of blockchain blocks by validators, and therefore, it helps to avoid possible fines.

In addition, the bot performs the following functions:

  1. notifies of the appearance of new validators on the network;

  2. notifies of fines imposed on validators.

Decimal Coins Telegram bot ( ) was launched to monitor the creation of new coins and NFT tokens on the network. All blockchain users learn about the creation of a new coin or NFT in real time. This feature makes it possible to be aware of new projects on the network, to be able to buy a new coin at a low cost or to track from which address they were created.

Another project that is currently under development, monitors the omissions of all validators for the last 7 days. The service will have its own page on the Internet, where all the validators of the DecimalChain blockchain and the number of omissions per day for each of them will be displayed. Such a service will help the owners of validators to monitor their correct work, and for delegators, to choose a reliable validator in which they will not lose their remuneration from delegation..

Technical component of the validator


The Plexus validator runs on equipment that has a large reserve of resources, with the expectation of developing and expanding the network. Our infrastructure consists of a server in the Hetzner data center.

The German company Hetzner owns and operates its own high-tech data processing centers, which guarantees reliable operation of the validator without interruptions. In addition, the Plexus validator has 2 backup servers located in different countries of different providers to ensure fault tolerance.

Servers are not loaded with other tasks and have at least 75% of the resource reserve. They are located in DigitalOcean and Linode data centers. Locally, the servers are located in Nuremberg, Amsterdam and New York. This approach allows us to be calm and confident that our delegates, trusting us with their own coins, can not worry about getting a fine by the validator.


To protect the validator, the software provided by which prevents the validator from receiving fines and is located in different data centers with the validator. Our validator has two decimalguards that provide 100% protection. Detailed information and instructions on the protection server can be found at: / . The protection servers are located in the data centers: Hetzner, DigitalOcean in the cities of Helsinki and London.


In case of an unforeseen situation (accident, system failure or other) our validator has backups and snapshots that make it possible to quickly eliminate downtime and resume work. Backups are performed every day, therefore the validator can be restored in a matter of minutes and work without loss.

Programs for condition monitoring and incident analysis

We are always improving, so the Plexus validator has a constant analysis of logs. The equipment has its own resource, and is also not immune from software failures. Therefore, all servers of the Plexus validator use software that allows you to monitor the status of resources, collect and analyze logs. This approach allows you to systematize the work with errors and organize their effective elimination, and also ensures the reliability of the validator.

"'The following software products are used for monitoring:

  • Server monitoring:

  • Prometheus

  • InfluxDB

  • Grafana

Collection and analysis of logs:

  • Elasticsearch

  • Logstash

  • Kibana


Taking into account the degree of protection of the validator, the availability of spare servers and external quality monitoring services, the Plexus validator has a commission of 10%, most of which is used for validator maintenance. Therefore, all our delegates entrusting their coins to us can be sure that they will be in a reliable validator, where they will not lose any coins of awards.


The creator of the validator will be happy to consider any suggestions for cooperation, we really like DecimalChain and we are interested in its development. You can contact telegram with any suggestions .
