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(Created page with "<div class="mikio-article-content"> <div class="mikio-tags"> </div> <span id="birzha"></span> = Биржа = <div class="level1"> '''Биржа''' — организатор торгов товарами, валютой, ценными бумагами, производными и другими рыночными инструментами. '''Устаревшее значение слова''' — ''«место или здание, где собираются...")
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<span id="birzha"></span>
<span id="birzha"></span>
= Биржа =
= Exchange =
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'''Биржа''' — организатор торгов товарами, валютой, ценными бумагами, производными и другими рыночными инструментами.
'''Exchange''' is an organizer of trading in commodities, currency, securities, derivatives and other market instruments.
'''Устаревшее значение слова''' — ''«место или здание, где собираются в определённые часы торговые люди, посредники, биржевые маклеры для заключения сделок с ценными бумагами или товарами».''
'''The obsolete meaning of the word ''' " is "a place or building where traders, intermediaries, stockbrokers gather at certain hours to conclude transactions with securities or commodities.""
До эпохи компьютеризации о сделках стороны договаривались устно. Сейчас торги большей частью проходят в электронном виде с использованием специализированных программ.
Before the era of computerization, the parties agreed on transactions verbally. Now the auctions are mostly held in electronic form via specialized programs.
'''Биржа''' ведёт учёт исполненных сделок, реализует, организует и гарантирует расчёты.
'''Exchange''' keeps records of executed transactions, implements, organizes and guarantees settlements.
Обычно биржи получают комиссию с каждой заключённой с их помощью сделки — это основной источник их доходов. Другими источниками могут быть членские взносы, плата за доступ к торгам, продажа биржевой информации и прочее.
Usually exchanges receive fees from each transaction concluded with their help. This is the main source of their income. Other sources may be membership fees, fees for access to trading, sale of exchange information, etc.
<span id="kriptovaljutnye_birzhi"></span>
<span id="kriptovaljutnye_birzhi"></span>
= Криптовалютные биржи =
= Cryptocurrency exchanges =
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'''Криптовалютная биржа''' — это площадка, где можно обменять одну криптовалюту на другую или на фиатные валюты.
'''Cryptocurrency exchange''' is a platform where you can exchange one cryptocurrency for another or for fiat currencies.
Криптовалютные биржи принимают депозиты в криптовалютах и фиате и позволяют клиенту сделать следующее:
Cryptocurrency exchanges accept deposits in cryptocurrencies and fiat and allow the client to do the following:
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Получить средства назад по требованию.
Get funds back on demand.
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Делать и получать платежи в криптовалютах.
Make and receive payments in cryptocurrencies.
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Продавать и покупать криптовалюты за фиат или какие-то другие криптовалюты.
Sell and buy cryptocurrencies for fiat or some other cryptocurrencies.
Основной источник дохода криптовалютных бирж — '''комиссии''' за каждые сделку и '''вывод средств''' . Комиссии за сделку составляют доли процента, чтобы совершалось много сделок. Вывод средств с криптобирж обойдётся дороже в 2-3%.
The main source of income for cryptocurrency exchanges is constituted by "fees" received for each transaction and "withdrawal of funds". Transaction fees are extremely low so that a lot of transactions would be executed. Withdrawal of funds from crypto exchanges will cost more — 2-3%.
<span id="kak_rabotaet_kriptobirzha"></span>
<span id="kak_rabotaet_kriptobirzha"></span>
= Как работает криптобиржа =
= How the crypto exchange works =
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Криптобиржи соединяют продавца криптовалют с покупателем и дают возможность пользователю обменять свою криптовалюту на множество других альткоинов. В некоторых случаях это единственная возможность получить непопулярный альткоин.
Crypto exchanges connect the seller of cryptocurrencies with the buyer and allow the user to exchange their cryptocurrency for many other altcoins. In some cases, this is the only way to get an unpopular altcoin.
Например, у вас есть биткоин вы хотите обменять его на Х-коин, вы вводите свой биткоин на адрес биржи, находите пару биткоин/Х-коин и обмениваете. Теперь вы можете вывести с биржи Х-коин на кошелёк, поддерживающий функцию хранения Х-коина, или хранить его на бирже, чтобы в случае необходимости быстро обменять его на биткоин или другую возможную криптовалюту.
For example, you have bitcoin you want to exchange it for X-coin, you enter your bitcoin to the exchange address, find a bitcoin/X-coin pair and exchange it. Now you can withdraw X-coin from the exchange to a wallet that supports the X-coin storage function, or store it on the exchange in order to quickly exchange it for bitcoin or another possible cryptocurrency if necessary.
Если у вас нет биткоина и вам нужен Х-коин, то алгоритм будет следующим: так как купить множество альткоинов можно с помощью основных криптовалют, таких как биткоин или эфир, то сначала вам нужно приобрести их. Если биржа поддерживает функцию ввода фиата, то вы вводите на биржу фиат, меняете его на стейблкоин, например, USDT, а затем на биткоин. Далее биткоин меняете на Х-коин. Если на бирже присутствует пара Х-коин/USDT, то промежуточный обмен на биткоин не нужен.
If you don't have bitcoin and you need X-coin, then the algorithm will be as follows: since you can buy a lot of altcoins with the help of major cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin or ether, then first you need to purchase them. If the exchange supports the fiat input function, then you enter fiat into the exchange, change it to a stablecoin, for example, USDT, and then to bitcoin. Next, you change Bitcoin to X-coin. If there is an X-coin/USDT pair on the exchange, then an intermediate exchange for bitcoin is not needed.
Если биржа не поддерживает функцию ввода фиата, то придётся воспользоваться обменником, чтобы купить биткоин, эфир или USDT.
If the exchange does not support the fiat input function, then you will have to use some exchange to buy bitcoin, ether or USDT.
<span id="kak_ustroena_kriptobirzha"></span>
<span id="kak_ustroena_kriptobirzha"></span>
= Как устроена криптобиржа =
= How the crypto exchange works =
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Криптобиржа как информационный продукт состоит из компьютерного железа и программного обеспечения.
Crypto exchange as an information product that consists of computer hardware and software.
'''Программная оболочка''' регистрирует пользователя и создаёт аккаунт, где он пополняет свои цифровые и фиатные счета либо выводит деньги, размещает ордера на покупку и продажу. Многие биржи предоставляют дополнительные функции чат, ленту новостей, аналитику курсов и тому подобное.
'''The software shell''' registers the user and creates an account in which he replenishes his digital and fiat accounts or withdraws money, places buy and sell orders. Many exchanges provide additional functions chat, news feed, exchange rate analytics, and the like.
'''Аппаратная часть''' представлена серверами, на которых выполняются операции и хранятся данные о пользователях, их счетах, проведенных ими сделках.
The "hardware part" is represented by servers on which operations are performed and data about users, their accounts, and transactions carried out by them are stored.
Регистрация на биржах бесплатна и для опытного пользователя не представляет сложностей, чего не скажешь о новичках: у большинства бирж сложный интерфейс, который нагружают функциналом для трейдеров.
Registration on exchanges is free and for an experienced user does not present difficulties, which cannot be said about beginners: most exchanges have a complex interface that is loaded with functionality for traders.
Для регистрации нужно ввести произвольное имя, придумать пароль и новый e-mail-адрес для безопасности вашего аккаунта на бирже.
To register, you need to enter an arbitrary name, come up with a password and a new e-mail address for the security of your account on the exchange.
На некоторых биржах пользователи разделены на несколько уровней доступных возможностей, и для повышения уровня и расширения функционала требуется верификация, в том числе с отправкой паспортных данных и сканов документов. Анонимность при этом теряется, зато пользователю доступно больше торговых операций, способов ввода и вывода денег и возможностей восстановления доступа к аккаунту в случае потери пароля.
On some exchanges, users are divided into several levels of available capabilities, and verification is required to increase the level and expand the functionality, including sending passport data and document scans. Anonymity is lost at the same time, but the user has access to more trading operations, ways of entering and withdrawing money and opportunities to restore access to the account in case of password loss.
<span id="bezopasnost"></span>
<span id="bezopasnost"></span>
= Безопасность =
= Security =
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После создания аккаунта биржа укажет адрес, на который следует перевести средства, чтобы начать торговать ими или использовать их для обмена на нужную вам валюту. '''Но учтите: хотя адрес кошелька объявляется как ваш, он сгенерирован сервером биржи, а приватные ключи от него хранятся именно у неё''' . Так что теоретически владельцы биржи могут распорядиться всеми перечисленными туда криптовалютами по своему усмотрению.
After creating an account, the exchange will indicate the address to which the funds should be transferred to start trading them or use them to exchange for the currency you need. '''But keep in mind: although the wallet address is declared as yours, it is generated by the exchange server, and the private keys from it are stored by her.''' So theoretically, the owners of the exchange can dispose of all the cryptocurrencies listed there at their discretion.
Если биржа разорится, будет ограблена хакерами или закрыта правоохранительными органами, шансы пользователей получить свои средства минимальны. В таких случаях всё зависит от порядочности владельцев и масштаба проблем.
If the exchange goes bankrupt, is robbed by hackers or is closed by law enforcement agencies, the chances of users getting their funds are minimal. In such cases, everything depends on the decency of the owners and the scale of the problems.
Хранить криптовалюту на бирже не стоит держите на счетах лишь то, чем намерены торговать. Остальное же лучше вывести на принадлежащий вам адрес крупные суммы желательно перевести на [[commoninfo:hotandcoldwallets?rev=1608663792#xolodnyj_kosheljok|«холодное хранение»]] .
It is not worth storing cryptocurrency on the stock exchange keep only what you intend to trade on your accounts. The rest is better to withdraw to your address it is desirable to transfer large amounts to [[commoninfo:hotandcoldwallets?rev=1608663792#xolodnyj_kosheljok|"cold storage"]] .

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[[commoninfo:hotandcoldwallets?rev=1608663792#xolodnyj_kosheljok|«холодное хранение»]]

Revision as of 14:23, 20 June 2022


Exchange is an organizer of trading in commodities, currency, securities, derivatives and other market instruments.

The obsolete meaning of the word " is "a place or building where traders, intermediaries, stockbrokers gather at certain hours to conclude transactions with securities or commodities.""

Before the era of computerization, the parties agreed on transactions verbally. Now the auctions are mostly held in electronic form via specialized programs.

Exchange keeps records of executed transactions, implements, organizes and guarantees settlements.

Usually exchanges receive fees from each transaction concluded with their help. This is the main source of their income. Other sources may be membership fees, fees for access to trading, sale of exchange information, etc.

Cryptocurrency exchanges

Cryptocurrency exchange is a platform where you can exchange one cryptocurrency for another or for fiat currencies.

Cryptocurrency exchanges accept deposits in cryptocurrencies and fiat and allow the client to do the following:

  1. Get funds back on demand.

  2. Make and receive payments in cryptocurrencies.

  3. Sell and buy cryptocurrencies for fiat or some other cryptocurrencies.

The main source of income for cryptocurrency exchanges is constituted by "fees" received for each transaction and "withdrawal of funds". Transaction fees are extremely low so that a lot of transactions would be executed. Withdrawal of funds from crypto exchanges will cost more — 2-3%.

How the crypto exchange works

Crypto exchanges connect the seller of cryptocurrencies with the buyer and allow the user to exchange their cryptocurrency for many other altcoins. In some cases, this is the only way to get an unpopular altcoin.

For example, you have bitcoin — you want to exchange it for X-coin, you enter your bitcoin to the exchange address, find a bitcoin/X-coin pair and exchange it. Now you can withdraw X-coin from the exchange to a wallet that supports the X-coin storage function, or store it on the exchange in order to quickly exchange it for bitcoin or another possible cryptocurrency if necessary.

If you don't have bitcoin and you need X-coin, then the algorithm will be as follows: since you can buy a lot of altcoins with the help of major cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin or ether, then first you need to purchase them. If the exchange supports the fiat input function, then you enter fiat into the exchange, change it to a stablecoin, for example, USDT, and then to bitcoin. Next, you change Bitcoin to X-coin. If there is an X-coin/USDT pair on the exchange, then an intermediate exchange for bitcoin is not needed.

If the exchange does not support the fiat input function, then you will have to use some exchange to buy bitcoin, ether or USDT.

How the crypto exchange works

Crypto exchange as an information product that consists of computer hardware and software.

The software shell registers the user and creates an account in which he replenishes his digital and fiat accounts or withdraws money, places buy and sell orders. Many exchanges provide additional functions — chat, news feed, exchange rate analytics, and the like.

The "hardware part" is represented by servers on which operations are performed and data about users, their accounts, and transactions carried out by them are stored.

Registration on exchanges is free and for an experienced user does not present difficulties, which cannot be said about beginners: most exchanges have a complex interface that is loaded with functionality for traders.

To register, you need to enter an arbitrary name, come up with a password and a new e-mail address for the security of your account on the exchange.

On some exchanges, users are divided into several levels of available capabilities, and verification is required to increase the level and expand the functionality, including sending passport data and document scans. Anonymity is lost at the same time, but the user has access to more trading operations, ways of entering and withdrawing money and opportunities to restore access to the account in case of password loss.


After creating an account, the exchange will indicate the address to which the funds should be transferred to start trading them or use them to exchange for the currency you need. But keep in mind: although the wallet address is declared as yours, it is generated by the exchange server, and the private keys from it are stored by her. So theoretically, the owners of the exchange can dispose of all the cryptocurrencies listed there at their discretion.

If the exchange goes bankrupt, is robbed by hackers or is closed by law enforcement agencies, the chances of users getting their funds are minimal. In such cases, everything depends on the decency of the owners and the scale of the problems.

It is not worth storing cryptocurrency on the stock exchange — keep only what you intend to trade on your accounts. The rest is better to withdraw to your address — it is desirable to transfer large amounts to "cold storage" .