Be part of the open economy of the future

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browser wallet
One secure account for all your digital assets
browser wallet
One secure account for all your digital assets
get started

Swap tokens & collectibles
decentralized exchange
Swap tokens & collectibles
decentralized exchange

liquidity pools
Provide liquidity, earn rewards
liquidity pools
Provide liquidity, earn rewards
coming soon

Coming soon
Coming soon
0 del
Compare coins
Custom coin
Easy custom coin creation
Instant coin liquidity
Coin price determinacy
Custom coin transaction fee
High bandwidth
Decentralized exchange
On-chain Multisig logic
Low transactions fee
In-each-block stake recalculation
PoS consensus
Golang SDK
Delegation / Investing
Unbond balance showcase
Become a validator
Block reward increase
Human-friendly Multisig interface
Multisignature address
Multisend transaction
Human-friendly Multisend interface
Bech32 address format
Mobile wallet
Desktop Wallet
Wallet Telegram bot
Console client
Offline transaction creation
Meet our executive leadership
Anatoly Berdnikov
Chief executive officer
Shared responsible decisions, managing project managers, ensuring that the company's actions comply with the criteria and norms of external stakeholders
Dmitriy Stepanov
Chief technical officer
Responsible for the development of new services or products, setting goals and objectives, assigning missions to developers
Petru Bantis
Chief software architect
Architectural solutions, technical implementation of business tasks, development team management, strategic planning
Sergey Salarev
Project manager
Project support, coordination of deadlines and requirements, project team management, documentation. Gathers a ton of information, sifts it and transfers it to the team in the form of an understandable technical task
Margarita Ignatova
Chief financial officer
Engaged in strategic planning, information systems management, cost control and reporting. Also participates in tax planning, including optimizing taxation, and establishing internal control in the company
Nikita Veremeev
Chief listening officer
Advising the company's management on various legal issues for making effective business decisions, representing and protecting the interests of the company, developing corporate documentation
Ksenia Egorova
Marketing Director
Brand promotion, digital marketing, updating and publishing materials on social networks. Creation of conditions for the successful launch of marketing campaigns. Implementation of the SMM strategy.
Vitaliy Meerovich
Backend Developer, Technical Lead
Project leading technical specialist. Responsible for project architecture, coordinates the team of developers
Kirill Baydakov
UX/UI Designer
Ihor Tymarsha
Mobile Developer, Technical Lead
Lead Decimal mobile developer and coordinator
We are trusted within the crypto community and beyond
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Available on all major platforms

- create a liquid coin by means of one button
- your coin is liquid, simple and understandable
- make passive income
- transfer money in a matter of seconds