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(Created page with "<div class="mikio-article-content"> <div class="mikio-tags"> </div> <span id="x-profit"></span> = X-profit = <div class="level1"> 400px|class=mediacenter Команда валидатора X-profit — это молодые амбициозные люди с опытом работы в сфере IT более четырёх лет. Свой опыт мы обрели в компании '''EPAM''' на долж...")
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= X-profit =

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[[File:Validators-image_2021-05-25_15_27_07.jpg|400px|class=mediacenter]] Команда валидатора X-profit — это молодые амбициозные люди с опытом работы в сфере IT более четырёх лет.
·The X-profit validator eqipments

Свой опыт мы обрели в компании '''EPAM''' на должностях '''DevOps''' (Леонид) и '''Project Manager''' (Николай).

'''Наша цель — обеспечить стабильную работу валидатора и сохранность средств делегаторов. Для этого мы используем лучшее оборудование на рынке и свой опыт.'''

DecimalChain — это наш первый опыт в сфере валидирования, и с каждым днём мы учимся новому и развиваемся вместе с сетью. У нашей команды был опыт в администрировании серверов, и мы решили попробовать себя в качестве валидатора.
The X-profit validator team consists of ambitious young people with more than four years of experience in the IT field. We gained our experience at EPAM in the positions of DevOps (Leonid) and Project Manager (Nikolai). Our goal is to ensure the stable operation of the validator and the safety of delegate funds. To do this, we use the best equipment on the market and our experience. DecimalChain is our first experience in the field of validation, and every day we learn new things and develop together with the network. Our team had experience in server administration, and we decided to try ourselves as a validator.

The X-profit validator technical equipment

To ensure the stable operation of the validator, we deployed software and masternode on a variety of servers and data centers, and also conducted an analysis, selecting the best offers on the server equipment rental market for the X-profit validator. The developers of the DecimalChain network have taken care of a special software - Decimal Guard - to protect the funds of delegates, which we use in our work. As in any big business, it was not without bitter experience, but we learn from our mistakes and constantly improve the quality and quantity of servers for protection and validation. Today we use three servers for validation (one main and two backup) and the same number for protection. Validators are located in data centers:
<span id="texnicheskoe_ustrojstvo_validatora_x-profit"></span>
= Техническое устройство валидатора X-profit =

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Для обеспечения стабильной работы валидатора мы разворачивали софт и мастерноду на множестве серверов и дата-центров, а также проводили анализ, отобрав лучшие предложения на рынке аренды серверного оборудования для '''валидатора X-profit''' .

Разработчики сети DecimalChain позаботились о специальном программном обеспечении — '''Decimal Guard''' — для защиты средств делегаторов, который мы используем в работе.

Как и в любом большом деле, не обошлось без горького опыта, но мы учимся на своих ошибках и постоянно '''улучшаем качество и количество серверов для защиты и валидирования''' .
For security servers, we also chose Linode, but in conjunction with DigitalOcean and AWS. When choosing server data centers, we referred to our experience with these services. We make every effort to quickly make network updates, which happen quite often. In case of an unforeseen situation, we will be able to restore the validator operation quickly (less than two hours) due to configured backup servers, as well as an automatic backup system. To collect information and monitor the work, we use a service from Amazon - CloudWatch Logs.

Сегодня мы используем '''три сервера''' для валидирования (один основной и два резервных) и столько же — для защиты.

Валидаторы находятся в дата-центрах:
We are ready to solve any problems and tasks that arise on our way. The X-profit team is always open to new ideas and cooperation. You can directly contact the leader of the team — Nikolai Shilkin.

·Nikolay Shilkin (Telegram: @nishilk) is the team leader.
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Leonid is the server administrator, responsible for the software and hardware of the validator.

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'''Для серверов защиты мы также выбрали Linode, но в связке с DigitalOcean и AWS.'''
''При выборе дата-центров серверов мы ссылались на свой опыт работы с данными сервисами.''
Мы прикладываем все усилия, чтобы быстро производить обновления сети, которые происходят довольно часто. В случае непредвиденной ситуации мы сможем быстро (менее двух часов) восстановить работу валидатора за счёт настроеных резервных серверов, а также автоматической системы создания резервных копий.
'''Для сбора информации и мониторинга работы мы используем сервис от Amazon — CloudWatch Logs.'''

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= Команда =
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Мы готовы решать любые проблемы и задачи, которые возникают на нашем пути.
'''Команда X-profit''' всегда открыта к новым идеям и сотрудничеству. Вы можете напрямую обратиться к '''лидеру команды — Николаю Шилкину.'''
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'''Николай Шилкин''' (Telegram: @nishilk) — лидер команды.
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'''Леонид''' — администратор серверов, отвечает за программную и аппаратную части валидатора.

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Revision as of 15:21, 20 April 2022



·The X-profit validator eqipments



The X-profit validator team consists of ambitious young people with more than four years of experience in the IT field. We gained our experience at EPAM in the positions of DevOps (Leonid) and Project Manager (Nikolai). Our goal is to ensure the stable operation of the validator and the safety of delegate funds. To do this, we use the best equipment on the market and our experience. DecimalChain is our first experience in the field of validation, and every day we learn new things and develop together with the network. Our team had experience in server administration, and we decided to try ourselves as a validator.

The X-profit validator technical equipment

To ensure the stable operation of the validator, we deployed software and masternode on a variety of servers and data centers, and also conducted an analysis, selecting the best offers on the server equipment rental market for the X-profit validator. The developers of the DecimalChain network have taken care of a special software - Decimal Guard - to protect the funds of delegates, which we use in our work. As in any big business, it was not without bitter experience, but we learn from our mistakes and constantly improve the quality and quantity of servers for protection and validation. Today we use three servers for validation (one main and two backup) and the same number for protection. Validators are located in data centers:




For security servers, we also chose Linode, but in conjunction with DigitalOcean and AWS. When choosing server data centers, we referred to our experience with these services. We make every effort to quickly make network updates, which happen quite often. In case of an unforeseen situation, we will be able to restore the validator operation quickly (less than two hours) due to configured backup servers, as well as an automatic backup system. To collect information and monitor the work, we use a service from Amazon - CloudWatch Logs.


We are ready to solve any problems and tasks that arise on our way. The X-profit team is always open to new ideas and cooperation. You can directly contact the leader of the team — Nikolai Shilkin.

·Nikolay Shilkin (Telegram: @nishilk) is the team leader.

Leonid is the server administrator, responsible for the software and hardware of the validator.
