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Coiner is a Decimal network user who has released his own (custom) crypto coin.

Custom coin — any coin created by the Decimal network user with its individual characteristics and scope of application. Unlike other blockchain networks, DecimalChain allows any participant to issue their own crypto asset, a crypto coin.

The characteristics of each coin are determined at the time of its design and are based on the functional features of the product or project in which this coin will be involved. Characteristics cannot be changed after the creation.

The custom coin is only used in the Decimal network.

Interesting to know

Initially, the term «coiner» was formed as an antonym of the word «no-coiner» which means «a person opposed to cryptocurrencies».

No-coiners actively promote theories about a «financial bubble», a pyramid scheme and cryptocurrency fraud. There is a theory that the first no-coiners were financiers, traders and investors who did not believe in Bitcoin and missed out on huge profits, and the term «no-coiner» meant a person who does not have bitcoins.

Otherwise, a coiner is a person who supports and uses cryptocurrencies. In other words, a crypto enthusiast.