
(Redirected from Instructions:Transactions)
This is a page with the instruction guide to the Decimal Console.

Main article: Transaction

Transaction history for accessing the Dashboard at can be found in the Transactions section:

General tab


1. Switch:
a. General. Displays information about Decimal blockchain transactions for your wallet.
b. EVM. Displays information about EVM transactions for your wallet.
2. View all. button. Allows you to go to your wallet address explorer where you can view your transaction history for all time.
3. TXid. Refers to the record in the blockchain with information about the transaction.
4. Block. Refers to the blockchain block the transaction is included in.
5. Time. Refers to the exact time the transaction was signed into the block.
6. Receiver. Refers to the recipient's wallet address.
7. Type. Refers to the type of transaction.
8. Direction. Incoming - IN, outgoing - OUT.
9. Amount. Refers to the amount of coins, tokens, or NFTs in the transaction.

EVM tab


Displays information about EVM transactions for your wallet.

1. View all button. Allows you to go to your wallet address explorer where you can view your transaction history for all time.
2. Transaction hash. Refers to the record in the blockchain with information about the transaction.
3. Block. Refers to the blockchain block the transaction is included in.
4. Time. Refers to the exact time the transaction was signed into the block.
5. Nonce. Unique identifier for the transaction.
6. Sender. Refers to the sender's wallet address.
7. Receiver. Refers to the recipient's wallet address.
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