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CRR, or Constant Reserve Ratio is the coefficient of constant reservation of custom coins in the DecimalChain network.

The role of CRR in creating your own coin

The idea behind Decimal is to provide absolute and instant liquidity for any network coin. To achieve this, each custom coin is reserved with the network's base coin, DEL. The reserve is created upon issuance and can increase or decrease based on the buying and selling of the issued coin.

The CRR (constant reserve ratio) determines the level of liquidity, indicating how much each coin is backed by the reserve in the total supply. The higher the CRR, the higher the reserve backing and the lower the volatility.


Liquidity in the Decimal network is built on reserves. You can set the CRR from 10 to 100%, which primarily affects the coin's volatility. The higher the reserve percentage, the more stable the coin's growth and decline.

For example, setting the CRR to 100% means your coin will not change in price relative to DEL, and its volatility will completely mirror the DEL's chart.

With a 10% CRR, the price of your token relative to DEL will significantly increase after each purchase and decrease after each sale. When people buy your coin, they will increase the reserve, and when they sell, they will decrease it.

All issued coins can be instantly exchanged for the base coin, DEL, and all coins can be exchanged through DEL for other coins in the Decimal network.

DecimalChain is compatible with the Cosmos network, which means users will be able to "one-click" exchange their issued coins for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other leading currencies. Coins issued in the Decimal system will not require listing on exchanges or even decentralized exchanges. Through DEL, they can be instantly quoted against the cryptocurrency market.

See also