Comparative Decimal blockchain analytics for the period: 26.02 – 03.03 and 19.02 – 25.02

  Comparative Decimal blockchain analytics for the period: 26.02 – 03.03 and 19.02 – 25.02 ● For the period of 7 days: + 11,081 transactions; Indicator: +10%. Total transactions: 2 275 192. ● Total validators: 83; 52 online, 31 offline. ● Number of blocks added are: + 107 193; Total blocks: 19,538,975. ● Block reward: … Read more

“The Merge” Impact on Developing ETH Tokenomics

Understanding the tokenomics of cryptocurrency is an indisputable task in predicting the future of the token. ETH is obviously no exception to this rule, and the appearance of The Merge forces all players to reconsider their view of the ETH offers available on the market. Since the official announcement of the Merge, there has been … Read more

What to expect from Bitcoin and Ethereum?

What to expect from Bitcoin and Ethereum?

Many cryptocurrency investors are growing concerned about the ongoing bear market and how difficult Bitcoin is trying to reverse the situation. However, those who have been working in this business for many years are used to such events. According to, this is not the first cycle of decline that the cryptocurrency market is facing, … Read more

Ethereum Virtual Machine

Ethereum Virtual Machine

Saturday marked the 7th anniversary of the public debut of Ethereum, a blockchain network that on July 30, 2015, mined its first block and started a revolution in the crypto ecosystem. After Bitcoin and its proposal to transfer value between people using cryptocurrencies, Ethereum adapted this technology and created a “distributed global computer” capable of … Read more

Ethereum: Mining difficulty has reached a record level

Ethereum: Mining difficulty has reached a record level

On Saturday, June 4, the complexity of mining on the Ethereum blockchain reached a historic high. According to Etherscan, the difficulty has reached 15,089,793 terrahashes (TH). As the process description says on the higher this value, the more difficult it is to get a block in the network. Thus, this metric is an increasing … Read more

Blockchain: How the Technology Underlying Ethereum Works

Blockchain: How the Technology Underlying Ethereum Works

Of all currently existing blockchains, Ethereum is the most popular for developing decentralized applications due to the large number of developers and companies that support it. Currently, according to, about 200,000 developers are creating applications on this blockchain, and this number is expected to continue to grow. The reason for its popularity and the … Read more

On March, 14th, EU to adopt the crypto legislation

On March, 14th, EU to adopt the crypto legislation

This is the last date when the European Parliament will vote on the text prepared in the committee and has already undergone significant revision. Our readers probably remember how many discussions there were on the issue of Bitcoin, some even feared the possibility of its ban. Then the possibility of a ban was removed due … Read more

Bitcoin and the risks associated with it

Bitcoin and the risks associated with it

Since the debut of the world’s first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, on January 3, 2009, the value of the entire cryptocurrency market has grown to $1.9 trillion, which is equivalent to Canada’s GDP, and even exceeds it. Today, the world’s largest companies and asset managers buy, sell and exchange cryptocurrencies, as well as accept them as a … Read more

Bitcoin, Ethereum and Spreads

Bitcoin, Ethereum and Spreads

The annual inflation rate in the eurozone by the end of January 2022, according to preliminary estimates, was 5.1%, which was the highest indicator in the entire history of observations, according to Eurostat. In December 2021, annual inflation in the Eurozone was 5%. Central banks are in the grip of inflation and spreads, and this … Read more

Crypto Space Today, and What to Expect Tomorrow

Crypto Space Today, and What to Expect Tomorrow

To be sure, even the laziest today are talking about the fall of Bitcoin. But crypto traders and investors, and just those who are present on the cryptocurrency market, understand perfectly well that the rollback is natural. And besides Bitcoin, there are plenty of events on the market. But, we will not break traditions, and … Read more

Bitcoin Dominates below 40%

Bitcoin Dominates below 40%

The core of many analyses and forecasts, the dominance of Bitcoin, has been declining for several months. Before the threat of a low point at 33% of the market – the level reached during the collapse of the cryptocurrency market in January 2018. The dominance of Bitcoin is defined as the ratio of the market … Read more

Promoting the sustainable development of cryptocurrencies by Global Regulators

Promoting the sustainable development of cryptocurrencies by Global Regulators

The emerging global policy pursued by such standard-setting bodies as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Financial Stability Board (FSB), the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) is favorable. Risk-based regulation should support active “cryptoization” – a term coined … Read more

Basics of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

Basics of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

Studying the Ethereum project published at, you will certainly pay attention to such a term as Ethereum-Virtual-Machine. It is EVM that opens up a lot of opportunities for the Ethereum blockchain. If you want to start using EVM, then you don’t have to be an experienced programmer. EVMs are designed in such a way … Read more

Smart contract platforms and solutions for scaling them

Smart contract platforms and solutions for scaling them

Unlike Bitcoin, smart contract platforms allow people to create dApps applications. These applications (dApps) can be accessed globally and around the clock using decentralized blockchains. To use a variety of applications, it is enough for the user to have a device with an Internet connection. According to, the largest areas of their application currently … Read more

Crypto price forecast: BTC, ETN and other coins - what should investors expect?

Crypto price forecast: BTC, ETN and other coins – what should investors expect?

In October 2020, Bitcoin, according to, cost just under $13,000. The price has increased several times in three months and reached $41,946. in January 2021. After several misses, the world’s largest cryptocurrency broke the next record. On November 10, Bitcoin reached a record high of $68,789. In the Bitcoin stream, other cryptocurrencies have also … Read more