Decimal digest

Decimal Digest ● Decimal updates markets To focus on blockchain marketing and support high quality DEL coin trading – it has decided to remove marketplaces with low liquidity and low trading volume. The DEL/USDT trading pair on the exchange will be removed on June 24, 2024 at 10:00 MSC. ● Text version of the … Read more

Decimal Weekly News Digest

Hello, community! Today is March 8, Friday and you are waiting for a digest of the week’s news. And, taking this opportunity – congratulations to the beautiful half of humanity on International Women’s Day! 💐 Crypto-ladies in our community are a balm on our soul! Thank you for your beauty and support of menText version … Read more

Decimal Digest

Friday digest is here with you! It’s starting to get cold outside. The first snow is already here in some regions. Let’s try to warm you up with the passing news of the past week. Decimal and Tangem Yesterday, 19 October, Binance live hosted an AMA session in Russian on the topic of safe cryptocurrency … Read more