Seed-phrase education

Seed-phrase, also known as backup, recovery phrase, mnemonic phrase or secret words, is a key element in protecting your cryptocurrency assets. It is a set of 12 or 24 words used to generate private keys that allow you to dispose of your coins. The concept of a Seed-phrase A Seed-phrase is not as simple as … Read more

Comparative Decimal blockchain analytics for the period: 26.02 – 03.03 and 19.02 – 25.02

  Comparative Decimal blockchain analytics for the period: 26.02 – 03.03 and 19.02 – 25.02 ● For the period of 7 days: + 11,081 transactions; Indicator: +10%. Total transactions: 2 275 192. ● Total validators: 83; 52 online, 31 offline. ● Number of blocks added are: + 107 193; Total blocks: 19,538,975. ● Block reward: … Read more

AMA-session with Decimal CEO Anatoly Berdnikov from 22.02.24. Text format.

On February 22, Binance hosted an AMA session with Anatoly Berdnikov, CEO of Decimal. As promised, we prepared the AMA-session in text format for those who didn’t have a chance to watch it or it’s just more convenient. Konstantin Ponomaryov and Anatoly Berdnikov were the hosts of the broadcast. A detailed transcript of the broadcast … Read more

Decimal Roadmap. 2024

Hello, community! Last year was a busy one, but our team is not resting on its laurels and has set new ambitious goals for this year. Every day we strive to make the service more convenient and efficient for users and today we would like to present the main stages of Decimal roadmap for 2024. … Read more

Celebrating achievement and innovation in 2023. Decimal Digest for December

Greetings to all members of the Decimal community! As we take stock of the passing year, we are happy to share our company’s most important events and achievements for the last month of 2023. In this article you will find everything you need to know about our latest news and developments. New perspectives with Andrei … Read more