Redelegate/Unbond functions improved

On October 18, a problem with the timing of token transfer between validators and redelegation was detected: the script worked with an error. Up to 10/18/2024 all operations were performed according to the old terms (unbond – 30 days, redelegation – 15 days); Starting on 10/18/2024, all transactions already take into account the new deadlines … Read more

Address Converter

The conversion function on has been fixed and tested. Over the lifetime of the blockchain, addresses could be the following: ● dx. – legacy address (not already present in the blockchain); ● d0… – old address format; ● d0valoper… – old validator address format; ● 0x… – new address format. After the blockchain update, … Read more

Python API Decimal

While the Decimal development team is preparing a full-fledged API SDK on Python programming language, in DEV chat, Candy project owner (Maxim) offered his version of wrapper over JS SDK on Python API:   🔗 Only some of the core features are in the build and new features can be added as needed if … Read more

Decimal News

A new week and new challenges face the development team. Yesterday we published a feedback form from projects built on the Decimal blockchain to prioritize tasks to work on. Already: ● A bug related to the MAX button in the Decimal console has been fixed. Commissions are now counted correctly and properly accounted for when … Read more

Working with Decimal projects

The development team has collected data about bugs in Decimal Wallet mobile app and is already working on fixing and improving it. We would like to thank everyone who contributed and pointed out bugs. An updated version will be presented soon. And already now the team is preparing to connect the services of the blockchain itself … Read more

Unbonding script update

At the time of blockchain migration from COSMOS to EVM, users who made an Unbond transaction (unbonding) experienced delays in getting their steaks out of the validator. This situation is due to the fact that after a change in the blockchain architecture, steaking processing now goes through a smart contract that interacts with the COSMOS … Read more

Decimal Wallet in AppStore

Decimal Wallet mobile application has passed moderation in AppStore and now iPhone users can also update the application and use Decimal’s EVM blockchain functionality. Please note that the following bugs have been identified in the current build, as well as in the Android version: ● Pin code entry requires another tap on the digit first; … Read more

Decimal Wallet bug analysis

Yesterday, the updated Decimal Wallet app appeared in Goggle Play and in the Telegram chats there were messages from users about bugs found in the downloaded build: ● Pin code entry requires another tap on the digit first; ● Incorrect display of the total delegated steak amount; ● Some users do not have all tokens … Read more

Decimal Wallet update

Work on updates and bug fixes is in full swing! Today the development team has updated Decimal wallet mobile app.   Working versions have been sent to Google Play and AppStore for moderation.   At this time, you can update the mobile application in Google Play right now. iPhone owners will have to wait a … Read more

Decimal News

Monday is the start of the work week. The day of planning and motivation. It is on Mondays that the tasks for the next 7 days are set. Decimal team is always charged with energy and team spirit, because the work is not simple, but ambitious goals. Today, at the team meeting – the main … Read more

Decimal Validator

The validator in the Decimal blockchain is a key element that ensures the security and functioning of the entire network. It is not just a node storing coins, but an important participant responsible for validating transactions and forming new blocks. Mechanisms of validators in Decimal: 1. Consensus: Validators are involved in reaching consensus on each … Read more

Console Decimal update

After the final migration to EVM and blockchain launch, users may encounter console display errors that are known to the developers. Every effort is being made to restore correct operation of services that process and display this data. There are problems with displaying: ● Revards; ● Total reward; ● Tokens in Dashboard and during conversion; … Read more

Explorer Decimal Update

After the final blockchain migration and recovery of critical bugs that led to the network shutdown – the blockchain is functioning, but users may encounter display errors in explorer: Explorer is experiencing the following display issues: ● The transaction history graph on the explorer homepage shows data that is not up to date; ● The … Read more

Decimal token conversion

After switching to EVM – the basic token conversion feature is up and running. This is a widget with which you can exchange one secured token for another. The exchange functionality is built into the console and allows you to exchange tokens immediately in your wallet. To make the conversion: 1. Select a token to … Read more