Decimal main news New API for Decimal queries  Decimal’s blockchain is moving to a microservice architecture. A new microservice for award data has already been launched. It is required to migrate to the new API by 04/22/2024. This is an important step to improve efficiency and reliability. Details in the publication. New videos on Youtube … Read more

Decimal’s main news

DEL/RUB on the exchange Since April 3, DEL/RUB trading has been moved from the P2P market to the SPOT trading of the Bit.Team exchange. Now, users can buy and sell DEL coin in the SPOT-terminal in the DEL/RUB trading pair. New videos on Youtube  and TikTok Sam Bankman was sentenced to 25 years in … Read more

Decimal Weekly News Digest

Decimal’s weekly digest of blockchain news. Voting on Decimal’s CEO initiative has concluded ( The majority voted “Yes”, leading to the adoption of the initiative and planning for changes to the Decimal blockchain tokenomics. Work on this will begin after the expected blockchain migration update at the end of March. Football World project audit ( … Read more

Decimal Weekly News Digest

Hello, community! Today is March 8, Friday and you are waiting for a digest of the week’s news. And, taking this opportunity – congratulations to the beautiful half of humanity on International Women’s Day! 💐 Crypto-ladies in our community are a balm on our soul! Thank you for your beauty and support of menText version … Read more

Decimal Weekly News Digest

Hello, community! The first day of spring, which many people have been looking forward to. And it’s Friday and that means what’s in store for you – a digest of the week’s outgoing news! ● Vote for the development of Decimal On March 1, the vote to adopt the described changes to the CEO Decimal … Read more

Decimal Digest

Friday digest is here with you! It’s started rainy days outside and the mood can be sad, so we’ll try to make you happy with the passing news of the past week. ● Decimal’s Youtube channel achievements We are pleased to share with you the news that DecimalChain’s Youtube channel has reached 20,000 hours of … Read more

DUSD. Its application and functions

DUSD. Its application and functions

The transition to Smart Chain has already started and it’s a good time to start describing the features of the new network in detail.  The most burning question for many is how will the stablecoin will be implemented. In this article, we’ll reveal the features of a stablecoin in DSC, how it will be implemented, … Read more

AVT token on Decimal blockchain

AVT token on Decimal blockchain

Avatars is the new project on the Decimal blockchain! Avatars aims to create a world of popular copies involving NFT technology based on the Decimal blockchain. The team presents a variety of NFT collections: from simple images to cards of famous athletes and avatars of celebrities. Besides, Avatars is working at NFT replicas of fine … Read more

Big brothers is whatching you

Big brothers is whatching you

This post was supposed to be published on Friday. And while we were writing the instructions for this post the initiative group has heard about our intentions and had already started taking action. So far 103 projects have already fulfilled the first step. As we mentioned, we’ve been watched by “big brother” for the whole … Read more

Generations of blockchain

Generations of blockchain

This won’t come as great news to everyone, but blockchain, along with any other technology, especially a new one, is changing and evolving. You’ve probably seen the phrase “first/second/third blockchain generation”, just not to be confused with blockchain layers! We explained what blockchain layers are in a previous article, which you can read by clicking … Read more

IBC and cross-chain bridges

IBC and cross-chain bridges

New opportunities have also appeared with the introduction of cryptocurrencies — sending assets to another continent in a mere matter of minutes. But more than just digital assets as an alternative to conventional ones were needed, so, after the first generation of blockchain, two more generations were born, with additional features that weren’t foreseen initially. … Read more

Burning DEL Coins and Issuance

Burning DEL Coins and Issuance

Now we’re going to talk about coin issuance, why this value is so important, and what it’s responsible for. Money issuance is the process of releasing monetary instruments into circulation. In the cryptocurrency industry, issuance is used in the meaning of releasing coins into circulation. There are two types: “current issuance” and ” ending issuance.” … Read more