Address Converter

The conversion function on has been fixed and tested. Over the lifetime of the blockchain, addresses could be the following: ● dx. – legacy address (not already present in the blockchain); ● d0… – old address format; ● d0valoper… – old validator address format; ● 0x… – new address format. After the blockchain update, … Read more

Decimal Validator

The validator in the Decimal blockchain is a key element that ensures the security and functioning of the entire network. It is not just a node storing coins, but an important participant responsible for validating transactions and forming new blocks. Mechanisms of validators in Decimal: 1. Consensus: Validators are involved in reaching consensus on each … Read more

Explorer Decimal Update

After the final blockchain migration and recovery of critical bugs that led to the network shutdown – the blockchain is functioning, but users may encounter display errors in explorer: Explorer is experiencing the following display issues: ● The transaction history graph on the explorer homepage shows data that is not up to date; ● The … Read more

Technical works Decimal

Information as of 24.09.24 Decimal development team informs that after making corrections on incorrect record and performing rollback on 22466640 block it was possible to start the network, but the error appeared again. It is related to duplication of validator records when their set is changed. Despite successful execution of some processes (unlocking, service startup, … Read more

Comparative Decimal blockchain analytics for the period 27.05-02.06 and 20.05-26.05:

● For the period of 7 days: + 14,739 transactions; Total transactions: 2 434 774. ● New validator DecimalTools (Fee 50%) was created. Total validators: 85. 41 online, 44 offline. ● Number of added blocks: +108,036; Total blocks: 20,927,250. ● Reward per block: 1,202 DEL; ● Issuance in 7 days: + 111,119,734 DEL. Indicator: +1%. Total emission: 9,060,885,671 DEL; ● Number … Read more

Decimal Digest

Wiki Decimal Decimal expands the functionality of the Wiki educational platform. We invite you to register  and leave information about your project  built on the Decimal blockchain. Decimal CEO at DAO COD event  Today, May 17, Anatoly Berdnikov speaks at the federal DAO COD event in Moscow. In addition, projects built on Decimal’s blockchain are … Read more

Decimal Digest

DecimalChain account at We invite blockchain users to subscribe to our DecimalChain account at, where you can be active and flag tweets of interest. Decimal Wiki Decimal is expanding the functionality of its educational platform by adding new articles. Decimal Encyclopedia helps users understand cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Sign up and contribute! Decimal Security … Read more

Decimal main news New API for Decimal queries  Decimal’s blockchain is moving to a microservice architecture. A new microservice for award data has already been launched. It is required to migrate to the new API by 04/22/2024. This is an important step to improve efficiency and reliability. Details in the publication. New videos on Youtube … Read more

Decimal API Update

Thank you for your understanding and support of the project. Team Decimal appreciates your contribution to the blAn update that addresses Decimal’s blockchain infrastructure. Decimal is constantly striving to improve and optimize. And as part of this process, it has decided to move from a monolithic backend architecture that collects, stores and transfers blockchain data to a … Read more