Comparative blockchain Decimal analytics for the period: 20.11.23 – 26.11.23 and 13.11.23 – 19.11.23.

● For the period of 7 days: + 12,440 transactions;
Total transactions: 1 991 119.
● New validator: MAKAROVSKY (commission 3%);
Total validators: 81;
52 online, 29 offline.
● Number of blocks added is: + 108 529;
Total blocks: 17,704,313.
● Block reward: 903 DEL;
● Emission in 7 days: + 83,988,613 DEL;
Total emission: 6,026,836,664 DEL.
● Number of coins delegated: + 79,840,666 DEL.
Total delegated: 5,841,952,969 DEL.
● New wallets: +270;
Indicator: +2.5%. Total wallets: 198,309.
● Created 4 new coins: MMMDEFI (CRR 50%), BEAUTYS (CRR 65%), SLAVACOIN (CRR 75%), PAVELCOIN (CRR 46%);
313 tokens in total.
