Decimal live streams

Hello, community!

At 2023 Binance has given us a platform to live stream to a wide audience of crypto users around the world. The Decimalchain channel already has 1,100 subscribers and our videos have over 23,000 likes and over 50,000 views! We’ve made a selection of broadcasts for you over the past year.

Decimal is a guest of Binance on BSC Daily:
BSC Daily x DexCoyote (from 33 minutes in) (EN)
Decimal AMA | Crypto Box GA from BSC Daily (EN)
Decimal AMA #2 | Crypto Box GA about DAO Whitepaper (EN)

Decimal live streaming:
AMA session with Anatoly Berdnikov about the new White Paper DAO (RU)
Decimal DAO second round with DECIMAL CEO Anatoly Berdnikov (RU)
About the DAO White Paper (EN)
Decimal and Tangem (RU)
Artificial Intelligence and NFT (RU)
Decimal blockchain security audit (EN)

AMA sessions with projects built on Decimal:
Candy (RU)
ITCoin (RU)
ByAcademy (RU)
ComCoin (RU)
Lakshmi (RU)
NFT Project No. 3067 (RU)

The new year 2024 will bring you new airs! Token holders can already book places for AMA-sessions, so that our whole community can meet you. To do so, please fill out the Google form.

Stay up to date with Decimal’s outgoing events. Enjoy the show!