Comparative Decimal blockchain analytics for the period 03.06-09.06 and 27.05-02.06:

● For the period of 7 days: + 11,244 transactions;
Total transactions: 2 446 018.
● Total validators: 85.
42 online, 43 offline.
● Number of blocks added: +107,650;
Total blocks: 21,034,900.
● Reward per block: 1,202 DEL;
● Issue in 7 days: + 110,655,733 DEL.
Total issuance: 9,190,081,421 DEL;
● Number of delegated coins: + 139,060,505 DEL.
Total delegated: 8,820,576,964 DEL;
● New wallets: +116.
Indicator: +3.4%. Total wallets: 205,740;
● 1 new coin created: ZOTOVAVAVTO  (CRR 80%). Total tokens: 384.
