Comparative Decimal blockchain analytics for the period 10.06-16.06 and 03.06-09.06:
● For the period of 7 days: + 10,215 transactions;
Total transactions: 2 456 233.
● Total validators: 85.
37 online, 48 offline.
● Number of blocks added: +107,529;
Total blocks: 21,142,429.
● Reward per block: 1,202 DEL;
● Issue in 7 days: + 110,800,844 DEL.
Indicator: +0.1%. Total emission: 9,319,337,958 DEL;
● Number of delegated coins: + 11,893,645 DEL.
Total delegated: 8,834,082,597 DEL;
● New wallets: +115.
Total wallets: 205,871;
● Total tokens: 384.