Friday’s Digest!

✨ Hello, community!

Let’s recap the results of the past week, and then let’s go have a rest. Friday’s Digest!

Security Audit

Who didn’t see or don’t know, on June 9 there was AMA – session with Nikita Bogorad, where he spoke in details about Decimal blockchain security audit, which was conducted by CertiK. For convenience, a format of live text in Russian was prepared, so there is always an opportunity to learn something new or refresh your memory.


Back in December, we told you that the Binance Smart Chain team, as part of their support for BSC network developers, gave our project the ability to post job openings to find the best blockchain employees around the world. And we, in turn, periodically post actual job openings there. So, if you are confident in your abilities and skills – we are waiting for your feedbacks!


With the blockchain’s recognition and increase in subscribers, attempts by scammers to capture your data are becoming more frequent. A newly created scam group that has been added to all the members of the official group. You – be careful, and we won’t get tired of reminding you of the rules and tips on how to keep yourself and your account safe.