
Multisig wallet or multi-signature wallet – literally means “multiple signatures”. It is a special wallet that requires multiple signatures from its owners. Each of the owners owns a unique private key, without which it is impossible to perform any operation. This is a function in the Decimal console that allows you to start a shared … Read more


One of the basic features of the Decimal blockchain. It is a function to distribute DRC-20 and NFT tokens to multiple wallets simultaneously with a single transaction fee. Multisend saves you a huge amount of time, effort and fees when distributing assets. By taking advantage of the multisend feature you will be able to: ● … Read more

Address format 0x…

While Decimal developers are fixing the problems with blockchain functioning after the transition to EVM, let’s familiarize you with the functionality in the new blockchain. There used to be two addresses on the blockchain: ● d0… – primary; ● 0x… – additional address for cross-chain transactions. Now, the d0 address format is no longer needed … Read more

Decimal functionality update

● The development team is following the plan of fixing minor bugs mentioned in the previous publication and making changes to the blockchain. ● At the moment the issue with correct displaying of additional rewards distribution in Hold status and general data during delegation is being solved. ● The blockchain may function with errors during … Read more

Blockchain update and Decimal Wallet app

On September 4, the global update of mainnet was completed. ● During the gradual connection of validators to the network, there was a strain on the infrastructure, which led to errors in the validators themselves. As a result, the network is currently unable to accept external information and perform transactions. The team is currently making … Read more

Decimal blockchain update results

A significant step for the blockchain has arrived. On August 1, on its four-year anniversary, the Decimal blockchain started the migration process and September 4 – 95% of the functionality is already running on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). All interactions with the blockchain now go through the EVM, but validator-related functionality will remain on … Read more

Blockchain migration, 99% ready

Sync service synchronized all data, smart contracts configured, tokenomics 2.0 implemented, functionality tested on devnet and tetsnet environment, bugs fixed. Blockchain is ready for EVM transition. During the switchover – the blockchain will be unavailable for 3 hours. Selected time for the update: 08/29/2024 from 13:00 to 16:00 (UTC +3). Please refrain from making transactions.

Blockchain migration news

According to the latest news from the development team, sync-service has completely finished data synchronization on prod environment and is ready for migration. ● But at the moment the migration is postponed due to bugs found during testing related to the implementation of tokenomics 2.0. As a reminder, during the blockchain migration, initiatives will be … Read more

Decimal Digest

● Decimal’s blockchain migration to EVM On August 1, the Sync service was launched, which started the procedure of synchronization into new smart contracts of the current state. The process is in its final stages. Very soon an updated version of the blockchain will be presented. Validation by testers is in progress. We are waiting … Read more

Blockchain migration news

On Sunday evening, the Decimal blockchain synchronization procedure, which was launched on August 1 and is the first phase of the migration, passed a certain milestone and moved on to NFT processing. ● It is important to note that there are now two NFT formats on the Decimal blockchain: 1. The old-style ones that work … Read more