On June 11, Binance hosted an AMA session with Decimal CEO Anatoly Berdnikov. As promised, we have prepared a text format in Russian and English for those who did not have a chance to watch it or it is just more convenient: Text in English. Text in Russian. There were more than 1000 viewers on … Read more
Category: CEO Decimal
On June 11, an AMA session with Anatoly Berdnikov, CEO of Decimal, was held on the Binance live platform. We prepared the AMA-session in text format for those who did not have a chance to watch it or it is just more convenient. Konstantin Ponomaryov and Anatoly Berdnikov were the anchors of the broadcast. What … Read more
Voting on the initiative submitted by CEO Decimal is finished. Since 10:00 MSK 15.03.24 all transactions with your votes are not counted. We will start counting the votes. Expect the results today and thank you for your involvement in the Decimal blockchain development process. 📌 You can also count the votes yourself by looking up … Read more
Community! Voting is down to the wire. One day left until the results are tallied. There are already more than 1400 transactions! On March 15 at 10:00 UTC+3 your votes on the adoption of the initiatives presented by CEO Decimal will be closed. Be sure to send a transaction with any number of DEL coins … Read more
Comparative Decimal blockchain analytics for the period: 26.02 – 03.03 and 19.02 – 25.02 ● For the period of 7 days: + 11,081 transactions; Indicator: +10%. Total transactions: 2 275 192. ● Total validators: 83; 52 online, 31 offline. ● Number of blocks added are: + 107 193; Total blocks: 19,538,975. ● Block reward: … Read more