Comparative Decimal blockchain analytics for the period 04.03 – 10.03 and 26.02 – 03.03:
● For the period of 7 days: + 10,813 transactions;
Total transactions: 2 286 005.
● A new validator was created: BeFree (1% commission)
48 online, 36 offline. Total validators: 84.
● The number of added blocks is: + 107 065;
Total blocks: 19,646,040.
● Reward per block: 1,067 DEL;
● Emissions in 7 days: + 98,329,157 DEL.
Indicator: +0.7%. Total emission: 7,617,901,586 DEL;
● Number of coins delegated: + 86,899,259 DEL.
Total delegated: 7,145,213,738 DEL.
● New wallets: +164.
Total wallets: 202937;
● 4 new coins created in the last week: MSTARH (CRR 12%), MEGABYTE (CRR 45%), MGBCOIN (CRR 15%) и GANJUBASIK (CRR 10%). There are 339 tokens in total.