DecimalChain - real tools, for real use

DecimalChain – real tools, for real use

Today, the world is on the verge of total tokenization. From online games to corporate-level business tokenization solutions, everything requires an individual and careful approach. Many developers offer their products as an affordable way to solve these issues, but also many such solutions become an obstacle for business. The exorbitant cost of entering the market, or a difficult-to-understand tool negates all aspirations to keep up with the times and integrate innovative blockchain solutions into your business.

But there are developers who subtly feel the needs of modern business, and ordinary users. And you do not need to immediately turn your eyes to foreign companies, as there are excellent offers on the Russian market. We are talking about the DecimalChain blockchain project.

DecimalChain is the brainchild of Russian blockchain developers who are behind such famous projects as BitTeam and Crypton. Having launched the blockchain project in August 2020, the team managed to create a unique token constructor based on the Cosmos SDK blockchain, on which more than 150 crypto projects were born.

Based on the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus algorithm, the project released the DEL crypto asset, which is a peer-to-peer currency and the underlying asset of the project, which allowed direct transactions to be made on the network. In terms of its parameters, it is not only not inferior, but in some matters it surpasses its famous counterparts, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. In addition, DEL will not be inferior in performance to PayPal, Visa, MasterCard and others, acting as a payment system.

To date, DEL is traded on such platforms as,,,,, and will soon be presented at

But DecimalChain offered the market a lot more than just the peer-to-peer currency DEL. The thing that the market needed so badly — a unique token constructor. This allowed both companies and ordinary users to create and issue more than twenty tokens for the implementation of their business projects in just one year.

What has been a stumbling block for entering the market and issuing tokens in recent years has turned into an easy and intuitive interface in the capable hands of the DecimalChain team. Using the project designer, now you don’t need to be a genius, or have technical training. The level of a simple user is enough, and a few minutes of free time to issue your token that meets the specified parameters.

Moreover, the issued token is already considered liquid, as it is supported by a DEL reserve, which allows them to be immediately integrated into their projects. The designer console is so simple and clear that neither companies nor users ever have any questions related to its use.

New solutions

But DecimalChain didn’t stop there either. The issue of NFT tokens has now become available on the platform, and this has raised the project even higher in the Russian market.

Thanks to this solution, artists, musicians, fashion designers and other people of art will now be able to issue non-interchangeable tokens to confirm the ownership and authenticity of their works, or various kinds of valuable items.

It was due to the NFTs released on DecimalChain that the «Crisis Design»  Moscow Art Exhibition solved the issue of ownership and authenticity, the Saint Vandals artist and the Legion Group team created a collection of NFT clothes, and online educational institutions confirm the authenticity of the diplomas issued.

Now the team is considering the issue of issuing stab coins, which is eagerly awaited on the market.

This whole journey was done by the DecimalChain team in just one year. But even after that, the blockchain project proved that it can rightfully be considered a third-generation blockchain. DecimalChain has implemented cross-chain solutions.

It is bridges that today allow absolutely different blockchains to interact with each other, making this solution a level 3 solution. DecimalChain has integrated this feature, making such blockchains as Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain fully compatible with itself.

Now DecimalChain users can easily make transactions on Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain using the technology of the «wrapped» token. When using such technology, during a transaction, DEL, for example, does not leave the network, but uses the equivalent token of the blockchain with which full compatibility has been achieved thanks to bridges. This is a solution that both companies and ordinary users have been looking forward to.

Expanding the opportunities of Russian business

As you can see, over the year of its existence, the team of Russian developers has proved that they can seriously compete even with the leaders of the blockchain market. At least in the Russian market, DecimalChain has firmly taken the position of the flagship in the blockchain industry, thanks to the implementation of market needs in simple and effective solutions.

It was the subtle sense of the needs of users in fairness and trust, even at the very beginning of its journey, that made it possible to make all vital decisions in the DecimalChain ecosystem based on the vote of validators. Only those decisions approved by nine validators are valid on the network, which gives all network participants equal opportunities.

To date, the network is supported by 25 validators, both representatives of Russian business and from other countries. An example is the validator supplied by the Asian region. It was thanks to DecimalChain that they launched a crypto project to issue a club loyalty token. Now users of this token are entitled to discounts in all major resorts of Thailand in services such as rental housing, rental vehicles, etc.

The project has not spared even the gaming industry, thanks to which, now a gamer playing for the DecimalChain race in a popular MMO game, not only participates in battles and vital game stages, but also earns cryptocurrency, in the form of DEL coins.

Today, a community of thousands gathered around the project, which is the main mover and mainstay of DecimalChain. The popularity of the project is growing, as is its demand, in this crazy world of universal tokenization. Now you can learn about DecimalChain on the most popular resources of the crypto space, such as,, and And it’s worth a lot!

With all the abundance of blockchain projects offered by the market, it is difficult to find one that would fully satisfy all the needs of businesses and ordinary users. DecimalChain has set itself the goal of providing innovative but easy-to-use tools to Russian businesses and users. And it has achieved it.

Looking back, it is safe to say that Blockchain DecimalChain has opened up opportunities for Russian companies, institutions and ordinary users that were simply inaccessible to them earlier. We hope that DecimalChain will not stop there, and will expand the horizons of its capabilities even further.