Decimal’s Weekly Digest of Blockchain News

Hello, community!

It’s Friday and here you go — a digest of the week’s outgoing news!

Text version of AMA session with CEO Decimal
By your requests, we have prepared a text version of the broadcast that took place on February 8 on Binance Live, where Anatoly Berdnikov (CEO Decimal) answered your questions. We also translated it into English for our international users.

New Youtube videos
The year 2024 started off on fire for cryptocurrencies. Therefore, we prepared a video with TOP 5 Crypto Trends to follow in 2024. Would it be possible to mine Bitcoin while sleeping, using your body’s energy? And for our new users, watch a tutorial explaining how to create a Decimal Wallet.

News from the DDApps team
The BYACADEMY project audit was successfully completed this week. It is already possible to familiarize with the Project Book.
The audit process of EMELYANOV fitness project has been launched. Products undergoing the evaluation process: Coins and Community. DDAPPS channel already publishes information and description of the project.

Wiki updates
Updated validator cards, added contacts and stats. New articles about Backend, Frontend and White Paper have been released. Visually, the Wiki Decimal page has become even more attractive. Authors for new articles and project creators are welcome to contribute to the Wiki knowledge base.

Created 3 new coins: GRAVATAR (CRR 100%), VANCHIBON (CRR 100%) and VANCHINOV (CRR 10%). Total tokens 331. Validators 83. New wallets: +837.