Innovative ecosystems in the blockchain technology market

Innovative ecosystems in the blockchain technology market

Blockchain has already passed the hype stage in the product lifecycle. The rapid pace of Industry 4.0 adoption in many areas underscores this. Undoubtedly, any industry looking for a technological basis for intelligent processes can ignore the blockchain only at its own risk. The Transformation Potential of Industry 4.0 and Blockchain Blockchain technologies, based on … Read more

The History of Blockchain

The History of Blockchain

In the 1990s, various works appeared on decentralized solutions for electronic payments, which laid the foundations for the birth of Blockchain technology: public-key cryptography, P2P networks, and timestamps. Blockchain: The Beginning The first development of a secure blockchain using cryptography, appeared in 1991, under the authorship of Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta. A year … Read more

Mimblewimble: Litecoin's View on Privacy

Mimblewimble: Litecoin’s View on Privacy

Litecoin has implemented the Mimblewimble update, providing some brand new privacy features. Let’s take a brief look today at what Mimblewimble is and what are the implications of its integration for Litecoin. Mimblewimble Update From the very beginning, you will have a question, what happened to the name, what is Mimblewimble? Well, the Litecoin update … Read more

What is a Proof-of-Capacity token?

What is a Proof-of-Capacity token?

Consensus algorithms play a crucial role in blockchain networks and cryptocurrency ecosystems. Proof-of-Capacity (PoC) is an intriguing option, as it allows you to mine through hard disk space. This approach has many advantages, and today this option is being explored in many projects. The purpose of the PoC algorithm While not a standard consensus algorithm, … Read more

Cryptocurrency and retail - is there a chance for the future?

Cryptocurrency and retail – is there a chance for the future?

Over the past year, the US dollar has been rapidly devaluing, and therefore its purchasing power has fallen. While many American citizens are grateful to their government for the financial support it has provided, officials have been widely criticized for printing trillions of dollars and thus deliberately lowering the value of the dollar. Retail and … Read more

Does Bitcoin have a future?

Does Bitcoin have a future?

Bitcoin has been the king of cryptocurrencies for many years. Because of its price, what it represents, and the economic situation. The main question we ask ourselves is: what is its future? What lies ahead of the crypto king The future of the BTC is not easy to imagine, and to be sure of the … Read more

Bitcoin and DeFi are completely different phenomena

Bitcoin and DeFi are completely different phenomena

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications, especially on Ethereum, have become very popular over the past couple of years. Although Bitcoin is a global apolitical means of saving, the main idea of DeFi is to go beyond the creation of a new underlying monetary asset, and to provide a greater degree of decentralization in other areas of … Read more

What is the crypto community so eager for?

What is the crypto community so eager for?

In an era when 5 billion people around the world use the Internet as naturally as electricity, it is obvious that we also need money from the Internet — cryptocurrencies. We need the currency of the Internet, we need the cryptocurrency to become more convenient for purchases and other use cases, other than speculating on … Read more

JPMorgan приглашает к сотрудничеству разработчиков Ethereum и Blockchain

JPMorgan Invites Ethereum and Blockchain Developers to Cooperate

According to a report published by Bloomberg, JPMorgan expressed concern about the recent fall in the Bitcoin exchange rate, and warned investors about a sharp increase in the liquidation of the BTC futures markets. JP Morgan Hires Blockchain Developers Against the background of the fact that the market capitalization of BTC remains above $1 trillion, … Read more

Blockchain in Finance 2021

Blockchain in Finance 2021

Blockchain has introduced radical innovation trends that have had a huge impact on virtually every industry, including finance, supply chain management, and healthcare. Let’s take a look at the trends expected for blockchain applications in finance in Russia in 2021. Blockchain Benefits for the Financial sector About two or three years ago, blockchain startups became … Read more

The level of $70K BTC can be the next

The level of $70K BTC can be the next

Bitcoin rose to $64,863 yesterday. Another ATH from the king of cryptocurrencies does not surprise anyone nay more If the BTC exceeds $65,000, the momentum could push it to $70,000. BTC consolidation continues According to CoinMarketRate, the price of Bitcoin has reached the highest level of value, rising to a high of $64,863. As the … Read more