Почему Bitcoin может быть запрещен или ограничен

Why Bitcoin May Be Banned

Since the cryptocurrency operates without government control, and competes with currencies created by governments, there have always been suggestions that one day it may be banned. Over the past few years, we have seen some important people in various governments criticize Bitcoin. Some governments have even gone so far as to ban it completely or … Read more

The History of Money: the Long Road to Bitcoin

The History of Money: the Long Road to Bitcoin

Before we understand the history of money, let’s first understand what it is. According to Merriam-Webster, it is something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a means of payment and a measure of value. As a rule, people use a banknote to buy something. But often children agree on a desired object, for example, … Read more

Taproot and its advantages for Bitcoin

Taproot and its advantages for Bitcoin

Taproot translates as root, but it has little to do with a plant, it’s a metaphor for how it works. It is rather an algorithm update that hides some details of the transaction, “burying” them like a seed. This is one of the most important Bitcoin updates that has happened since 2017. Then a hard … Read more

Bitcoin Privacy Features

Bitcoin Privacy Features

In an anonymous system, a person’s identity is always hidden. In contrast, Coinmarketrate.com tells us that the Bitcoin system is pseudonymous. And this means that, although no information should be disclosed, a third party can find the identity behind the address. Bitcoin works on the basis of a verifiable and public database containing all transactions, … Read more

What should we expect from the crypto market in 2022?

What should we expect from the crypto market in 2022?

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency markets have been afloat for several weeks, and showed quite good results. Although some coins are skyrocketing upwards, most of them can’t hold on to their achievements. The mood among investors is fearful, many are tense, waiting for a new collapse. So far, Bitcoin has managed to avoid a deeper correction, but … Read more

Who invests in Bitcoin and why

Who invests in Bitcoin and why

There are more reasons to invest in Bitcoin today than ever. Don’t you believe it? Not to mention that according to Coinmarketrate.com BTC is worth around $40k today, there are several more reasons why an investor may consider Bitcoin as a different way of investing, different from the typical assets that he already knows and … Read more

Bitcoin as a store of value

Bitcoin as a store of value

According to the project desctiption published on Coinmarketrate.com, the main problem of Bitcoin is its high volatility that leads to the fact that its price can rise or fall significantly in a matter of days or hours. Thus, in 2014 it lost 58% of its value, and in 2018 – 73%. On the other hand, … Read more

The Anatomy of Bitcoin Fraud

The Anatomy of Bitcoin Fraud

According to a Chainanalysis report, in 2021 alone, scammers stole a record $14 billion worth of cryptocurrency. If you think that this year will be an exception, then you are deeply mistaken. According to Coinmarketrate.com there are more than 10,000 types of cryptocurrencies in the world, and it is logical that this becomes a field … Read more

Why Millennials Own More Bitcoin Than Any Other Generation

Why Millennials Own More Bitcoin Than Any Other Generation

Technology, especially FinTech, does not stand still, and evolution seems to have left behind a leading generation in the field of investment. For example, according to Coinmarketrate.com blockchain technology, which was talked about in 2009, changed the dynamism of finance, as it opened the gates for DeFi, decentralized finance. DeFi is a term for financial … Read more

Future of Bitcoin

Future of Bitcoin

Starting its journey in 2010, Bitcoin reached an important milestone when Laszlo Hanech made the first real transaction, buying two pizzas in Jacksonville, Florida, for 10,000 BTC. Since then, Bitcoin has become an official legal tender in one country, and has received massive institutional support in many countries around the world. Since Bitcoin and blockchain … Read more

On March, 14th, EU to adopt the crypto legislation

On March, 14th, EU to adopt the crypto legislation

This is the last date when the European Parliament will vote on the text prepared in the committee and has already undergone significant revision. Our readers probably remember how many discussions there were on the issue of Bitcoin, some even feared the possibility of its ban. Then the possibility of a ban was removed due … Read more

Digital gold or criminal currency?

Digital gold or criminal currency?

The Regulation on Crypto Asset Markets (MiCA), which is expected to be adopted by the end of 2022, aims to create a uniform applicable structure and harmonize the regulation of crypto markets throughout the EU. Despite many regulatory measures, blockchain technology will continue to offer opportunities for conducting transactions with cryptocurrencies outside of state supervision. … Read more

BTC futures and what are they for

BTC futures and what are they for

Bitcoin futures have recently become one of the “hot” issues. But what is it? What is their purpose, and what do they look like at all? Well, let’s figure it out. Bitcoin futures are similar to futures contracts that we find for some commodities or stock indexes, in the sense that they allow an investor … Read more