Decimal Weekly News Digest

Hello, community! Today is March 8, Friday and you are waiting for a digest of the week’s news. And, taking this opportunity – congratulations to the beautiful half of humanity on International Women’s Day! 💐 Crypto-ladies in our community are a balm on our soul! Thank you for your beauty and support of menText version … Read more

Weird Ancestors of Bitcoin and Blockchain

Weird Ancestors of Bitcoin and Blockchain

October 31, 2008, according to, in Satoshi Nakamoto’s document “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”, an unprecedented technology project was published. The invention of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency and blockchain came in handy: people were just starting to do more and more business over the Internet. At the same time, the financial crisis gave reason … Read more

What to expect from Bitcoin and Ethereum?

What to expect from Bitcoin and Ethereum?

Many cryptocurrency investors are growing concerned about the ongoing bear market and how difficult Bitcoin is trying to reverse the situation. However, those who have been working in this business for many years are used to such events. According to, this is not the first cycle of decline that the cryptocurrency market is facing, … Read more

Bitcoin vs Central Banks

Bitcoin vs Central Banks

According to the Bitcoin project description, located on – this is a cryptocurrency, which, according to the document of Satoshi Nakamoto himself, seeks to become a technology that works without a central authority or bank. Therefore, the question is whether she will be able to abolish them. There are arguments both for and against … Read more

What problems will the Bitcoin blockchain have to solve?

What problems will the Bitcoin blockchain have to solve?

The world needs new money. And not just money, but an innovative digital currency. It won’t happen overnight, but a digital currency without the control of central banks is very useful for society. And such a currency exists now. We are talking about Bitcoin, but… According to the data, the king of cryptocurrencies has … Read more

What will happen when all Bitcoins are mined?

What will happen when all Bitcoins are mined?

Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto decided to limit the total amount of BTC that can exist to 21 million, which means that there will only be that amount of Bitcoins and no more. They are created during the Bitcoin mining process and serve as a reward to miners for their work on detecting the next block. … Read more

Methods of evaluating Bitcoin

Methods of evaluating Bitcoin

Many are trying to predict the price movement of Bitcoin. It is important to remember that none of the forecasts will give us the opportunity to determine exactly when and how high Bitcoin can rise. A task that no one has solved either in the past or in the future. But these are tools for … Read more

What is a cut node

What is a cut node

It is always recommended to run a full node if we want to support Bitcoin and keep the system decentralized. This not only helps the network, but also has other benefits for the participants. But since the Bitcoin blockchain is constantly growing, according to, it has reached the point where its overall size has … Read more

Cryptocurrencies: how can they have value if they don't really exist?

Cryptocurrencies: how can they have value if they don’t really exist?

Many people consider cryptocurrencies as a means to get rich. At the same time, they are able to change the existing order in the sphere of finance, law and bureaucracy. The first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was created fourteen years ago, and since then it has attracted the attention of not only ordinary people, but also countries, … Read more

Halving Bitcoin: 3 Most Important Concepts for Beginners

Halving Bitcoin: 3 Most Important Concepts for Beginners

Bitcoin Halving, means halving the reward for mined blocks. This means that miners receive about 50 percent less Bitcoin for verifying their transactions. Bitcoin halving means that periodically, about once every four years, the number of new BTC created in each block and issued to the miner as a reward is halved. The prerequisite for … Read more

Let's talk about the complicated thing, the BTC nodes

Let’s talk about the complicated thing, the BTC nodes

The general definition of a Bitcoin node is any computer connected to the Bitcoin network. But in reality, everything is not so simple, and it is not enough just to connect to the network from time to time to participate in it. According to, the node has several functions depending on its type, for … Read more

Crypto Legislation and Bitcoin in the USA

Crypto Legislation and Bitcoin in the USA

The leak of information about what is happening in US regulatory circles. If it does lead to more clarity in the cryptocurrency world, it could also support a healthier market, at least according to some commentators. However, this should be taken very seriously, since we are talking about a leak that occurred through an anonymous … Read more

What are Bitcoin batch transactions?

What are Bitcoin batch transactions?

And so, the Bitcoin transaction may be more complicated than many people think. However, this is by no means witchcraft, because anyone who has understood the basics of the Bitcoin network and transaction processing can easily follow the individual steps. Last time we looked at transactions on and off the Bitcoin blockchain, and today we’ll … Read more

Почему Bitcoin может быть запрещен или ограничен

Why Bitcoin May Be Banned

Since the cryptocurrency operates without government control, and competes with currencies created by governments, there have always been suggestions that one day it may be banned. Over the past few years, we have seen some important people in various governments criticize Bitcoin. Some governments have even gone so far as to ban it completely or … Read more

Is it possible to change the maximum offer of 21 million Bitcoin?

Is it possible to change the maximum offer of 21 million Bitcoin?

When Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin, he set a strict limit on the amount of BTC that can exist for this cryptocurrency. According to the data, no more than 21 million Bitcoins will be available for its maximum offer. This restriction, known as the hard limit, is written in the code itself, which is executed … Read more