New Decimal quests in Zealy

  Decimal continues to explore the WEB3 space and in collaboration with, invites you to join. Zealy is an interactive quest space for web3 communities, where users can interact with their favorite projects and earn nice gifts. Complete quests and collect XP, which are the rewards you get for completing quests. Level up every … Read more

Comparative Decimal blockchain analytics for the period 06.05-12.05 and 29.04-05.05:

● For the period of 7 days: + 9,588 transactions; Indicator: +2.2%. Total transactions: 2 371 324. ● Total validators: 84. 42 online, 42 offline. ● Number of blocks added are: +107 575; Total blocks: 20,603,662. ● Reward per block: 1,149 DEL; ● Issue in 7 days: + 105,842,606 DEL. Indicator: +0.2%. Total emission: 8,679,937,513 … Read more

Comparative Decimal blockchain analytics for the period 22.04-28.04 and 15.04-21.04:

● For the period of 7 days: + 10,565 transactions; Total transactions: 2 352 360. ● Total validators: 84. 41 online, 43 offline. ● Number of blocks added are: + 106 618; Total blocks: 20,388,898. ● The reward per block has increased by 31 DEL to 1,149 DEL; ● Issuance in 7 days: + 1,042,56,016 … Read more